DRC BBQ 2009/Eating meat

The DRC BBQ will be on Saturday August 29, 2009 at 4pm. Steph and I will be hosting it at our house. This will also be a combo tank tour as well for those interested.


Our mailing address is Newark, but we are located close to the Glasgow Park. Please shoot meet a Private Message to RSVP and I will respond with my address, directions, and cell phone number.

More info including a car pool sign up and info about the food will be coming so make sure you are subscribed to this thread and check back.


I know where you are at. So consider me one confirmed guest on the list.
Hey , you will do a water change before the Q? Wont you? to make things look good. I know it’s tough
when your working a real job and all.

Welcome to the real wurld!

And thanks for the invite.

Uhhh? What should we bring? Is it a roll your own Burn event? I’m good at Santa Maria Style Beef Ribs.
How many Q’s we need?

I have too work. Will see if I can find a switch

I’ll be there. Will bring at least the wife with me.

Kid friendly event?

Lindsay and I would like to go! We have to see what that weekend looks like, but if all is good we would love to be there and meet some of the people in DRC! :slight_smile:

If we can go, what would you like us to bring?

OO and we will need directions :slight_smile:

Thank you Jon!

Ill be there. Probably +1. Let me know what i can bring.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:1913”]
kid friendly event?[/quote]

I’ll be there. I will need directions. I can bring a dish maybe potato salad or home made mac & cheese. Just let me know.

Kid Friendly? I hope so. kids are funny. They make me feel like a kid again too. and if they come with you, you dont need a baby sitter. Which is a Big plus for attendance. Ehh?

Ok from years of taking friends and their kids out fishing on my old boat, I know how to keep them entertained. Bring a bucket of Minnies for them to try and catch and play with. I’ll stop at the bait shop on the way. Two dozen minnies please! Old capt. trick. then after they each catch one with their bare hands(that can take forever), put each minnie in a plastic cup of water and have the kids race around the impromtu yard obstacle course without spilling the minnie or having it jump out of the cup. That Should be fun to watch.

I like pot luck events. Get to taste all the good stuff other people know how to make that I don’t.

[quote=“kaptken, post:9, topic:1913”]
after they each catch one with their bare hands(that can take forever), put each minnie in a plastic cup of water and have the kids race around the impromtu yard obstacle course without spilling the minnie or having it jump out of the cup. That Should be fun to watch. [/quote]

You are a slightly twisted individual – I love the idea!!! My daughter liikes to go fishing with me just so she can play in the bait bucket.

Cool, Eden and I should be there as long as the schedule permits, we can bring a dish probably, my mom makes some amazing stuff.

me too maybe plus 1. would a list of what people are bringing help take a load off you, jon? that way there’s be lotsa stuff. mmmmmmmmminnows.

I’m waiting for an official decision as to if the club is buying food and how much to see what people might be able to bring. I will post soon as I can and greatly appreciate the offers.

This will be a kid friendly event, but keep in mind Steph and my place may seem a little boring as we don’t have a play set with in site of the back yard(there is one across the street), and we don’t have much to do. Perhaps we can just sick them all on Ken. Ken if I provide the face paint would you come dressed as a clown and do magic shows? Lol

yup, the minnie bucket calmed down many a friends kids afraid of going out on the boat. But soon as they focus on the minnies, they forget all about the boat leaving the dock, and rockin on the waves. And once they proudly catch one, we bait their hook, and Voila! They are soon catching their first fish! Just a little misdirection.

Uhhh, you do have a bit of back yard? Right? Must have for the barbeques.

Dressing up as pirates, clowns and stuff is Ian’s department. He’s already got the costumes and props. Only magic tricks i know is making food disapear.

Oh, Say. since we will all be getting together. We could have a:

[move]FRAG SWAP!!![/move]

You know, bring a frag, pick a frag, by drawing for pick order.

I have a small back yard however there is no fence between my yard and other yards. On one side there is currently no one living there and hopefully it stays that way at least until the end of August. It will work.

a great idea, everyone with kids (get a kid head count to see if its worth it) and rent a moonbounce from somewhere, there is a place i forget where

Anyone else?

As far as the moonbounce goes I think that would fill my back yard. While it is ok if the people spill over into the neighbors yard while standing I’d rather not put tables, chairs, or a giant inflatable fun house on their yards, lol. Maybe next year if we have it at someone’s home who has more room and we have a large number of kids attending.

I hope everyone doesn’t hold their exptations too high as far as what is in my basement. Have to realize my budget and time have been extremly limited for many years now.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:18, topic:1913”]
As far as the moonbounce goes I think that would fill my back yard. While it is ok if the people spill over into the neighbors yard while standing I’d rather not put tables, chairs, or a giant inflatable fun house on their yards, lol. Maybe next year if we have it at someone’s home who has more room and we have a large number of kids attending.

I hope everyone doesn’t hold their exptations too high as far as what is in my basement. Have to realize my budget and time have been extremly limited for many years now. [/quote]

Forget the moon bounce, Bust one of the tanks and have a slip and slide

HJack My buddy had his engagement party yesterday and did slip n slides wooo! :BEER BoNg :BEER

I also managed to cut my finger open slipnsliding with the keg…

Whats the food status? Whos bringing what?