I got these fish and LR for my 180 that I have not had a chance to setup. Unfortunately I have to leave this Summer for a year and the the tank that these fish and LR are in cracked and spilled water everywhere on me last night and now they must go. Here is what I got:
Large Clown: $35 (OBO)
Small Clown: $25 (OBO)
Hawk Fish: $40 (OBO)
Lemon Peel: $35 (OBO)
Purple Pseudochromis: $20 (OBO)
Yellow Tang: $20 (OBO)
Atlantic Blue Tang: $20 (OBO)
Live Rocks: $3/lbs or $400 for all of it (atleast 150lbs total). Most of them are larger than Football size and some are bigger than Basketball size.
i would like some live rock. a couple pieces around 6 too 7 lbs each. also is that a flame hawk? what size is he? what is the lowest you will take for him? what corals ya got for sale?
This is the tank that I have downstairs, it FOWLR so no coral. The Flamehawk is one of my favorite and I think he is between 2 and 3 inches. VERY COLORFUL and full of personality. How about $35 sounds?