its some kind of Eheim. I can’t see to read anything else. The anti-siphon hole is drilled into the underside of a 90deg fitting right before it gets to my output nozzles. In other words, it blows a bunch of water/bubbles down into the corner overflow box as well as blasts water and some bubbles across the surface of the water. I never understood this, it seemed a horrible place to drill that hole, but I’m no expert so I left it. But it did not cause microbubles. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a bit of both. All bulkheads and plumbing is good and tight btw.
process of elimination…you’ll find it.
but i know what you mean… hate the micro bubbles >:::
One trick to eliminating micro-bubbles is to wrap all plumbing connections with electrical tape. Even the tiniest gap in the plumbing (on the return side) can cause micro bubbles.
:: Interesting, we’ll give it a shot and see what happens. Thanks!!
shut down the whole sump return off to to eliminate it all together