Exciting NEW Corals

As usual, we will be posting new corals on our site daily this week.



Here are just a few examples:

Aussie Trachyphyllia


Bizarre Favia

Echinophyllia Chalice

Echinophyllia Chalice


Echinophyllia Chalice

Green tip Seriatopora

Triple Frag LE Montiporas

Wow… I want that last one. That looks like all 3 different types of monti cap that I was going to have special ordered when we made our trip down there. Fireball, green and the Indigo cap. Nice…

Wow the colors are amazing

Reefgeek.com good people to deal with. How’s everything going with your tanks? Have any frags for me yet? :slight_smile:

Reefgeek is great, I’ve worked with them before. Next time I would check your LFS though. You could have got the UV bulbs cheaper, plus you wouldn’t have to pay for shipping, plus you wouldn’t have had to wait for them, and you could have supported your LFS which is struggling.

My tanks have just barely been kept alive. They are on the back burner while I search for a “real job” now that I am in the “real world”.

BTW anyone have $300,000 I could borrow? :smiley:


If you move that decimal place over 5 places, I could help. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still would have needed the ati bulb tho, shipping would have been the same regardless. Where you looking to get a job at? I need a BS job until I’m done school. Tell ya what, you get a real job and I’ll take your current job haha. I’m assuming the 300k is for a house?

Al, I’ll take you up on that $3, I’m poor, haha, jk. I am poor tho! When’s the 210 getting set up?

Whats you paypall, Ha Ha

Sweet Al! abcd I could sure put that $30,000,000,000 to good use. I’ll also set up, stock, and maintain that large tank in your yard and babysit your kid till he/she is 18. Heck, I’ll raise him to a star athlete and put him through college.
$3,000,000(decimal moved once)
$300,000,000(three times)
$30,000,000,000(“move that decimal place over 5 places”)

My pay pal account is the same as my e-mail addy you have. Thanks again Al! You rock!

Man I am Stupid, got to be more precise. >LOCO<

Jon take him to court…take him to court!!! lOl

Ill be your lawyer for ahhhhh… half?

Well it looks like I will be hopefully getting the 120g setup Saturday. I am going to build the stand, get it plumbed and start the cycle. I will be doing the pillar technique for the aquascape as well. Hopefully it won’t take long to cycle because all the rock is cured/cooked and the water will be coming from my current tank and my brothers tanks from water changes.

Also, sometime before this year is over, I will be getting a 300g stock tank for my FOWLR setup. Dimensions are 63"x69"x25". So it should give the passer and eel plenty of room to grow. Plans are to add a clown trigger and sohal tang as well, maybe a miniatus grouper and lunare wrasse too. Should be pretty exciting! I’ll keep an update as things go along, maybe start a thread tank build for each setup.

Sounds cool. Can’t wait to see the big tank.


Where are you getting the stock tank from? Do you have a link?

Jon, I am excited too, can’t wait to stock it. But it will take a few months, soon enough though, I have to be patient.

Logans Daddy, you posted the link on my other thread. The tractor supply store is where I am getting it from. There is one less then 30 mins from me in elkton, right outside newark. I want to go over there and take a look some day, before I buy it. I have to make sure I can get it into the basement, the thing is apparently a beast and a lot bigger in person. We’ll see.

As some of you know, my washer crapped out on me about a month or so ago. I took the opportunity to purchase an all-in-one washer/dryer for several reasons, the most importnat reason is that its one more step on the path to reducing my carbon footprint, but the most fun being that i was able to relocate the unit to my master bedroom and convert my entire laundry room to a fishroom. Anyways, this thing is freaking amazing.


It gives new meaning to energy star compliant. For the life of me, i cant figure out if the rating is for a wash cycle only or a wash/dry cycle, but either way the energy rating is $16/year. No 220VAC, no heating element, no exhaust. This thing is unbelievable.Never in a million years would i think i could get so exicted over doing laundry :GEEK:

Now THAT is cool.

I just bought an LG refridgerator - says it only costs $54 a year to run.

How much $$?

Its listed as Ventless Condensing ?? How does it work? I take it does not have an exhaust then?

I think the best way to desribe how it works is magic!! Honestly, i have no idea. When i was doing research on it prior to my purchase someone tried to explain it to me in laymans term. Esentially, from what i got out of it, it uses steam to push the water out of the clothes. The resulting condensation is drained away in a conventional manner. Its certainly not a quick process, but its very efficient. It typically takes me about 4 hours to wash/dry one average load of clothes. However, i dont have to remember to take it out of the washer and put it into a dryer(which im very bad at). It goes straight from the wash cycle to the dry cycle. What ive been doing is loading my clothes in the evening and setting the timer to go off at about 5pm. When i walk in the door around 9pm my laundry is just finisihing up.

It doesnt have any traditional dryer components. No element or exhaust. It only requires the same hookups as a traditional washer. Luckily, i remodeled my upstairs bathroom at the same time so it made running water/drain/electric to my clost much easier.

Ian- Retail is $2000. I got mine for $1800 with free delivery and haulaway from bestbuy. Strangel, the dont carry the unit anymore although i just purchased mine on 2/13.