So…none for sale just yet?
Sorry if I came off as attacking you Jon, I didnt mean to focus on you at all, just the general theme that seems to go on with most of the online vendors. I agree that cespit. is beautiful and in the future I plan on getting some, but I just cant justify that much $ for any frag sized coral, doesnt matter what coral it is. I would rather wait 2 years untill it is so prolific locally that I can get it for 10$ a frag ;D
nothing for sale sorry. i would like to but i know i shouldn’t.
Pics of the candy canes? I may be interested if I dont already have them.
Ken set the meeting location, it will be at the Bear Library at 7pm, on rte 40 and 7 which is in at Governors Sq Shopping Ctr next to PetKare.
We will have to tone down the Diy project a bit as we can’t be too loud >SMASH< or have any harsh smells {:-} or fire :-)###
Nothing too fancy:
just kidding with the pic, looked cool.
Fyi…Our October meeting will be hosted by Bellamy (Icy1155) in Dover. It will include a tank tour of his tank and will be on a Saturday.
If you want one you can call one now that is fine, but it will be at least two weeks till we can arrange pick up/delivery. It would work best if you could pick it up… say at the Bear Library around 7pm on the 15th of next month? The pieces I have are really large. At least five times the size I bought about a year ago probably more like ten times. I’ll try to get pictures when I get around to scraping algae. Right now it’s difficult for me to see them. Don’t believe there is a spot of algae on the discs they are on though. And I know there are no pest algae’s in the tank with them. Just what appears when you haven’t scrapped the glass in 6 weeks and have no snails or cowries in the tank.
i dont know how to up load my images to this post. there all to big and i dont really know what to do.
Upload them to photobucket is the easiest and its free. Set up an account and use the code: where … represents the location on the internet.
Like this
the code used to make this pic [IMG][/IMG]
Or you could add the pics as an attachment: 1st make your post like normal and when done select the addition options link to the bottom left of the reply. It will open up a box and at the bottom will have a browse button. Select the browse button and find the file on your computer. Select the file and it will be loaded when you submit. you can also add additional files this way. Click on my attachment to see it this way (you are limited on size this way.
attachment 2.bmp (267 KB)
[quote=“Gordonious, post:29, topic:585”]
Put me first in line for the hammer for sure. I was just saying I need a piece of that and some frog spawn. What colored mushrooms? If it is anything, but what Ken and I have I could use some diversity, but if Ken or I gave them to you chances are I already have a good amount of them.
Who else has stuff to trade?
Mushrooms are nothing special, can’t even remember where I got them anymore.
Hammer is yours for the trading. What’cha got in softies or LPS?
Might have a heck of a lot in the not too distant future… Been considering a business venture which would put lots of corals under my name. Haven’t really slept much since I started seriously considering it, let alone took care of my tanks. Ok that’s not true I have took care of my tanks, but haven’t really prepared much for sale. All I think I have currently is xenia, the rest I’m holding onto and building up for mother colonies.
Wow! I’m really gonna try to make this meeting. I work in King of Prussia so most likely I won’t get there until about 7:30, but since it’s close to home I can swing by. Also, I can finally pay for a membership and meet local reefers! I’m excited!
Well its official I will not be able to attend the meeting. I had to switch a few days around for Dr appointments for the kid along with him being late coming out. I traded to get the most time off during the first 2 weeks but thought I got coverage for Monday night. I found out tonight that I had to work. I will be sending a goodie bag with Ken.
I will be attending the trip to Dr Macs on Saturday Details are in that post.
Steph and I will be there.
Al(or Ted) can you send out a reminder e-mail?
Will do, I just sent an email alert for the Dr Mac trip. I will send one when I get home.
Me and Kel will be there too. I’ll bring your reflectors if you still want me to Al.
Hey Al,
Let me know if you want me to pick up your reflectors from Icy for you. I can drop off after the meeting or you can pick up later in the week.
Can’t believe I couldn’t make this one. Someone give me the highlights.
Craig has your reflectors and I gave him the Book of Coral Prop V.1 for you to borrow. We can figure out the payment on the dr macs trip.
Anyone have a decent digital camera and tripod to take pictures? If not I can make a ghetto stand for my camera (ie. Stack of buckets and books) and take some pictures. It does have manual white balance I guess, I just have to figure out how to use it. From what I understand it is something to the effect that I need to take a picture in the tank with something white and adjust it manually to white afterwards. The only thing I dont like about the camera is we dont have a macro lens for it and would need to use a magnifying glass or something like that.