Ugh, for some reason I kind of expected this, but my Hippo Tang is flashing. It eats fine and swims fine, however every few passes around some live rock he’ll just start going at it. No other fish are showing signs of distress, all are eating fine. Water params are ph 8.3 0,0,15. This is absolutely normal for my tank and nothing has changed.
EDIT: Salinity was at 1.024, its usually a tad higher. Checked the tank and my cleaner shrimp molted last night. I cannot assume these things are coincidence. I plan on raising the salinity slowly back to 1.025 / 1.026. Thoughts?
I’m hoping this isn’t a sign of ich reproduction. There are no white or black spots to be seen. Eyes are clear, color is crisp, breathing seems to be fine as well.
Any suggestions or ideas?
I’m a few items and a lot of room absent for me to assemble a QT/Med tank… I know, no one kick me when I’m down. I should already have one and sent this fish through it by now. I’m seriously slipping here at my old hobby. I’ve kept Discus (almost mated) and FW Stingrays before (4 years ago).
Thank you for your time as well as any and all help,
Joshua Roark