Duncan for sale

Well Bellamy keeps pushing me to sell off some things and my gf keeps pushing me to find money to pay bills, so as a result I’m going to be selling off a couple of things. Keep posted to the Market place here on DRC I’ll post the frags here first before hitting the other boards. I hope to bring all the frags to the next DRC meeting so I don’t have to set up 6 other meetings some where else at a different times, but I won’t bring anything unless I know someone is ready to pick them up and coming for sure.

First coral I am going to unload has took me a good bit of work to grow out.(lots of spot feeding to dramatically increase growth) These are not a picky coral at all and seem to be very hardy. When I purchased it I paid $19 for a single unmounted polyp.

Looking at 8 other sources(retail and hobbyist forum sales) I figured out an average price per head costs about 17.73.(this includes the dirt cheap prices Andy and I found this year at the NJRC frag swap which brings down the average) When someone said they had 2 full heads and a small head I would calculate there price per head by dividing the price of the frag by 2.5. The piece I am selling has four full heads and two small heads. This would make the frag worth ~$88.64, but is not what I will be selling it for to DRC members.

I will be selling the frag for $45.00.

This page has pictures of the mother colony and the frag I am selling. As well as a little more information about Duncans.

It will be probably a year before I have another frag of this ready as I want to let my colonies grow out more.


very nice man if only i was rich…lol great buy but i will not be able to purchase maybe next time you do frag them i would like to buy 1 head.

Jon, I might want.

For those who like to shop and save:
That Pet Place

Duncanopsamma axifugia
“Cultured Whisker Coral” - 1-3 polyp $79.99
Cultured Whisker Coral - 3+ polyp $99.99

  • tax
  • gas
  • time

In their defense the stalks on theirs look a little larger in the image, but with feeding these things grow fast enough it really doesn’t matter.

Figures, you pick the one thing that I already have :wink: Awesome buy for someone… these things are really beautiful in person.

I’ll take it, bring to the meeting?

Going… going…

Sold to the man driving the yellow bike. verdict_in

while we are on this subject, what else do you have for sale? frags?

Next one up FS/FT.


Im calling dibs now on the next one!!

Will be a while, but I’ll let you know first. No worries though, they may be rare in the wild, but they aren’t in the hobby. DPA has some aquacultured frags from time to time, but they are a bit larger and a bit pricier.

I’ll get to work gut loading mine to get it to grow out faster.

just a thought any way you could frag and sell by the single head because i would def be intrested

A single head which would be able to survive on it’s own would have to be pretty large and I would have to cut other polyps off of it. It would also be unattached or just recently glued down. So probably not and if so, it would be a while as I don’t want to cut the ones I have up until they have a while to grow back. Sorry.

Sure you want this ugly thing? jk Took this pic a minute ago.

Lol what you don’t wanna sell now?

Sniff sniff, suppose I have got to let them go at some point. It likes to eat a mixture of Daphnia, Cycolopeze, Marine Snow, VitaChem, Mysis shrimp, and golden pearls and I’ve seen it take in krill before but I’m not 100% sure it digested it fully. Not that you really have to get all that stuff, just saying it seems to be happy with all that.

gordon i want the duncan you are selling

Ian called this one, Shawn has dibs on the next, and I’ll put you in line after him. Though, like I said, it will be a long time before I am ready to give up more frags. You are better off speaking with your LFS and asking if they can order you one. Try to get an aquacultured one if you can though.


[quote=“Gordonious, post:18, topic:1015”]
Ian called this one, Shawn has dibs on the next, and I’ll put you in line after him. Though, like I said, it will be a long time before I am ready to give up more frags. You are better off speaking with your LFS and asking if they can order you one. Try to get an aquacultured one if you can though.


If Jon will instruct me on the best way to frag these I could get one for you. I have 10 heads right now, and I think they all have babies starting on them.

You want to know the best way or the way I did it, lol. We can talk about it after the meeting, if not remind me here later.