Did everyone hear about zoanut? They lost most of their corals. Here is what they posted on FB
13 hours ago
Big alk swing took out about 75% of my stock earlier this week. Was dripping kalk to maintain alkalinity/calcium and the pump clogged. Been working like a dog and just didn’t notice anything was wrong until it was too late.
I will be down for an indeterminate amount of time, possibly indefinitely, I’m not quite certain where to go from here. This is one big shit sandwich. Several of you have already heard me going off the deep end and Shawn is damn tired of talking me off the ledge, so this is something my family and I will need to sort out in the coming days.
And thank you Nick and Shawn for coming right over, rescuing whatever you could from the frag tanks while I was stuck at work, it would have been 100% loss otherwise. You guys are aces.
I talked to nick the other night after he left Justin’s,it looks like the problem is he had a mini cycle of the system.his system is pretty small but he has a big turn over and is adding a lot of water to the system,his nitrates were up around 50ppm. I hope he getting it figured out they are good people with good deals!
I talked to justin today and he said he had an issue with Kalk clogging his topoff and that’s what caused the problem. He will be restocking and getting things back together soon