Centrally Meetings

As most of us have already known, the goal for our club that I’m implementing this year is recruiting new premium members. I have discussed with some of the club members about having our meeting in Dover so that our central and lower Delaware members including possible members may attend.

I’ve talked to some local people and the reason why they would not join our club was that we hold our meetings too far away for them to drive (may not be the case for others, but this is what I’ve been told). They also stated that they would join if we have meetings closer by. Since Dover is centrally located and I have discussed this issue with Mike the owner of the Fish Bowl. He graciously allowing us to have our meetings at his store on the second floor.

The feedback that I received from our northern members is that they would drive to attend our meetings as long as people will show up. Apparently from the previous experience with trying to have our meetings centrally, our northern members did show up for the meetings and no one from southern or central bother to show up.

I also know that people are busy and will not be able to attend the meetings, but do not want to use “too far of a drive” as an excuse not to attend the meeting. I think if my family and I can drive up there from Dover for every meeting, others can too. Also we can carpool up if no one wants to drive or save on gas.

I’m not sure if this will be a good idea, but I think it will give us more chances of recruiting more people for our club. I want to make sure that people will attend our meetings once they know of who we are and what we do as a club.

One more note; will southern members only attend the meetings in Dover and not in New Castle and or will northern members only attend the meetings in the New Castle and not in Dover?

I’m starting this poll to get general idea of how many people would attend the meeting whether in Dover or in New Castle from members, people who join us on our website and possible our new club member.

I think its a great idea to have some of the meetings in Dover. I will attend meetings at both locations.

Why not alternate?

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:3, topic:6978”]
Why not alternate?[/quote]

Sorry Jason, I did fail to mention that. It will be alternating every other month, if it works and people attending the meetings.

Personally, i would love to become a premium member but from what i understand i need to be at a meeting to do so. Unfortunately since the meetings are held on Monday evenings theyre a major conflict with my work schedule and i cant make them. Maybe if they were held on a weekend or if tjere was abway to link to where we could pay online like PayPal th en i would sign up in an instant.

Thank you for your interest Sneeyatch. Infact we are working on that PayPal issue with our webmaster as we speak. We want to see if we can incorporate PayPal on to our website; so, that people like you can join our club and be premium members without having to attend our meetings to sign up.

As for Monday meetings. I was planning on bring that subject up at later date to see what others think about it. Still in the works.

Another thing to consider is we take a summer break because of school closing and low attendance maybe we could have June, July and Aug. in Dover.

Nice Idea Hudz. or maybe also a summer beach picnic too.

I would be more likely to attend a meeting in Dover as it would lessen my drive.

[quote=“Hudzon, post:7, topic:6978”]
Another thing to consider is we take a summer break because of school closing and low attendance maybe we could have June, July and Aug. in Dover.[/quote]

I myself wouldn’t mind having meetings in those months. However, in those summer month people do get busy with vacations, family outings, kids baseball games (hint, hint) and other things. I believe as long as people would attend the meeting, we can have it. I’m open for any suggestions on that subject.

I know we have more members and non members that are on this board all the time. Please take time to vote and let me know what you think. I know we have more than 9 people that uses this website. Thank you for voting.

I don’t mind the drive either way - I’m in Middletown, so I’m halfway between and it’s only like a 25 - 30 min. drive. Where I’m from, you can’t go 5 miles without it taking that long, so it’s nothing for me.

Once the Paypal link is set up, make an announcement and I’ll register. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to attend a meeting, I was (still am I guess) very active in my old club and when the time comes, I’d like to share some of the things we used to do for the members in the Virginia Beach and surrounding areas.

Thanks Sneeyatch. We always love new ideas. I’ll definitely let you know when we get the PayPal up and running.

i’d probably even go to a dover meet, just to say hi. or would that be bad for membership?

[quote=“moliken, post:14, topic:6978”]
i’d probably even go to a dover meet, just to say hi. or would that be bad for membership?[/quote]

Not at all Paul - it would be good for some of the newer members to learn about what it was like to have to fight dinosaurs for clams.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:15, topic:6978”]

[quote=“moliken, post:14, topic:6978”]
i’d probably even go to a dover meet, just to say hi. or would that be bad for membership?[/quote]

Not at all Paul - it would be good for some of the newer members to learn about what it was like to have to fight dinosaurs for clams.[/quote]

LOL Craig. We would love to see you Paul.

I am just curious as to how many potential members that live south that haven’t made it north to the current location? Is there enough people to warrant moving it to a different location?or is this just a convenience decision?

I made it to the northern Meeting in November and like the idea of being involved in a club but it is a far drive for me almost 2 hrs. A meeting in dover would shorten the drive and I would likely attend those in Dover if I had nothing else scheduled.

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:17, topic:6978”]
I am just curious as to how many potential members that live south that haven’t made it north to the current location? Is there enough people to warrant moving it to a different location?or is this just a convenience decision?[/quote]

I’m not sure as to how many potential members that live in the south would like to join us at the meeting in the north, but I do know from talking to a few that they would attend the meeting if we have it closer. As I said before, will southern members only attend the meetings in Dover and not in New Castle and or will northern members only attend the meetings in the New Castle and not in Dover? I’m not sure, but I would like to open the meetings to everyone.

Currently other than Karen, her husband, myself and you are the only ones I see at the meeting in the north. Before we had at least 6 people or more that use to drive up for the meetings, but I haven’t seen them in years. Not sure of the situation as to why they don’t show up anymore.

My drive here is not for convenience, but to be able to get southern potential members to join us. I think maybe once they know what we do as a club; they may want to attend the meeting all the time even when it being held in the north.

My recruitment is not just for potential southern members, but potential members everywhere. As you can see from previous meetings as to how many people are attending the meetings. I would like to see our club grow. With more people with more ideas, we can make our club more fun and enjoy able.

This posting is just to see what others think and not necessary will be implemented, but I would like to see new and more faces at our club meetings. Where will our club go if we don’t have more involvement?

Also, right now with the poll I see only 17 voters

I’m a northern member, yes - 10 (58.8%)

I’m a southern member, yes- 4 (23.5%)

I’m a northern member, no - 1 (5.9%)

I’m a southern member, no - 1 (5.9%) I don’t know who this is that voted, but I hope they understand why they voted this way.

I’m a non/possible member, yes - 1 (5.9%)

I’m a non/possible member, no - 0 (0%)

I was reluctant about going to the meetings because they are so far. I am glad I decided to start going. I have met a lot of nice people. They are very informative and have been extremely helpful. I have really learned a lot from them all. In addition the meetings are fun and there are cool raffles!!!

Regardless where the meetings are held (although would be nice to have some downstate ocassionally) I will attend either way.