John's little tank

So my main tank has plenty of room in it now for coral… #@$^ not purposely verdict_in

Anyway, i don’t really need a “frag tank” right now so its becoming a clown tank!

Its a 30g tank with a 20L sump… drilled d/t, custom stand at my height, combo fuge/sump… all of which i built myself, and i have no “reach” limitations, i can touch every part of this setup… 100% all me! ( if any of you have ever shared a tank (my 125) and the decisions with the mrs, you’d know what i mean…except i can’t move stuff where “i” want it after she leaves the house ) ::rofl::

I’m getting a mated pair of Clowns from Courtney tmmrw (good old nemo’s), and i’m putting a bubble coral from my big tank in here soon… not really sure about other coral, maybe an anemone, maybe a clam…but just mainly, its gonna be for the clowns, and i’ve been wanting to give raising a batch of clown fry a shot, so this will be the ones i’ be able to collect ! but thats getting ahead of myself…

i just tested everything, all good…0 nitrates, 0 algae haha ,Ca 420, DKH 7, Mg 1300, 1.026 sg…
The tank has a deep sand plenum (5’’ deep) thats been running for about a year now, and i have 4 36’’ T5’s but currently only have two mounted above (1 aquablue special, 1 pure actinic), half of each spectrum, and i like the look, not too blue so it’ll show off the fishes colors!

…pics to follow, its still a little cloudy from the rockwork re-do… and i need to start acclimating the bubble (its huge, and my hopes is a possible clown hosting… but thats always a crap shoot)

Good luck John. Can’t wait to see the pics. And also glad to see that you’ll be able to tinker with it by your self.

Thanks A ::thumbsup:: (for those of you that don’t know…thats reefmans name… “A”) that used to always confuse me, i thought we had a bunch of Canadian accents here back when i 1st joined … LOLLOL

Yes, i’m excited…and the 1st meeting and cooler weather have got me back in “tank” mode… I can’t wait to get the clowns tomorrow PBJ!

here’s a few quick pics…

This is the whole enchilada, not the best sump pic, but its all baffled, center section is the fuge… skimmer on the RS… return on LS…
the cabinet isn’t closed in yet, i haven’t figured how i want to yet, i need an easy access setup (doors get in my way) so its just open… ugly wires and all… i may just cut some pond liner and make some flaps for now ::thinking::

FTS…3ft wide 30g… ignore the reactor pump and return tubes on the LH side… it’s temporarily in the dt until i get another power head.

rockwork from existing rock in the tank… i like it, turned out nice i think! michelle wants a big version of that in the 125 now >IDEA<

the bubble coral… its about 1/2 to 2/3 open from the tank switch… but its big and beautiful!

I’ll update with more pics and video after i add the fish!

Looks great man, can’t wait to see those clowns in there!

Everything does look really nice. Good stuff!

[quote=“saltcreep, post:3, topic:5824”]
Thanks A ::thumbsup:: (for those of you that don’t know…thats reefmans name… “A”) that used to always confuse me, i thought we had a bunch of Canadian accents here back when i 1st joined … LOLLOL

LOL A ::rofl::

Tank needs more color John. LOL, looks nice. Can you also build the rockwork for my tank too ::rofl::

[quote=“reefman66, post:6, topic:5824”]
Tank needs more color John. LOL, looks nice. Can you also build the rockwork for my tank too ::rofl::[/quote]

Thanks Guys! , and A, sure, i’ll help. I saw the pictures, we could both fit in there ::thumbsup::

Yea, you, me, your family and my family, except Romeo he has a big head ::rofl::

I like the rock work too John. YahoO I bet the clowns will be happy in there. :BEER

Now just watch out for HA and aptasia. :-)### :-)### :-)###

I just got my clowns! and it was free shipping hahahaha… Thanks for dropping them off Courtney! and … i just found out that these are “Barbara” raised clowns YahoO
I got fish from a member, that got them from another member who raised them herself… I love it ::thumbsup::

They’re acclimating now!

Awesome, can’t wait to see em in there!

Grats man cant wait to see pics

They’re a great pair! I put a few CuC members in the tank from DPA today, and i put my hippo clam in there also.
I figured some drab colors will make the clowns colors pop more… It’s “their” tank now!
here’s a few pics, and a 1min quick video…

Love the clowns and the tank John, AWSOME ::thumbsup:: LOLLOL you think the clowns will try to host that bubble coral? Still looking for a nem for them?

The clowns look great, they look like they have settled in just fine :slight_smile:

Clowns look awesome in that tank. ::thumbsup:: Great pics and video. Good luck with them Nemos. GolfC

Thanks for all the compliments, i’m loving this little tank YahoO

[quote=“ponies99, post:15, topic:5824”]
The clowns look great, they look like they have settled in just fine :)[/quote]

They seemed happy right away, not shy at all and they ate good today…

[quote=“reefman66, post:14, topic:5824”]
Love the clowns and the tank John, AWSOME ::thumbsup:: LOLLOL you think the clowns will try to host that bubble coral? Still looking for a nem for them?[/quote]
I hope they take to the bubble, the female clown went over to it and “swooshed her tail” on it a few times today.
I’m not sure about an anenome… what kind… if it would be a host… i dunno yet ::thinking::
I’ve thought about adding a flower pot because they really seem to take to those and start egging fast… but i don’t like the look of terra-cotta in a reef tank , maybe if i can glue on rocks and disguise it… i might try it out…

I guess typical bubble tip is usually their host nem and eaiser to find, But these are some that they’re suppose to host.

Heteractis magnifica
Stichodactyla gigantea
Stichodactyla haddoni

I would stay with a BTA, the carpets are to aggressive and the Ritteri would get to big for that tank.

Thanks frank & A ::thumbsup::

I really like the look of a green carpet hosting orange clowns, and i’m not worried about their aggressiveness, the clowns will be the only fish in the tank…
my favorite is clowns in a longer tentacle type nem, i love when they dive in, then completely disappear from sight; then pop out from somewhere else!

but the last thing i’d want is to be stuck with a nem that never hosts… thats the only reason i’d want one…
i’m not a huge fan of anemones in a coral tank, so i’m really not sure here ???

I never did ask Courtney if they were hosted by anything in her tank… Courtney?