Exciting NEW Corals

I’m guessing cause its steam drying? It collects the steam back and condenses it out to water? Thats pretty sweet, but a heafty price tag.

I would be interested in seeing how much electricity it uses. Maybe after Ian gets done with it you could borrow my Kill-A-Watt to see what the usage comes out to. Its sounds awesome.

The cost really isn’t that bad when you consider it’s both the washer AND the dryer. My washer / dryer combo (front loading high efficiency) ran me about $2K 5 years ago. I’ve saved thousands of gallons of water as my old washer used 17 gallons per load, this one uses < 3.

Over the long run the higher efficiency units pay for themselves.

I’m curious as to how it makes steam. Hot water out of the tap is usually no hotter then 120 steam is not created until 212 degrees. So if it doesn’t have a heating element for the dryer it must still have one for the hot water to steam conversion.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:23, topic:625”]
The cost really isn’t that bad when you consider it’s both the washer AND the dryer. My washer / dryer combo (front loading high efficiency) ran me about $2K 5 years ago. I’ve saved thousands of gallons of water as my old washer used 17 gallons per load, this one uses < 3.[/quote]

Very true…someone handy with excel should figure out how long before this unit pays for its self.

This thing sips electirc. Annual usage based on an average of 8 medium loads of laundry/week is 154kWh.
Here is a list of all energy star washers.


As you can see, this unit rates very high in almost every single category with a modified energy factor over 100% better than that which the government requires for an energy star rating as well as a very low water factor. Keep in mind, as far as i can tell after doing some research, these numbers include drying your clothes.

When you think about it, its almost hard to believe. This unit will wash and dry one load of clothes at over 100% above the minimum efficiency rating requried for a washing machine alone to achieve energy star compliance.

But how “dry” are the clothes really when they come out?

But does it FOLD the clothes? That is what I want…

Folding and then putting them away

Its got to be using pressure or something
This idea I guess.
Low temp steam

naw, thats a sterling engine, still needs a boiler for steam. but not high pressure. its a slow cycle. maybe the W?/D unit uses a pizeo electric element to atomize the water to vapor and then pass it thru a microwave chamber to heat.
Boy do i need a new washer. my 14 year old one has been leaking tranny oil all over the floor for years. and runs pretty rough. I was thinking of an over under. then i could free up some floor space in the closet for a utility sink. the hot and cold water is right there as well as the drain line in the wall. then i wouldnt have to do all my tank filter cleaning and dirty work in the guest bath room. that would be nice.

The real reason Korea rocks…

Ken, that was my motivation as well. I was actually looking at over/unders when i found this gift from the gods. ITs funny that you mention a deepsink, because thats exactly what im in the middle of installing as we speak. I thought the exact same thing. Im going to engineer some sort of foldayway/drop down countertop for fragging above the sink as well.

[quote=“IanH, post:27, topic:625”]
But does it FOLD the clothes? That is what I want…[/quote]

Didnt I tell you I wanted this washer and dryer !!! lol I would fold the clothes. Its not like you do any laundry!! Saint:)

Shawn I’m super jealous. Next your gonna tell me you have the Dyson vaccum cleaner that I want too. lol

I do have a Dyson :stuck_out_tongue:

.< I hate you. lOl JUST KIDDING. But yeah I might just alittle because you own all the stuff I want!!! :-? :-?

I have the Dyson pet myself

I’ve got the Dyson Animal as well.

Stop trying to steal my gf lol

It’s purple :wink:

Mine too. My wife loves it.

Craig’s got a purple vacuum, and he loves it