
Hello new member here my name is JJ i have a brand new 110g saltwater tank with 110 lbs of live rock i got for xmas was set up on the 28 of dec 2009. It was bought thru the fishman in delware.

They set me up with a really nice system for a reef tank. My tank is cycling really fast i feel due to the amount of live rock that was used. As of today i have one clown /one chromis (had 6 but were used to get the tank to the next stage) 15 blueleged hermits 3 red scarlet 3 cones head snails. oh and a peppermint shrimp that real shy hides in the live rock all day long.

counted like 12 brittle stars that refuse to come out expect for there legs and alot of slik looking worms . also found about 3 little dwarf starfish. and one of the rocks had a bubble tip amenone which is growing like a weed.

Right now going thru a bad bloom of hair aglae. Would love any advice and looking forward to meeting new friends and plan to attend the meeting and become a member,


You’ve found a great source of information, fish and friends.

Sounds like you’re on your way to a really nice set-up.

The peppermint shrimp will always be shy - if you want a shrimp that will hang out and be seen your best bets will be Fire Shrimp, Skunk Shrimp and even some coral-banded shrimp.

Make sure the anemone you got as a hitch-hiker is a bubble tip and not an aptasia or a majano (both considered pests and will reproduce like made if not eliminated).

Let’s see some pics now!!!

Thank you and it not the pest type my peppermint ate the pest well one of the two that are in there.I put signs up for him to find the other one but he cant read to well. I will go take some pictures.

Welcome. Hair algae often shows up when you are just starting off. Minor speed bump on your way to a beautiful established reef. Wouldn’t let it get you down. Are you using 0TDS RO/DI water?

Glad you found us. Look forward to seeing pics. That is a nice size reef.

I have picture on photo bucket but having a issues geting them on here

:Welcome) where are u from?
almost everybody goes through ha. what a downer. keep after it, at this stage, don’t be afraid to shut off the lights fr 2-3 days w/o food. might help. won’t hurt
what kinda lights u have?
water params?
and do u have rodi water. the cause of my ha bloom was my house filtered water, the only one i drink. not even close to good enough. as soon as i began rodi the ha decided to leave.


http://s749.photobucket.com/albums/xx137/jjhanson go to this link to see all the tank pictures you can see my little baby bubble tip and my lazy blue leg hermits and my ham of a clown fish.with the lighting i have them on for the bubble tip it was a semi free one i want to keep it alive. I have Marineland pro light with the built in timer and the moonligh feture i love the moon light you can see the copepods glow.

Feed the anemone to help it survive and grow. Type of food will pretty much depend on the type of anemone, they can handle all sorts of food if they are large enough.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am not positive that is a bubble tip anemone. It looks like a small majano that has been kept in the dark to me.

Take a look at this and see what you think.


If you look at my anemone he is closer to a rose tip there no green on them what so ever. lmao all that hair alge around him i could see you thinking he is green. My blue legs are on strike!

:Welcome) YahoO :BEER

Nice setup good luck and defenitely use RO/DI water

umm what is ro/di water ???

u need to purchase a reverse osmosis deionization [rodi] if you are gonna keep corals. good ones for $150 or a bit less. one of the best products u can buy! to quote myself
the cause of my ha bloom was my house filtered water, the only one i drink. not even close to good enough. as soon as i began rodi the ha decided to leave.

So the lifeguard ultraviolet Sterilzer is junk?

[quote=“jjhanson, post:15, topic:2607”]
So the lifeguard ultraviolet Sterilzer is junk?[/quote]

No - just does a different job. UV sterilization is good for cleaning water (although it is highly debated) and killing unwanted no-see-ums but the RODI will remove particulate matter and the extras the water company adds to make it drinkable that would otherwise prevent coral from thriving (instead allowing algae to flourish).

Ok i see but from what i was told the ha is a not going to be there long if i get the calcium up.this came from the crew at FIShmen there going my maintence to get me up and running


Dont be in a hurry- take your time and let the tank settle in b4 u put 2 much money into it


Better yet can then both been ran in tandom.?

Thanks rich i just want to have the right setup before i spend more then i have allready.lol i have a boat and it took 3 years to talk the g/f into the fishtank. lol to get the fish tank i had to remodel the room as well.