Does anybody have a shirt company? 1st annual drc fragswap teeshirts! I’m also able to be helpful if needed.
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:20, topic:3308”]
Anyone wishing to help out with the organization of this event is welcome to send me a PM with any ideas you may have or specialties you have to offer. I am horrible at delegation so please feel free to volunteer >LOL<
I know we can use a list of potential sponsors / corporate vendors and contact information, so if anyone has a database of marine vendors lying around I’d be happy to use it to start begging for stuff for the raffle.[/quote]
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[quote=“Pat B, post:22, topic:3308”]
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:20, topic:3308”]
Anyone wishing to help out with the organization of this event is welcome to send me a PM with any ideas you may have or specialties you have to offer. I am horrible at delegation so please feel free to volunteer >LOL<
I know we can use a list of potential sponsors / corporate vendors and contact information, so if anyone has a database of marine vendors lying around I’d be happy to use it to start begging for stuff for the raffle.[/quote]
You can start with
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I kinda meant companies that are not currently sponsoring our club. I will reach out to the current sponsors after the new year. I just hit them all up for donations for the calendar, and in January I am going to ask them for a donation for the 2012 club year, as well as the swap…so I don’t want to dip in to our sponsor well oo frequently.
So are we talking about different vendors we have ordered from online? Like aquacave, champion lighting, dr. Foster, brs?
Of course Drs. Foster & Smith are already on board, as is Champion Lighting ;D
Ok cool I’ll pm names and numbers!
If you can find them please include email addresses.
I’m going to be working on filling my new frag tank the next couple of days. Have to make sure things are plenty healed and growing before the big day!
My frag tanks pretty full at this point. Anyone else fragging and prepping for the big day?
I’m working on working on it…
Its getting close though ::
I’m curious how many people we’re having (club members) setting up tanks to sell frags at the swap?
I know i will be, i’m trying to start working on it now so i can have a descent little spread.
I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of peoples stuff, and hoping everyone is able, and wants to participate (and make some money!) Or at least show up, and grab an inexpensive frag or two, or 10…
Also, for those of you that have just a couple frags to sell, and its not worth it to setup a whole tank, maybe you can “rent” space in someones display, or a couple of you can team up… just a thought, i’m trying to figure out now what i’m doing for a tank/lighting for this shin-dig. I imagine it’ll be a first for most of us…
Anybody have their setups planned out yet?
BTW Clam people… I’m doing my best to make sure we’ll see some clams for sale at our swap.
Since I don’t have room in the house for a frag tank. I won’t be participating in the swap, but I will be there to help the club (where ever you guys need me) and do some purchasing.
I need to set up another frag tank. no room in the old ones and more frags coming in from the swap at the end of the month. im going to order an LED light for it. help it along. i have that 30x18x12 frag tank to use soon as i slap together a stand for it.
I don’t have anything I can really frag right now because my tank is fairly new, but I’ll be attending to buy lots of goodies. PBJ!
Also, I’m willing to help out in any way if any helps needed to help setup or anything.
If anyone needs to borrow a tank for a frag setup let me know. I have tons of extra tanks in various sizes not being used right now.
I’m hoping to be able to get enough frags together to set up a small tank. I’m not planning on having too much as I imagine I’ll probably be very busy that day.
We need a lot of help for the swap, much of which we’ll discuss Monday night. We’re going to need greeters at the door to take money and stamp hands, we’ll need people to sell raffle tickets, people to clean up spills, people to talk about how great the club is, etc.
Then of course the people to set up, clean up, break down etc.
I don’t believe I’ll be setting up a tank. I’ll have a ton of frags, but probably just list them on frag swapper a week or so before the event and only bring what sells. I’ll have a good bit ready by that point.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:36, topic:3308”]
I don’t believe I’ll be setting up a tank. I’ll have a ton of frags, but probably just list them on frag swapper a week or so before the event and only bring what sells. I’ll have a good bit ready by that point. [/quote]
Think you’ll be missing a great opportunity to promote terrreef.
jon, the fragswaps ive attended all had people w/ no tanks, but they all brought tanks, j/i/c they had to wait a while or for whatever reason. i also think that promoting t/r there is a great idea
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:35, topic:3308”]
I’m hoping to be able to get enough frags together to set up a small tank. I’m not planning on having too much as I imagine I’ll probably be very busy that day.
We need a lot of help for the swap, much of which we’ll discuss Monday night. We’re going to need greeters at the door to take money and stamp hands, we’ll need people to sell raffle tickets, people to clean up spills, people to talk about how great the club is, etc.
Then of course the people to set up, clean up, break down etc.[/quote]
Let me know what you need for help Mr. Prez. Should we have a position post up and sign up sheet? LMK
I want to talk about the swap Monday night, I am definitely going to start a sign-up thread for people who can help.
Specifically we will need people that can be at the school at 8am to help set-up, and people who can be there after 3 to clean up. We will need people to handle money at the door, sell raffle items, keep an eye on the raffle items to make sure nothing walks, clean up as the day goes on, etc. etc. etc.
If anyone has ideas on what needs to be done, what they can do to help, or what might be missing I’m open for suggestions.
I do know we need someone who can look in to getting shirts made up for the event, we can decide if we need shirts to sell, or just for members to wear so attendees can find club members.
We have 42 people currently registered on fragswapper that are going to be there so I think it’s going to be a fairly big deal…hope so anyway.