anthias confusion

is a coral beauty anthias actually a female lyretail anthias???

i did some research and i think they are the same but i thought i would ask the pros. thanks brett

Coral Beauty Anthias? Never heard of one. The only coral beauties I know of are angel fish.

I have an octopus nw 200 skimmer on my 120g reef and it works great. Theres a great thread on them and how you can easily mod it to pull well over 30sqfh. Also look into MSX skimmers, that’s what a lot of people run as well. I plan on getting one for my FO tank, they’ve gotten amazing reviews. If your going to go with asm, get a 30% off coupon from TPP, you can save a lot of money buying from them that way! Don’t buy a corallife skimmer, not worth it.

Never wanted to get out Bill. But sometimes finances and being in college forces you too. I should get out of the hobby until I have a steady job and home, but I can’t give it up, love it too much. I swear I have saltwater in my blood, haha.

Any chance of getting a picture of this worm? There are very few that are not reef safe, but it never hurts to check. For the most part if it is pink/purple it should be fine.

General rule of thumb, doesn’t always work, if you do a google search for a fish such as a, “coral beauty anthias” and get 0 hits… generally the animal does not exist.

Were you thinking of the pygmy angle, “Coral Beauty”:

Easy to get mixed up with the names. I was posting online late one night when I was just getting into the hobby and I started asking about how to keep nerf sharks. Just fish was selling a nurse shark at the time and I was actually thinking about buying it. Min tank size there is about 20 olympic size swimming pools. Not sure exactly how that converts into gallons, lol.

Hey, and welcome!

“a good saltwater beginners book or website…”

I wouldn’t spend much time on the forums on this website, but this is a good article to read through if you haven’t already:

As far as books it is difficult to find a good book that includes a lot of general information. I would recommend, “The Reef Aquarium” by Delbeek and Sprung.(the third edition is the newest one) Trouble I have recommending it is that I haven’t yet read 1/4 of it. It is a lot to sort through, but a very good book. Most good LFS(local fish stores) can order it for you.

There are lots of cheapy SW books available that claim they are good for beginners, but I would say the information in them is outdated and very opinionated. If there is a specific topic you would like to read about I could definitely point you to a good source for something a little more specific.

I would start a new thread in the general forum asking again about the aquapods. There are a lot of people on here who have them, but I don’t think any of them have run across this thread yet.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:6, topic:876”]
Min tank size there is about 20 olympic size swimming pools. Not sure exactly how that converts into gallons, lol. [/quote]

I am glad you asked. An Olympic Size pool has 3 main requirements:

“An Olympic Pool must be 25 m wide with a depth of 2.0 m (min) at all parts of the course and must be 50 m in length.”[/quote]

Which would be about 2,500,000 liters
2,500,000 Liters = 660,430.1315932397 Gallons

660,430 gallons X 20 Pools = 13,208,600 gallons

That’s Huge! are you sure they need that much? There was a guy who built a shark tank out of ply and 2x4s that was 1700 gallons for sharks.

good calculation there al … but you forgot one thing …





[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:4, topic:876”]
I swear I have saltwater in my blood, haha.[/quote]

With the amount of time we spend with our hands in our fish tanks it wouldn’t suprise me to find that we can all measure the SG of our blood.

Hmmmm…sounds like a bored Saturday night type experiment.

Ok you do it first Craig then let me know how it goes >LOL< I wouldn’t be surprised either!

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:10, topic:876”]
With the amount of time we spend with our hands in our fish tanks it wouldn’t suprise me to find that we can all measure the SG of our blood.[/quote]

Don’ the police already do that? Oh, wait, you’re talking salt …

[quote=“ronert, post:12, topic:876”]

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:10, topic:876”]
With the amount of time we spend with our hands in our fish tanks it wouldn’t suprise me to find that we can all measure the SG of our blood.[/quote]

Don’ the police already do that? Oh, wait, you’re talking salt …[/quote]

Yes - I am talking the other white, powdery, crystaline substance.

i thougt iv seen something both at pa and petkare1 where the female anthis is labled coral beauty.

i know i am looking for a female anthias

sale was great at the hidden reef for those that didn’t make the trip…dry goods were well worth the trip alone… buckets of salt for $30. their normal prices are better than some around here and the fish tanks were stocked like crazy till 1pm or so… fish factory’s not bad either they had alot of people there that day

Just curious why the female?

I wonder if you’re talking about the one day you came in and I was still acclimating animals. I can’t speak for the other LFS, but just about every other day I clean the old names and prices off of the tanks, but I don’t always get a chance to clean them all off before the shipment comes in. It’s possible there were new animals in the tank with the old name for a couple of hours.(Acclimating that many boxes of fish corals and inverts has to be done carefully. I love the job though, to some it may look like chaos, but it is all careful planned and organized.)

i like the color of it.

ive seen some pics where the male is purple have u ever seen this befor? will they servive better in a group of 3. 1 male 2 females

could i intro 3 same size females at the same time. how would that work out. would they all stay females or would one become a male and the others stay female

Purple queen anthias? I believe I have seen them at a petco before. They weren’t labeled, not like I trust their labels anyway (sometimes that works to my advantage :stuck_out_tongue: ).

i know what the males look like. i just saw a pic of a violet colored one and thought it looked cool. was wondering if it was actually a male lyretail or some random pic

Just wondering If anyone can tell me what this is. There are 2 now since I took these pictures. pretty small the head is smaller than the size of a dime.