Must own!!!


This thing is freaking amazing. I used it for the firstime today and all i can say is wow! One pass and this thing removed everything including coralline. I get a real nasty encrusting green corraline that i would have to scrub once every month or so and this thing cleaned it faster than my normal magfloat cleans the easy stuff. Two minor things to keep in mind. It is designed to fit the magfloat 350 and is too big for the smaller ones most of use. Second, you cant keep it in the water becuase of the blade. I simply bought a new mag350 for $20 and will store it in the drawer when im not using it. i also think the bigger 350 float makes a huge differnece in keeping the blade flush to the glass. Using this thing is very smooth.

If anyone owns one, shame on you for not sharing!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I need to get one of those. I have the same green encrusting algae and it drives me nuts. If I skip a day with the mag float I have to hit the tank with a razor blade by the end of the week.

This thing is amazing! Its one of those things thats almost too good to be true.

Sweet, good find. I’ll put that on my xmas list

Think this will work on a bowfront?

I dont know. I know it will only work on glass tanks, not sure about bowfronts.

[quote=“jfischer182, post:5, topic:879”]
Think this will work on a bowfront?[/quote]

It will probably work on a bowfront, I used to use a 3" razor blade to clean coraline and the aforementioned encrusting green algae off my 92 corner. As long as it was held vertically it worked very well, this appears to be the same principal.

Cool, probably will have to give this a try, sick of getting soaked to the armpits scraping coralline.

Just wanted to let you know that I got this joker for Christmas and…MONEY!! This thing cuts down coralline scraping time by 90%! Thanks for the recommendation!!

Im glad to hear it. These things are unbeliveable huh? Without a doubt, its the most important piece of cleaning equipment i own. I havent had to put my hand in the tank since the day i bought it!!

I’m doing this for my sake mostly, but I wanted to list the stuff I was bringing.

I’ll be bringing a few baggies of mag chloride from my bag of ice melt. If anyone wants, let me know so I have enough. I would also purchase some Epsom salts from the $ store, but you want to use more the mag chloride than the mag sulfate (epsom salts) to keep the right ratio. I believe the ratio in SW is 10:1 chloride:sulfate. The baggy I’ll give you won’t be much as it takes a decent amount of this stuff to actually make a difference, but I’ll probably bring enough to make a 100 ppm change in say a 90 gallon aquarium.
I’ll also be bringing a few baggies of kalk wasser (calcium hydroxide). If anyone wants, let me know so I have enough. You’ll want to follow some instructions to use this, it must be put into fresh water and dosed very slowly, if you don’t know what your doing with it don’t use it and ask. The baggy I’ll give you should be plenty for a while.
$$$ for frags I’m buying. (5 SPS From Jay via Ted, 1 Zoa from Ted, 1 Duncan from Jon)
Cooler w/ heater & PH (just in case)
A sample of my water for someone (Ted?) to test to verify my #s. abcd
My gf.

You guys should bring:
$ for the group buy if your in on it.

Anything I’m forgetting?

Hey, Just making sure you wanted me to still bring those shrooms, up to you. thanks Lee

Aha! Yessir, let me PM you

ill be bringing some cheato alge. i suppose ill put it up for auction. dont know the spacfic type but it the thicker leafy like stuff. it should be a good handful depending on how big ur hand is.

I have a de 150w 10k mh that I used for about 3 months if anyone is interested. I will bring it with me just in case. I would trade for a few frags. I have a 12g nano cube that I am looking to trade also. It was set up for about 7 months. It would include everything that came with it and a small heater. I will bring it if anyone is interested. It will need to be scraped as it has alot of coralline on the glass .

What/How many frags are you looking to trade for? I may not be able to make it (Flu) but I may be interested.

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:15, topic:879”]
I have a 12g nano cube that I am looking to trade also. It was set up for about 7 months. It would include everything that came with it and a small heater. I will bring it if anyone is interested. It will need to be scraped as it has alot of coralline on the glass .[/quote]

Just making sure you got my PM

[quote=“icy1155, post:16, topic:879”]
What/How many frags are you looking to trade for? I may not be able to make it (Flu) but I may be interested.[/quote]

What do you have? I would love some orange or blue zoa’s.

[quote=“Gotasplinter, post:17, topic:879”]

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:15, topic:879”]
I have a 12g nano cube that I am looking to trade also. It was set up for about 7 months. It would include everything that came with it and a small heater. I will bring it if anyone is interested. It will need to be scraped as it has alot of coralline on the glass .[/quote]

Just making sure you got my PM

Got it. Sent reply.[/quote]

i would be glad to make u a frag of these. i also have a bounch of grow out zoos that i could sell for the right price if not i could make some frags. ill try to get some good pics of stuff tommrow.