Are we just making things worse?!!!

Come on new people, I know that there are more of you out there. Stop in and say Hi, and tell us all what you have/are planning. We are more than willing to help answer any questions.

Moliken — your post on wanting a stand for a 65G has been moved to the Marketplace Forum


me: hi, im mike

group: hi mike…

me: and im and alcholic

oh, wrong board, not AA…shoot

now thats funny right there lOl lOl


Glad you all found us. Feel free to post any questions you might have. This hobby has many conflicting opinions on many diverse topics. If you are getting conflicting info on a topic please post and perhaps we can help you sort through the information and figure out what will work best for you. This is a LOT of combined experience on this board with people from very diverse backgrounds.

No questions? Just post some pics of your tank or even just a description. Share what you’ve learned and the approaches you’ve made to create your own little underwater world.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one worrying about the excess of energy our tanks use and the environmental effects. Just for info, the average Kilowatt hour of power produced in this area also produces about 2 pounds of CO2 when averaged between coal fired, gas turbine and nuclear power generating sources. Burning one 6.4 pound gallon of gasoline produces about 19.4 pounds of CO2. A gallon of diesel contains more carbon and produces more CO2 per gallon which is also one reason why deisel costs more and gets better MPG. more energy per gallon.

there are 139,000,000 square miles of ocean and fresh water cover on the earth. the oceans absorb about 40% of our CO2 emissions in the form of carbonic acid and thus lower the alkalinity of the ocean, and its PH. The 59,000,000 square miles of land ecosystems aborb less than that. and thus CO2 in the air keeps rising about 3 ppm per year now because we burn more than the world can absorb. much higher than in the past. and the planet warms. so we get hot, acidic oceans for the coral reefs to survive in.

So the more fossil generated power we use to run tanks, the more we degrade the climate and oceans. I keep trying to find ways to use less power. but lights and heaters are big eaters. unless we make our own power thru solar or use natural sunlight greenhouses or skylights to suppliment. and of course, every single thing we buy has been producedby fossil fueled power and transported by gas or diesel trucks, and by our cars to bring it home. So T5 lighting with the best reflectors can get the needed lumens with less Kilowatts, and better natural filtration, using only one pump, and cascading back to the tank would save power too. Like Craigs fuge. it feeds the tank by gravity. nice job. but these take more space. maybe some kind of pumping that runs on an air pump? those are low watts.

Oh well, just some numbers to play with.

Ken, airlifts are nice, but for deeper applications (over 6") they get to be a little impraticle. For your shallow frag system they would probably work well, but unfortunatley for our big tanks not so much.