FS Tunze 6100 powerhead with controller and photo sensor Koralias 3 and 4

I have 2 tripods you can borrow. Craig and Andy have good cameras with a decent lens.

Who needs a fancy tripod and digital camera.? I have an artist’s sketch paper pad, water colors and brushes. i can paint a picture of any tank and fish as long as you don’t mind stick figure fishies and corals …

The latest news section has stayed the same forever lOl
A idea for it would be put not only what’s latest in drc but latest events and stuff on the hobby. Like upcoming frag swaps, seminars, new innovative ways of doing stuff,

No offense I just think there should be some pics or something differnt than the same news for months. Its stagnet so lets get it moving lol

I agree, its not very dynamic. As a matter of fact, i have the club forum linked directly. I dont even go through the frontpage anymore. There have been a lot of ideas tossed around but i think getting content has been the biggest problem.

I know a lot of ideas have been kicked around in this thread but nothing has been solidified. I am officialy volunteering to get this started. I think we should kick it off with a TOTM. I will drive to one member’s house a month. I will take pics, conduct an informal Q&A and then write the article up to be presented on the frontpage. I will try to keep the format consistent and focused on mutiple aspects of the system much like RC’s TOTM. I think this will not only motivate members to particpate more but hopefully make them feel like they are a bigger part of the club.

Pending officer approval, i would like to get this started ASAP and possibly have the first one up the first week of Oct. I think a nomination/volunteer thread would be best.

If your willing to come take pictures I’ll volunteer my tank for the first one. I can write up a short synopsis of the tank and whatnot, I just need someone who knows how to take some decent pictures.

So why dont we all write an article about something that is interesting to us… Al wrote the DIY rock one. Perhaps if we get some that are well written and thought out we could post them up there.

Could always showcase my tank Saint:)

Could always showcase my tank

yeah, thats what im leaning towards. I started a related topic this morning, but the officers(meaning Al) have been unusually quiet today. >LOL<

I would really like to kick things off the first week of October. I think we should take advantage of next months meeting being in Dover to do your tank for November! I don’t know about great pics but I have a really nice camera and I can brush up some with an online tutorial. With a good ahead from Al(and all), i can start work on a template and we can post a thread on the forum for volunteers/nominees.

This was talked about but as of today noone volunteered to shoot the pics and work on tank write ups. Thats what stalled it.

Check the officer forum Al :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel it is a great idea, and would be willing to help you Shawn in any way i can. Let me know if I can ever be of assistance.


I saw it that’s why I said as of today. It kind of sucks because without re-writing the joomla page to change the wording it only says latest news.
It takes a lot of topics to fill the front page but I am only 1 person. I also link the forum page because I am too lazy to click twice and all the info is piled in the forum…

I merged 2 officers forum/mod squad topics with this one. If you follow the message headers you can see it starts with the officers forum original topic, then an officers forum topic talking about a need for action, then Tattoos new thread

I also mentioned in the offices forum about a push to get more content through some contests. I wanted to see if there is interest in writing content for the main page and maybe we could vote on the best and they would win a prize.

Shawn, If you are going to take the time to write the article and take the pictures I will post a thread to nominate a tank.

Tattoo if you want create some content for the front page feel free to submit it to a mod or officer. I will be more then willing to be the editor and send it back to you for approval. As of now only Ted and I have access to edit the front page.

I will volunter to make myself available to take pics for anyone that wants them. I have a pretty decent camera and could use an excuse to buy a new tripod.

Why don’t we consider taking some of the more heated debate topics (RO vs Tap for instance) creating a summary article outlining all pros and cons discussed and use them for articles on the front page. This would provide a great beginners section for gathering information without their question getting lost in our mindless arguing verdict_in

I’ll condense the substrate topic and write an article if someone wants to volunteer to edit.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:76, topic:585”]
Why don’t we consider taking some of the more heated debate topics (RO vs Tap for instance) creating a summary article outlining all pros and cons discussed and use them for articles on the front page. This would provide a great beginners section for gathering information without their question getting lost in our mindless arguing[/quote]

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:76, topic:585”]
I will volunter to make myself available to take pics for anyone that wants them. I have a pretty decent camera and could use an excuse to buy a new tripod.

Why don’t we consider taking some of the more heated debate topics (RO vs Tap for instance) creating a summary article outlining all pros and cons discussed and use them for articles on the front page. This would provide a great beginners section for gathering information without their question getting lost in our mindless arguing verdict_in

I’ll condense the substrate topic and write an article if someone wants to volunteer to edit.[/quote]great idea! We could do a different debate aqnd post all the pros and cons about it. We could do a debate forumn and have a conclusion at the end and save it to archives.

This is what we should be doin positive stuff not the arguing

Can’t we all just get along :stuck_out_tongue:
[fly] le-frog[/fly]

I thought we were getting along?
I haven’t seen one swear word in this whole thread - that’s a HUGE improvement for us.