DRC Frag Swap 2012

There are lots of tables there obviously. If you set up a bunch of tables against the wall to show off the raffle items you may want to bring a rope and some sort of stands or something to keep people standing back from the raffle items. You don’t want 2 people watching 30 people standing over three tables picking up and checking out the different raffle items… Just a thought if it hadn’t come up already.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:41, topic:3308”]
There are lots of tables there obviously. If you set up a bunch of tables against the wall to show off the raffle items you may want to bring a rope and some sort of stands or something to keep people standing back from the raffle items. You don’t want 2 people watching 30 people standing over three tables picking up and checking out the different raffle items… Just a thought if it hadn’t come up already. [/quote]

Good suggestion Jon. I was thinking the same thing.

I think we should try to switch people’s “jobs” at the swap too. That will keep you from having to stand over the raffle table for 7 hours strait.

I’m sure the officers are working behind the scenes of the forum as well on the swap, but I thought I would post some notes from the meeting related to the swap.

Some ideas that came up:
- Change in auction type from our norm.
Tables will be placed in front of the tables that have the raffle items to keep hands away from the items. A small container, mini bucket will be placed in-front of each item so you put your ticket into the container representing the item.(someone should boldly print the item namea(AND SPONSOR THAT DONATED IT, also bring a bold sharpie and spare paper for last minute items to be added) Some items will be draw throughout the day. A list of many of the items should be posted weeks in advance to help drum up excitement. When the items are drawn if the ticket holder needs to be present/how long we give them to claim their item should be worked out ahead of time and shared. As items are drawn, what they are and who they were sponsored by should be shown on a projector. If many items will be drawn at the same time(like at the end of the day) then someone should write down the winning ticket number(possibly in excel, so it can be shown on the projector) this way if we give people 5 minutes to claim the prize you won’t need to call the number over and over again and everyone can still see it.
- Someone will be looking into selling towels with our logo on it.
- Someone will be looking into getting food sponsors(Pizza, WaWa, Grottos Pizza, Duncan Donuts…) (warm food cannot be sold, but we could give it away)
- We may have baked goods and cheap sodas there (possibly for sale)
- SomeoneJon will be looking into getting lanyards from a sponsor
- We don’t yet have a budget for the swap.
- Someone will be watching the door to make sure those who enter have paid
- Someone will collect money at the door $X for members, $X for non-members, $X for members who volunteer.
- Someone will be signing people up for DRC memberships at the door.(possibly the same person as above part of the day, but two people during a morning rush?)
- Two someones will be watching raffle items
- Someone will be selling raffle tickets
- Someone will be drawing raffle tickets
- Someone will help the vendors find their proper spot or answer questions they have?
- Someone will be keeping an eye on the food?

At least two cash boxes will be needed(front door/membership, and raffle tickets, if we plan to sell food, towels, or shirts it needs to be decided if three or more cash boxes are needed or who is doubling on selling more than one thing)

Obviously “someone”s needs to be filled in. Perhaps this thread can be modified and used as a sign up. One idea would be to have people work a certain thing for 30 minutes or an hour and then rotate if they would like to. If someone works 30 minutes they get half price entrance, if someone works an hour entrance is free, if someone works two hours they get free entrance and a raffle ticket…(Just an idea for the officers to work out)

Marty had a projector, but who will bring a computer?

Something I remember from previous swaps. EVERYONE who is working the swap should know where the closest ATM is. If we won’t to help the vendors do well so we can do this again next year, help the people spend their money.

Thanks Jon,

I appreciate the recap and the suggesitons. You’ve got some great ideas here.

as i have a new setup… I have nothing to frag. Count me in as a volunteer to handle whatever you need. I can be there as early as needed, I’m usually up by 5 am. YahoO

[quote=“Gordonious, post:43, topic:3308”]
Something I remember from previous swaps. EVERYONE who is working the swap should know where the closest ATM is. If we won’t to help the vendors do well so we can do this again next year, help the people spend their money. [/quote]

I’ve seen the small portable ATM’s at carnivals before, it would be nice to have one right inside the swap. I’ll look into it.

That would be awesome.

Another idea. If someone could stop by a flower shop or a grocery store and see if it would be possible to order 10 clownfish helium filled balloons… I could bring buckets with a gallons of water in each to help tie them down(or we can check next month to see if there is something to tie them to, but having salt buckets around might symbolize the swap just as much)

Two at the entrance to the high school. Two outside the main doors. Two by the doorway leading into the cafeteria. If the school happens to have a play that day or some other event going on we don’t want people paying to get into a basketball game or musical or something and then realizing they went into the wrong place…

Did anybody ever make it down to the fishbowl to ask for assistance?

Yes, I was in to talk to Terry yesterday

I bet that went well.lol

I don’t think it went poorly, but when you have a store an you’re the only employee it’s hard to get away to set up at a frag swap. We’re still talking about her maybe donating something for the raffle which would bring some additional advertising for the store.

Will we have a computer with internet access at the event?

Unfortunately, I don’t own a laptop. But I was planning on setting up a Clownfish Sushi display with several of my designer clownfish for sale. I don’t know that people will have enough cash on hand so if we had a computer it would allow someone to pay using Paypal right there at the event.

[quote=“ClownfishSushi, post:52, topic:3308”]
Will we have a computer with internet access at the event?

Unfortunately, I don’t own a laptop. But I was planning on setting up a Clownfish Sushi display with several of my designer clownfish for sale. I don’t know that people will have enough cash on hand so if we had a computer it would allow someone to pay using Paypal right there at the event.[/quote]

Now THAT is a good idea. I bet no other frag swap would let you pay by paypal. Better then knowing where the ATM is, and lets the “little guy” take credit cards. :GEEK: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:6, topic:3308”]

I bumped the announcement thread. It hasn’t had activity since December.

I believe the iphone has some sort of credit card app. Dont know anything about it, but might be worth looking into it.

[quote=“hondacbr600rr, post:55, topic:3308”]
I believe the iphone has some sort of credit card app. Dont know anything about it, but might be worth looking into it.[/quote]

Iphone does have an app for it, but you have to buy the card swipe divice for it to work. Don’t know how much that cost though.

A lot of them will provide the swiper free, but you have to get it through a CC processor company, if you already have an account with a CC processor just contact them.
There are also a ton a PayPal apps available for smart phones.

“Unfortunately, I don’t own a laptop. But I was planning on setting up a Clownfish Sushi display with several of my designer clownfish for sale. I don’t know that people will have enough cash on hand so if we had a computer it would allow someone to pay using Paypal right there at the event.”

There is a good chance there will be a computer there the officers will be using for presentations via the projector, or for advertising for sponsors, or for recording raffle winning tickets. I don’t believe it would be wise to interrupt a raffle at the end of the day so someone can type in their credit card number on the projector… :wink:

May be best to find a friend that has a laptop you can use.

The laptop isn’t the issue. The issue would be internet access for it to access Paypal.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:59, topic:3308”]
The laptop isn’t the issue. The issue would be internet access for it to access Paypal.[/quote]

Jon raised a good point. It might just be easier for me to borrow a laptap and have it set up at my display anyway.