March meeting

That would be great if we could of the meeting at the fish bowl!!! Cant wait!

dover is a hike for me, where dose everyone normally meet?

[quote=“Ice, post:22, topic:7173”]
dover is a hike for me, where dose everyone normally meet?[/quote]

They are usually at William Penn High School

thats where i thoguht, just making sure. only a ten min drive for me

thought* — this forum needs a editor

[quote=“Ice, post:25, topic:7173”]
thought* — this forum needs a editor[/quote]
You can edit your past posts with the “modify” button on the origional post.

Hope the Dover meeting happens

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:27, topic:7173”]
Hope the Dover meeting happens[/quote]

Agree with john, id like to get to see everyone one last time before i head out next week. ::thumbsup::

Please let us know what the Fish Bowl says. The school is usually pretty good about rescheduling if we miss a meeting date due to them having to close unexpectedly.

They will probably call me today or tomorrow - I can tentatively reschedule pending a response from TFB.

I will let everyone know later today.

Well, Mike OK with us having our meeting there at the Fish Bowl for Monday night. However, there is some logistical issue that we will have to work out. Our presenters will be late having to do his presentation due to work and having to drive down. So the DIY will probably start at 8pm.

Second option is of course having our meeting back at WPHS. We just need to get with them to see if they can accommodate us.

I could attend the meeting at the fish bowl much shorter drive. Maybe between opening and 8PM Mike could give us an informative view on running a LFS.

By the time we finish eating and buying raffle tickets and BSing, it will be 8pm

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:33, topic:7173”]
By the time we finish eating and buying raffle tickets and BSing, it will be 8pm[/quote]


darn i wont be able to go. thats like a 1+ drive…

It’s an hour drive for some members every meeting and for one particular member it’s a 2 hour drive each way.
I’m sure we could get a carpool going maybe a couple
one leaving New Castle area and one leaving Newark Area.

It would be nice to leave the meeting at 9 and be home at 9:10. YahoO PBJ!

I’m still waiting for the confirmation from Marty, whether he will be able to make it or not. We won’t have any money or projector for the meeting if he can not make it.

What would be the protocol if Marty couldn’t make a scheduled meeting?

Well, the only thing is making change for the ticket purchase and we need to get the projector for the slide show. I can possibly ask someone to go to Marty’s house and get the money box and projector for us, but don’t know if it will mess up his book keeping.