Have a couple of these guys, but haven’t sold them as they’re in my xenia tank and always attached to a rock I don’t want to get rid off. After I changed the flow a bit a couple days ago one of them moved on the glass! I want to sell this guy quick before he wonders back onto a rock.
It is roughly 2" when real tight and ticked off, probably more like 2.5-3" opened all the way. I wouldn’t call it your typical green or red, it’s kind of a real odd ball color you don’t see too often in between the two. Asking $22 $18 for a large.
Will try to post pics later, but if interested speak up first as I won’t be selling a lot of these guys anytime soon.
Couple of notes. Will post images in the next hour. PM your schedule if you see the images and would like it. Would like to meet up asap before it moves onto rock. Has been in the same spot for a couple days, but not pushing my luck, lol.
The images won’t be of the actual specimen. Images with the camera I am using only come out if it is a certain distance away from the glass and being that it is on the glass it is either too close or two far away. The tank is also my xenia tank, so the walls are covered in xenia.
The tank it is in is a high nutrient system and always has been.(I use it for xenia, leathers, zoas, anemones and the like) The salinity is usually kept around 1.026-1.027 as this seems to help with growth in a lot of the xennidea family. That being said I would carefully acclimate this guy to your system. The bulbs are also pinkish grow out bulbs. This boost the growth in the softies, but doesn’t really show off the colors of the anemone. Regardless of all that, anemones look different in every tank with both color and shape. Bubble in some tanks, don’t in others.
These guys have been looking great recently, but I’m going to wait until at least Friday before selling any. The only thing during the crash with these guys is they moved around a bit, which can be a sign they are not happy. They seem to have settled down though and look fine. Fed them all yesterday.
I bid $20 for a BTA. I think i might put it in one of the frag tanks, and then move that dwarf nemo you gave me and my dwarf nemo with it and see if they finally grow up as a happy couple in the BTA. What do you think?
Ok, one is headed to Ken’s house for some of his aquacultured clowns.
Selling one more for now then I’m going to try my hand at cutting one in half and letting the others growing out. I’ve never cut one of these guys before, just let them go on there own and rubber banded a couple.
Under a little bluer lighting. All the rest of the images above were taking under pinkish and daylight grow bulbs with maximum par. This is a tiny bit closer to what they might look like in a display tank.
the little green nem looks great jon. i set in on a rock in a bowl of water on the cross bar of the tank under the actinics. and it stuck its foot to the rock in half an hour. doing fine in the tank under HQI s. Nice and bright. is it just a green BTA? im not too up to speed on nems.
Very good question Ken. I can’t say for sure if it is what hobbyist who were into anemones would call a GBTA. It is green, it has bubble tips, it is an anemone, so as far as I am concerned it fits the description. Is it Entacmaea quadricolor? I dunno. Anemones aren’t really my thing either. Just got this guy as a hitchiker and now I have a lot of them and they are starting to fill in a 40 breeder quickly.
I’m not too good on scientific names of things - ok I’m HORRIBLE at the scientific names of things - but this is the first “speckled” GBTA I’ve ever seen. I agree it fits the general description of a GBTA but I think it may be a morph of some sort.
I’m loking forward to seeing it when it gets larger to see if the speckles remain.
Mine is speckled too, and fairly bright green under a halide. even more so under just the actinics. i suppose if it does well, I’m going to want a nice bright red on too. maybe an anemone tank with some clowns.