2022 Delaware Reef Club Coral Show

Raffle Rules:

Raffle announcements will be made through out the show starting at 11 AM.

Place your ticket(s) in the labeled bag for the item you want.

For $1 ticket items one $1 ticket = one drawing opportunity. ONLY $1 tickets allowed for drawing. (In other words do not place $5 tickets in drawing bag)

For $5 ticket items one $5 ticket = one drawing opportunity. ONLY $5 tickets allowed for drawing. (Do NOT place $1 tickets x 5 in bag)

To see the raffle frags visit the various vendors in attendance who have generously donated frags. ReefBum frags are on display by the club since the company is not on premises.

Must have winning ticket to take home raffle prize.

Remember to thank all of our generous sponsors by sending a note and/or patronize their business!

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I saw the pods and phyto that Reef Nerds has
Top Notch
Bugs are crawling all around the bottles snd the phyto is dark green

Coveys frag pack deal is hard to beat!

Can’t find those prices anywhere

His corals are always healthy too

I am getting a couple larger pieces from K&K
Jack has been growing quality SPS for years!

Gary from
Champion Lighting just upped the ante!!!

He sent this as a place holder but will personally deliver a $200.00 gift certificate tomorrow!


We hope everyone had a great time today and picked up some :fire: ! On behalf of the Delaware Reef Club THANK YOU to our generous vendors and donors!

  • Two Little Fishies
  • CaribSea Brands
  • Fluval
  • Donavon A Stout
    *EcoTech Marine and Neptune
  • Nextwavecorals
  • Coveys Coral Cove
  • Frags 2 Fishes
  • Cruz’n Aquatics
  • Reefer Madness
  • Talon’s cove coral and reptiles
  • ReefBum, LLC
  • Treasonous Corals
  • Jason Fox
    *Keim & Keefer Aquaculture
  • Reef Nerd Aquatics
  • Champion Lighting and Supply
  • AlgaeBarn Live
  • Premium Aquatics
    *Fish Broker
    *Adam White & Rafael Diaz

Thank you everyone.

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Looks like fun! Where are the pics of the great things you got!?

Here are a few. I got more frags but haven’t had time to get good photos of them yet.

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