Cool Youtube Clip

Showing Acros and other corals at really low tide

Yeah Limpits Reef!! That dude has some pretty cool videos. I am personally going to try his simple Maxi-jet mod for some more less directional flow. I have been watching his vids for a while. Another cool vid site is

that is very cool. Of course it makes us look silly when we talk about the “needs” of SPS corals

Its amazing that we (ok well some of us) have such trouble keeping these sps corals that can handle being out of the water in the sun for hours at a time.

And I thought the temp of my tank going up to 92 for an hour was bad :wink:

I telll you what, someone take one of the prized SPS colonies and set it on your back porch for a couple of hours in the middle of summer. Bring it back in, throw it in your tank, and tell me what ya got!

Im amazed at the way people time and time again draw conclusions about the aquarium hobby based an facts and events viewed in the natural habitat.

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:5, topic:909”]
I telll you what, someone take one of the prized SPS colonies and set it on your back porch for a couple of hours in the middle of summer. Bring it back in, throw it in your tank, and tell me what ya got!

Im amazed at the way people time and time again draw conclusions about the aquarium hobby based an facts and events viewed in the natural habitat.[/quote]

Ahh but is it because it is somehow less tolerant, or that they just arent used to it?

Anyways sorry for the hijack. Cool video.

Its because no matter how hard we try, we still dont come anywhere close to siimualting their natural environment. It simple silly to try and draw conclusions this way.

I’m sure there is TONS of die off everytime that happens, but the harmful chemicals from the die off are simply dilluted by the billions of gallons of water. I’m sure you can do that with the right kind of SPS in your tank. Provided you do TONS of water changes after they come back in the water.

Cool video, thanks for sharing!

"It simple silly to try and draw conclusions this way. " I agree if you don’t consider all the factors involved. Ignore certain pieces of information and you really aren’t learning.

There are tons of things we CAN learn from the wild and it’s “silly” not to look at the fact that Yellow gorgonians come from deeper waters… so they might not tolerate a lot of light and may feed off upwelling and needs lots of food. Many stony corals grow in different forms based on if they come from high flow areas or low flow areas and certain species just about require this or they grow unnaturally and there growth and coloration is stunted. I agree we can’t exactly replicate everything from the wild, but I really think we shouldn’t ignore where these creatures evolved to live in for thousands of years.

I agree with IanH that just because those acros were found in those conditions doesn’t mean they survive long term that way or that it is the healthiest place from them to be. Acros spread like crazy because of the structures which break when there are waves crashing down on them and they regrow the break off in no time at all. One important thing which was learned from the wild is that these acros survive this, but never ever land perpendicular to the bottom. If you just throw a stick of acro into you’re high flow tank it will not just stand up, so why do we glue them this way? We shouldn’t they grow A LOT faster if we attach them parallel as if they are laying down.

TONS we can learn from this video and by visiting the wild, just have to consider all the variables.(which agreeably most hobbyist won’t)

well i guess i am in market for a new tank. 55 gallon is leaking out of seam. and has few scratches so it is gone…what sizes of tanks will fit 48 x 12 stand? any really tall tanks that size? or am i doomed for a standard 55?

aslo does anyone have an aquapod 28gallon they want to sell? if so hit me up asap. i will sell my 55 stand light and canopy with wet dry if i go this route. i would let all this go for $175 i been wanting to do something different anyway so now is the time i guess. i will be up for awhile now draining this dang tank.

i think someone makes a 33 gallon long tank that fits that footprint. The dimensions are something like 48x12x12…i used to use one as a prop tank. If you are interested the guy that took it from me isnt using it and probably would sell it to you.

If glenn isnt interested I may be. How much do you think it would cost?

Actually that size is available in a couple custom sizes like a 33 gallon (48x12.5x13), 45 long (48 x 12½ x 17 Tall), 67 gallon (48 x 12½ x 25 Tall), and the standard 55.

[quote=“icy1155, post:14, topic:909”]
If glenn isnt interested I may be. How much do you think it would cost?[/quote]

not sure, ill see if he wants to sell it. i have a 30 gallon tank drilled with bulkheads if anyone happens to be interested (25 bucks), just taking up space in the basement.

anyway, back on topic…i never knew there were that many tank dimensions with that footprint.

icy its yours buddy. i am holding out for a aqua pod or something else. will just keep rock and sand till i get another setup. atleast the 90 reef will have a bigger cleanup crew now.

Ok, I wanted you to have the first shot at it. Those dimensions should make a really nice frag tank.

jasert if you dont mind finding out if he wants to sell it that would be awesome. I have been looking for something around those dimensions.

[quote=“icy1155, post:18, topic:909”]
Ok, I wanted you to have the first shot at it. Those dimensions should make a really nice frag tank.

jasert if you dont mind finding out if he wants to sell it that would be awesome. I have been looking for something around those dimensions.[/quote]

I’ll let you know what i find out.

Damn icy! Beat me to it. :stuck_out_tongue: