Well, I would think mentioning we are trying to piggy back on the backer show to greatly reduce the cost of flying Julian up from Florida, and hotel cost. He was kind to offer this concession for Marty and our clubs. But we dont have any estimate of what his remaining cost and charges would be. an extra night hotel expense, transport from and return to Baltimore, or fly home from Phily if we work that out with Julian in advance of booking a ticket. and fee for his time? or is this gratis? it would be nice to know those costs up front before going too far.

"Well, I would think mentioning we are trying to piggy back on the backer show to greatly reduce the cost of flying Julian up from Florida, and hotel cost. " They could care less about how much it costs us, we are paying. There would be a set donation amount we would ask them for.

First and formost is finding a location and getting an idea of how much that costs. We decided not to contact him at least until we had that much took care of. We do need to contact him soon though. He may have already booked a flight home for an hour after the show ends!

I heard several location suggestions… What were they again?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:22, topic:584”]
We decided not to contact him at least until we had that much took care of. We do need to contact him soon though. He may have already booked a flight home for an hour after the show ends!

I heard several location suggestions… What were they again? [/quote]

Huh? I thought we were contacting him. It would be stupid of us to not to. It give him a heads up that we’re working on this (for his planning) and should give us an idea of what sort of honorarium (fee) we would be expected to put forth.

As for locations, so far I have only heard back from the DelVal club. Their response (boiled down a bit) was in the form of a question: “Where will it be? Tell us that and we can better assess how many members might make the drive.” So I told them to assume we would be somewhere near (1) Armco (location-wise, not necessarily their facility) (2) Newark Library, or (3) Bear Library. Essetially, somwhere that’s approx.5-10 minutes from an exit off of I95/495.

We talked about Eagles/Moose/Elks if I remember correctly, but not necessarily location specific.

I think we really should contact him to see if he’s available, what it will cost us etc.

Once we have that idea then we can discuss venue. We need to know this info before we go any further with DVRC or others as we need to see if we can eat the costs ourselves. The more I think about it I think it would make more sense for us to not charge anything to anyone for this.

Otherwise we may end up looking pretty stupid when we have a guest speaker show up to give a presentation to 8 people. A large crowd will give us more semblance of established and successful thus making people more willing to work with us in the future.

I agree with ted (edit - and craig)… before we go about booking stuff, we should make sure:

  1. It is within our budget. We have no idea what this will cost.
  2. Mr. Sprung has enough notice that he is not changing his plans at the last second because we finally got everything straightend out and contacted him.

I thought Marty had said we should figure out a location first so we sound organized and someone agreed with him. My memory isn’t the greatest though. I’ll send Marty an e-mail now and ask if he can contact Mr. Sprung.

No, Julian is the speaker for hire. we can ask anything. His current schedule and availability, and any terms he might chose. he doesn’t care where he speaks, just as long as we have it organized. he just needs to know when and where, how much and extra costs.

not mentioning up front, the expense savings of piggy backing on the Backer show might give other clubs PAUSE, without knowing. We should let them know it’s going to be a lower cost deal up front. and we aren’t going to ask them for a grand$ up front. just some chips. we got the dip covered.

forget the libraries if its on a sunday night. they close early at 5 or 6 PM. Besides, the Backer show is april 4-5th, which means the library rooms are booked with tax consultants. our usual meeting nemisis’s. The librarys are out.

“forget the libraries if its on a sunday night.” - How about forgetting the libraries because asking him to come speak to 5 people would be embarrassing. The libraries don’t have enough room for a speaker like this.

I don’t think we need to worry about scaring the other clubs away from a talk we are likely to be covering all the expenses for.

well, either conference rooms at bear library could seat 100 people. but then again, the William penn cafeteria can seat more. but that might not be open on a sunday night for us. even on special occasion. maybe, maybe knot.


Do you have any contacts/ex profs. @ UD that might be willing to pony up a classroom or auditorium for this?

Does anyone go to church? Maybe a church hall would work.

The last time I tried to go to church the pastor asked me to leave before someone got hurt by the lighting bolt.

Holy water boiled, here

[quote=“a1amap, post:32, topic:584”]
Holy water boiled, here[/quote]
Is that better than RODI?

I am pretty sure that UD profs or their departments have to pay for classroom time unless it is a department owned building. Not sure though, I’ll drop a line to a couple of people and see if I can figure something out.

Now if we were able to get several UD students to create a “club” at UD, they could not only get a very large room, but could also get money for advertising, food, and so on. I know Chris(RBTA) is very busy, but I’ll drop him a line as well and see if he can look into it.


I have been out of town for a few days. Yes, I have sent out an email requesting Julian to come to our club for a presentation. If I do not hear back within a few days, I will give him a call. If it turns out it is not enough time to schedule him in 2009, I will push for a date in 2010. By our next meeting, I should know one way or another.


Can someone else look into the other venues besides UD? We make this thing happen it will be awesome!

Just passing this on:


Okay, we got a tentative approval. I have to go out of town for the next two days, so start the wheels turning to make this happen on our side. When I get back, I will call her and get any additional details we will need as far as his requirements.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dorothy Hurley
To: Marty Ziegler
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: Julian’s Presentation

Hi Marty:

Please set something up for right after the Baltimore Show. Please let me know all details as soon as possible.

Have a happy, healthy and safe Holiday Season.


Dorothy Hurley
Sales Manager

No mention of honorarium?

That was it, I just hit copy and paste.


Any word?

I think we have missed the window. I dont think we have a venue yet, a plan to advertise, and expense plan for altering Julians visit to the Backer show. Or his fees and expenses, wants and needs. Only 9 weeks left before the Backer show on April 3-5.