Can anyone else make a couple of phone calls? I have been swamped recently and no one else seems to be willing to contact anyone. I have been working two jobs the last two weeks and haven’t been home during normal hours.(last night I got home at around 1:30am with animals to acclimate) Seemed as if there were plenty of ideas of possible venues to use during the meeting.

If I am home on Saturday I will try to make some calls, but I may be working then too and I don’t know if Saturday’s are the best to call.

Seems this is something no one is willing to put two minutes of time into. If no one is willing to make the time in the next 48 hours I will let Marty know to call it off. It might be too late now anyways. If he has already booked a flight and plans on being here the only option we me have is the place Glen has in Kent county and I am not 100% sure that is an option. If he has already given up on us and booked a flight out right away after the conference well then we may have made a bad name for ourselves and it might be rough to get any big speakers anytime soon.

Really isn’t too much more work we have to put into it besides finding a location.


[quote=“Gordonious, post:42, topic:584”]
Seems this is something no one is willing to put two minutes of time into. If no one is willing to make the time in the next 48 hours I will let Marty know to call it off. It might be too late now anyways. If he has already booked a flight and plans on being here the only option we me have is the place Glen has in Kent county and I am not 100% sure that is an option. If he has already given up on us and booked a flight out right away after the conference well then we may have made a bad name for ourselves and it might be rough to get any big speakers anytime soon.

Really isn’t too much more work we have to put into it besides finding a location. [/quote]

To date, Marty has made the initial contact and I’ve tried to poll area clubs for attndance estimates (which has gotten little to no respose). When you say there really isn’t too much more work, I think you’re ignoring a whole lot of unknowns.

Do we have any idea what his honorarium (fee) is?
Do we have any idea what extra expenses might be incurred by the club? (hotel, rental car, meals … ?)

I currently have a call into Col. Penn Schools. Wm Penn may be available. Patsy will be getting back to me.

Patsy just got back to me. Since it is a Sunday evening, we would have to pay the custodial fee, which is $60 / hour. Really, not that bad, considering what some places would charge.

Wm Penn is not available on April 5th, due to some construction issues, but we could use any of their other schools on that date, with the fee being paid.

So, we doing this? If so, I need to know Time and Place to get this set up with Patsy.

We would also need to consider:
(1) Sprung’s fees/expenses
(1a) And A/V that Sprung would need.
(2) Advertising. (I can handle this once I get the logo.)
(3) Set up/Tear Down.
(4) Raffle (or not) that evening.

Also, Gary (gettanked) has expressed an interest in getting to one of our meetings. Should I steer him towards attending this one?

If we’re doing it … ?


My first thought is that bringing both in on the same night would be over-kill and one of the two is going to feel dilluted.

[quote=“ronert, post:44, topic:584”]
When you say there really isn’t too much more work, I think you’re ignoring a whole lot of unknowns.

Do we have any idea what his honorarium (fee) is?
Do we have any idea what extra expenses might be incurred by the club? (hotel, rental car, meals … ?)[/quote]

None of these items are a huge shocker out of the blue type thing. It’s not like I came up with this idea on my own yesterday or that Marty came to me and I said the club would be willing to do it. We talked about all of this at the meeting and all agreed to it. Hotel, car, and meals are not going to break the bank. I have volunteered to pick him up at the Backer show and drive him to the event if this is alright with him. If he would prefer a rental car it won’t be that much. It may be the case that they think it is possible for him to still get a flight out that night if the event is early enough and not too far away, but they need more info from us.

As far as the fee he is going to charge us I don’t know why we don’t know that, but Marty has been communicating with his secretary and has not shared this information with us.(don’t believe he has it yet) If you would like Marty to ask them you have Marty’s e-mail. Or I can e-mail him.

I am cool with having it anywhere as long as it is fine with everyone else and we have a solid, triple confirmed, reservation. (EDIT, also as long as we reserve this place yesterday)

[quote=“ronert, post:46, topic:584”]
We would also need to consider:
(1) Sprung’s fees/expenses
(1a) And A/V that Sprung would need.
(2) Advertising. (I can handle this once I get the logo.)
(3) Set up/Tear Down.
(4) Raffle (or not) that evening.[/quote]

-(4)- Andy and I can approach some companies and get some sweet items for the event. If either Ted or Craig can set up some kind of article on the main page where we could put banners for all the companies that have contributed raffle items. Perhaps we could test up a test page hidden until completely put together. It could have a blurb about Julian Sprung at the top with a little back ground info and below it info about the raffle or whatever.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:49, topic:584”]
My first thought is that bringing both in on the same night would be over-kill and one of the two is going to feel dilluted.[/quote]

Agreed. Would Gary like to just tag along to a meeting for fun or is he looking to speak or something? If he is looking to get to know the club then bring him in to a different meeting, perhaps the month before. If he is looking to speak lets talk about it in another thread and focus on this for time being. We should have responded to Julian’s late e-mail months ago.

You should check with him before plans are made. I am sure he has already set up stuff and may not be able since it is so close

[quote=“Gordonious, post:50, topic:584”]

[quote=“ronert, post:44, topic:584”]
When you say there really isn’t too much more work, I think you’re ignoring a whole lot of unknowns.

Do we have any idea what his honorarium (fee) is?
Do we have any idea what extra expenses might be incurred by the club? (hotel, rental car, meals … ?)[/quote]

None of these items are a huge shocker out of the blue type thing. It’s not like I came up with this idea on my own yesterday or that Marty came to me and I said the club would be willing to do it. We talked about all of this at the meeting and all agreed to it. Hotel, car, and meals are not going to break the bank. I have volunteered to pick him up at the Backer show and drive him to the event if this is alright with him. If he would prefer a rental car it won’t be that much. It may be the case that they think it is possible for him to still get a flight out that night if the event is early enough and not too far away, but they need more info from us.

As far as the fee he is going to charge us I don’t know why we don’t know that, but Marty has been communicating with his secretary and has not shared this information with us.(don’t believe he has it yet) If you would like Marty to ask them you have Marty’s e-mail. Or I can e-mail him.

I am cool with having it anywhere as long as it is fine with everyone else and we have a solid, triple confirmed, reservation. (EDIT, also as long as we reserve this place yesterday)

[quote=“ronert, post:46, topic:584”]
We would also need to consider:
(1) Sprung’s fees/expenses
(1a) And A/V that Sprung would need.
(2) Advertising. (I can handle this once I get the logo.)
(3) Set up/Tear Down.
(4) Raffle (or not) that evening.[/quote]

-(4)- Andy and I can approach some companies and get some sweet items for the event. If either Ted or Craig can set up some kind of article on the main page where we could put banners for all the companies that have contributed raffle items. Perhaps we could test up a test page hidden until completely put together. It could have a blurb about Julian Sprung at the top with a little back ground info and below it info about the raffle or whatever. [/quote]

Nor was I implying that they were “huge shocker” items. But, to date, they do remain unknowns. I was hoping someone was tracking this, but I suppose that’s was stupid on my part.

Since no one but Marty and I seem at all involved, I’ve taken it upon myself to email him to find out for myself.

I’m not going to invite Garry to the Sprung event. Maybe we can have hm down for the March meeting.

My email to Marty:


Do we have any further details on Sprung? Honorarium costs? Hotel etc. expenses?

  • ted

Marty’s response to me:


Without any signs of getting a place for the presentation, I may have to cancel it out. If you know anything more on a location, please let me know now.


My response to Marty:

We can get one of the school locations with Col. Penn district. I spoke to Patsy, and it would cost $60/hr for the janitor to be there. I'd say location is not a problem.

Is anyone still interested in this?

I’ll say it:

I think trying to organize this now, this close to the backer show, would make us look like a-holes and would ruin any opportunity or degree of credibility in the future. We originally discussed this in early December?? Late November?? Now here we are mid-February and we’ve made zero progress. None, nadda, zip, zilch.

I say we put this to rest and start planning something for next year now.

  • 1
    I mentioned this earlier in this thread. Unfortunatly I am not in a position of having any free time to help. I jump on and off frequently at work.
    It may be worth a call give him a “crafted reason for the delay” and ask what the possibility would be. If he says its doable then ask about cost. If the price is doable then move fast

I have been way to busy with my thesis stuff and class work to do anything with this. Mr. Sprung gives good talks, and its probably worth finding out if he is still avalible, but if not I agree that we should get something planned and in the works for next year.

[quote=“icy1155, post:57, topic:584”]
Mr. Sprung gives good talks, and its probably worth finding out if he is still avalible,[/quote]


Let’s ask if it is too late or not. We can share that we have permission to have it in one of those schools and that there are many openings, but we didn’t want to reserve one until we found out if he was still able to come or not.

If we do not contact him again it would look horrible on us. If we contact them and say we were unable to get a location and he already has planned on coming and has a flight out the next day it could inconvenience them. Let’s find out if he is still available.

Then let Marty know to do that.