Can we do this the 23rd?
I believe that is when it is scheduled for.
Ok guys, after speaking with the VP, we were wanting to get your feedback for this next meeting. How would everyone feel about having this next meeting this month at the Fish Bowl?
We are almost at 1 year from when we held our last meeting there and from what I can remember it had a great turnout with a handful of new faces. The locations of these meetings doesn’t matter to me at all, they could be at PEA or PA for all I care, but myself and VP want to give it a shot to try and pull in some new members.
Myself and Jason have approached numerous hobbyist in the area and for myself, I mention the club and they had no idea we existed. So with that said give us your feedback. This doesn’t mean all our meetings will be held here, matter of fact it may not happen again but that’s what new leadership is about, trying something new for the year.
I have AJ with CoralfarmerNY lined up for frags for the raffle and what he has showed me from his shop it looks like some nice frags. I talked to mike today about being a backup for meetings for JUST IN CASE reasons and he said he would gladly host us for the 23rd and would get in fish and corals specifically for that night.
We hope to hear from everyone soon that way we can get some flyers out down this way and up at the store if enough people are willing. I understand some of our northern members may not be willing to travel down and that is completely understandable, we cant all make every single event, meeting, get together etc.
So lets hear it…
Thanks everyone
It would be closer for me and I would be up for attending whereas I was not planning on attending otherwise.
Karen, can we get this info out on our Facebook page?
If we get enough interest in this meeting taking place there, we will then set it in stone for this meeting only and see how it goes. March meeting will be back at the school.
Again, I wanted to get you guys opinions and concerns.
I like the idea, something different, works for me.
I will get to it either place and think some should be held in Dover area, but we pay for the school and so my line of thinking would be to schedule alt locations for when the school is not already paid for.
Copy that frank, I was unaware that we paid for the school, that’s my fault for not thinking about that. However if there is enough interest in it being at the fish bowl this month, I will contact the school to work out the detail for the change this month.
Thanks for that information frank.
Yes I will get it out on the FB page. I know there was a lot of interest from downstate people but did not want to travel up north. I know A was tossing the idea around about every other meeting down state. I think it would be a great idea. I believe we would get more attendance
I came up with the idea of mandating that people attend a certain amount of meetings as part of premium membership As it stands right now people can attend one meeting pay $15/ dues then never attend again but still get the club discounts at the LFS. I think this would help in getting more attendance along with having meetings downstate more often. I am not saying they have to attend every meeting but attend a certain amount (what ever number we come up with) I was thinking maybe half the meetings.
Karen, great idea, it will keep people more interested in coming to continue to receive their discounts which we all know can home in handy when purchasing anything in this hobby…I think maybe 4 wouldn’t be to much to ask. 2 before summer break then 2 after…iI’m on board for that sounds great.
If we get enough interest for this month’s meeting I will make the final announcement this Sunday and have some flyers posted at the store.
Another thought is that our membership cards dont have expiration dates on them. With no expiration date whats stopping people from never paying dues again but still use their card? If we add an expiration date on them then that would prevent that.
[quote=“BigCase, post:9, topic:7882”]
Copy that frank, I was unaware that we paid for the school, that’s my fault for not thinking about that. However if there is enough interest in it being at the fish bowl this month, I will contact the school to work out the detail for the change this month.
Thanks for that information frank.[/quote]
Meeting at the school is already paid for through next AUG. And it’s only $35 for the year. I think that if you guys decide to swap every other month at other place, it should be OK to do without breaking the bank.
[quote=“nerak, post:13, topic:7882”]
Another thought is that our membership cards dont have expiration dates on them. With no expiration date whats stopping people from never paying dues again but still use their card? If we add an expiration date on them then that would prevent that.[/quote]
Karen, we could do cards like the military issue and have a front and back. Backside having spaces where when they renew then and officer initial and sign the date renewal as well.
[quote=“reefman66, post:14, topic:7882”]
[quote=“BigCase, post:9, topic:7882”]
Copy that frank, I was unaware that we paid for the school, that’s my fault for not thinking about that. However if there is enough interest in it being at the fish bowl this month, I will contact the school to work out the detail for the change this month.
Thanks for that information frank.[/quote]
Meeting at the school is already paid for through next AUG. And it’s only $35 for the year. I think that if you guys decide to swap every other month at other place, it should be OK to do without breaking the bank.[/quote]
That’s not bad at all, I assumed it was a hefty price.
[quote=" nerak, post:11, topic:7882"]
mandating that people attend a certain amount of meetings as part of premium membership [/quote]Hey guys a lot of people including me and my wife(who are both premium members) have varying work hours that conflict with the meetings. So if we cant attend meetings, That means we cant be in the club???
granted there is some great info that comes out of the meetings but it shouldn’t be mandatory! last but not least we definitely did not join the club for the local fish store discounts, we have bought most of our stock from other members and have enjoyed meeting there family’s and checking out their tanks
The mandatory meetings would be for premium status. We understand that some people wouldnt be able to attend all the meetings thats why we are saying to make at least 4 of them. You can still be in the club. We are trying to get more attendance at the meetings.
Casey that sounds good! We would need someone to keep up with it and make sure the LFS are checking the cards. We would also need the forum kept up to date as far as who is still a premium member and who isnt. If someone hasnt paid their dues then they lose premium member status. Just a thought!
Lee, as Karen said, you are still a member and still part of this club signing up. Alot of us didn’t sign up for the savings either. We are looking for more participation in the club and working to draw members in and keep them activ within the club (when it’s convenient for the members).
I personally believe family first so if you can’t make the meetings I completely understand.
However this is where the club is getting used only for its benefits, people come to 1 meeting, pay their dues, and off they go into the dark with a guarantee 10% at our sponsors who honor that. Now that can save them alot of money when buying high ticket items.
Even if we made it to where you had to attend atleast 2 meetings it’s not asking to much (if time/schedule permits)
Hope that answered your question lee. Would love to have you guys make a meeting so everyone can put a face to the name.
[quote=“Gotasplinter, post:16, topic:7882”]
[quote=" nerak, post:11, topic:7882"]
mandating that people attend a certain amount of meetings as part of premium membership [/quote]Hey guys a lot of people including me and my wife(who are both premium members) have varying work hours that conflict with the meetings. So if we cant attend meetings, That means we cant be in the club???
granted there is some great info that comes out of the meetings but it shouldn’t be mandatory! last but not least we definitely did not join the club for the local fish store discounts, we have bought most of our stock from other members and have enjoyed meeting there family’s and checking out their tanks [/quote]
Since I started maintaining the FB page I have had several people ask me if they could just pay their dues and never attend a meeting. In my opinion a club isnt able to happen if we dont have attendance at the meetings. So this is why we are saying that there is a mandatory number of meetings to attend. Also dont want someone to pay dues once and then think that keeps their premium member status for life.