A LOT for sale...

[quote=“Jocephus, post:19, topic:1778”]
I’d be interested in a smaller colony of the shrooms, or if you have other buyers lined up, I’d take a frag or two. Just let me know what you have left after a day or two.


Well, BJ got ya by like 20 min. I know I have at least 2 full size frags ready to go… how does 15$ sound for both?

[quote=“kaptken, post:16, topic:1778”]
On second thawt!! I’ve had a thing for sand sucking gobies lately. I would like to buy the Large Pink Diamond Goby! Is Friday the Pickup day? [/quote]

He is yours Ken. I cant promise that I will be able to catch him Friday, you might have to wait until I sell some of the rock. I will let you know Friday if I caught him… if I do I will put him in a 10g until you can pick up.

[quote=“fishguy9, post:18, topic:1778”]
ok bellamy, u twisted my arm.
i want that big *ss anemone, the 50 dollar shroom rock, and the maroon clown (its the gold stripe from your tank tour pics right?)[/quote]

They’re all yours. And yes, its the big one from the tank tours. She is the best behaved maroon that I have seen… begs for food, but has never actually bit me and doesn’t bully any other fish. Her I should be able to get out fairly easily at night, so if you want you could probably pick up Friday.

[quote=“icy1155, post:21, topic:1778”]
Well, BJ got ya by like 20 min. I know I have at least 2 full size frags ready to go… how does 15$ sound for both?[/quote]

Great man, can I maybe pickup this wknd?

OK Bellamy, let me know when you catch that little sand suckin Goby. They are escape artists. hiding under snail shells in the sand and rock and stuff. PM me with an address too so i can GOOGLE a map to your place. got no idea where you are. but I’ll find the way.

sweet! friday would be tough unless i get off early from “normal” job… workin the bowl from 4 to 8. (tonight/today would actually work better) but if not, any time this weekend. wanted to get it the same time as everyone else just to make it easier on u… i am just jammed up fridays man. lmk

Ok, for people who cant make it friday, we will also be around all day Sunday for pickup. Sending pm’s now.

Ken, I will probably have him tuesday or wednesday… will you be able to come down when I do get him and pick him up then?

Nobody is interested in the two large colonies? I can guarentee that they are worth 2x what we are asking for them… the one green hairy mushroom rock has probably 30 on it, and the red skirt zoas rock is covered with zoanthids, and also has a number of different colored mushrooms on it.

ok, so whats the pick up time today?? apparently i just got freed up for most of the morning. just have a meeting in new castle at 10, afterward i am free until 4. lmk

Bellamy I am kinda interested in the zoa rock colony…I’ve just got to make sure I am within my budget…

Get Eden to chip in some money for it… she really wanted a frag of those zoas, now she can have the whole colony :slight_smile:

[quote=“fishguy9, post:29, topic:1778”]
ok, so whats the pick up time today?? apparently i just got freed up for most of the morning. just have a meeting in new castle at 10, afterward i am free until 4. lmk[/quote]

pm sent.

[quote=“icy1155, post:31, topic:1778”]
Get Eden to chip in some money for it… she really wanted a frag of those zoas, now she can have the whole colony :)[/quote]

I know I know…if you still have it on Sunday, I think I’ll bring extra $$ with me…Is Sunday good?

Sunday is great. Just let me know what time you want to stop by. You need an address/directions?

PM me your address, I think I can find it without issue this time…

[quote=“IanH, post:33, topic:1778”]
I know I know…if you still have it on Sunday, I think I’ll bring extra $$ with me…Is Sunday good?[/quote]

Well, since you werent sure, I sold it to BJ when he stopped by today. Sorry… gotta get rid of this stuff.

No worries, still see ya Sunday.

K. You could always pick up that large hairy mushroom colony :slight_smile:

I’ll still bring some extra cash in case I see something I like :wink:

I’ll take the candy canes. And I’ll be there with extra cash about an hour before Ian gets there just incase. Are you guys up at 8am?