doubled volume.... my new 180 setup

well, moved the 90 setup into a new home. picked up a 180 for cheap, and was finally able to put a tank in a wall. quick rundown on hardware. 180 drilled. 4-1" bulkheads in the bottom. (wouldnt of been my first choice, but i went with it) 29 gal sump, bought on the forum with baffles. mag 18 return pump, tee’d at the top for dual direction flow right from the middle of the tank. using 3-1" returns, one on each end and one right in the center. just a filter mat and live rock in the sump, and an aqua-medic turbofloater 1000 I/T skimmer. 3-150w halides, 12k bulbs. 2- actinic p/c’s 96w and 2-10k p/c’s 96w. 4 led moonlights. moved all of my aragonite and rock from the 90. most of the water as well, since it was pretty good parameter wise.
built the stand, framed the wall, braced the floor, mounted/plumbed/filled and ran the tank. trimmed the wall (almost done) and here ya go. with 4 little fish and some frags.
(and of course, pauls gorgonian!!!)

Looks good, the pillars hide the stand pipes pretty well.

How about a sump shot?

ya know, try as i may… it was kinda tough getting one. the tank/sump itself is in a long closet. i will give it another shot for ya

[quote=“Jocephus, post:2, topic:1565”]
Looks good, the pillars hide the stand pipes pretty well.[/quote]

i figure, eventually the algae/coraline and whatnot will cover them and the back of the tank. right now, one little algae blenny is keeping them sparkling clean!!!

that’s a beauty. hope he stays happy.

[quote=“fishguy9, post:4, topic:1565”]

[quote=“Jocephus, post:2, topic:1565”]
Looks good, the pillars hide the stand pipes pretty well.[/quote]

i figure, eventually the algae/coraline and whatnot will cover them and the back of the tank. right now, one little algae blenny is keeping them sparkling clean!!![/quote]

Oh yeah, you won’t notice them at all in a few months. You should get some green star polyp frags and glue them to the pipes. I’ll bet they’d shoot right up! That would look cool.

star polyps huh? mmm, pretty sure i saw a few pieces in my sisters tank… Saint:)

here’s a tentative stock list
so far: algae blenny
bi color/flametail blenny
2 occi’s
cleaner shrimp
brittle star

hope list:
naso tang
hippo tang
sailfin tang
moorish idol
queen angel

and i think that will top it off. stay tuned. may be my biggest challenge yet! lol

Looking good so far BJ. I like the pillars. Can’t wait to see this tank in a year or two full of corals and fish!

Looks pretty nice so far!!

coming along i c.

thanks all!! just waiting on the coraline to spread… lol wise woman once told me “only bad things happen fast in a reef tank” Saint:)

Very nice setup

[quote=“fishguy9, post:12, topic:1565”]
thanks all!! just waiting on the coraline to spread… lol wise woman once told me “only bad things happen fast in a reef tank” Saint:)[/quote]


Looks like its coming along nicely. Cant wait to see it once its all grown in.

new fts w/ the last piece of rock added…

moonlights… (kinda wierd really)

some of the stock moving in… can never seem to get new naso’s eating. :-?

a couple frags planted…some zoo’s, shrooms, and some star polyps!!!

Looking good. Still waiting to see a sump pic. “What’s under the hood?”

“moorish idol” personally I would stay away from them. If you do a search you could probably find several hundred people who has spent the money and failed to keep them and about 2-3 people who kept one for a decent amount of time. Even the Camden aquarium keeps one on desk incase the one in the display tank dies, so no one notices.

Have to say I am really jealous. Your tank dwarfs my 75g.

What type of sand are you using?

believe me, i have done more research than i can take on the moorish idols. and i know the deck is stacked against me, but i gotta try. won’t be anytime soon, but eventually i am gonna pull the trigger. i mixed regular aragonite with the carib sea black live aragonite and black sand. pretty mixed up really. and the sump pic i am working on. just cant figure out how to get a shot with such a narrow space. nothig real fancy raeally, some drain lines into a bio box full of live rock. a few baffles, a skimmer and a return pump. all jammed into a 29gal tank. but i will see what i can do

Looking good! Morish Idols are more then likely something to stay away from. I understand you wanting to keep one, if you do, I have heard good things about Rods food with idols. There are quite a few people on RC keeping them. Also collection practices are key! I would only buy from someone with proper collection techniques, and I don’t just mean netting, more like feeding constantly while in holding etc etc. There was some good reads on RC, I was considering one but just don’t have the tank for it. My reef would probably get destroyed and my FO is too aggressive. Good luck though, post updates of the 180g when they come! Hope the frogspawn is doing good!

doing real good, thanks. bought another “octopus” frogspawn. kinda different but cool anyhow. i will get some pics together tomorrow. think i am finally done with the rockwork finally, and some new stock to show off!