My 180 redue

Hit that right, no such thing as anything in this hobby completly safe!! :stuck_out_tongue:

hell even going to the reefā€™s home isnā€™t safe

Agreed, but if there was something that has been proven to potentially (and eventually) become a problem, why risk it when there is a better solution? Its like putting an angel fish in your reef, some people have had success, but more then likely, your going to wake up one day to a FOWLR (I know several people who have had this happen to). This hobby is definitely trial and error though, also every tank is different, somethings work for some yet fail for others.

So is it a remote RDSB? Sorry, I am not up to date with everything going on. I do like the new look though, tank is looking a lot better! How are the corals you got from me doing?

okā€¦ u win. i give up.

[quote=ā€œDamnPepShrimp, post:23, topic:1927ā€]
Agreed, but if there was something that has been proven to potentially (and eventually) become a problem, why risk it when there is a better solution? Its like putting an angel fish in your reef, some people have had success, but more then likely, your going to wake up one day to a FOWLR (I know several people who have had this happen to). This hobby is definitely trial and error though, also every tank is different, somethings work for some yet fail for others.

So is it a remote RDSB? Sorry, I am not up to date with everything going on. I do like the new look though, tank is looking a lot better! How are the corals you got from me doing?[/quote]

Jeff corals are doing GREAT.

Ha, there is no winning or losing, just discussion. Everyone has their own method and way of doing things, whatever works.

Glad the corals are doing great!

Thanks now just gotta fill in the spaces.

   May hit The Frazer Zoo tomorrow and see what they have.  ;D

 Shawn said it was pretty good place.

Heres what I picked up today at Frazer Zoo

Holy crap! You bought that colony in the 2nd pic from FZ? How big is it and do you mind if i ask how much you paid? I cant tell if its a birdsnest or pocillopora but im guessing birdsnest. Love the colors, not sure if its the coral or pic but it looks pink and greenā€¦very nice. Love the acan too.

Ive been meaning to get back but just havent found the time. I think i might take the son to the philly academy of natural sciences this week and stop at FZ on the way back. Mikeā€™s the man!

Hey Shawn

 It's a pocillopora colony and paid $100.00 for it about the size of a gratefruit. The little coral in the back pink with a touch of blue. I had to pic up a acan, Everyone seems to have one these days and didn't want to get left out  :P 

       The Xenia has a hint of blue looks cool under the lights. Wanted couple of clams but there wasn't any there for sale. The guy that was there said I missed the last one by 15 minutes >:::

  I did not get to meet Mike was his day off figures the only day I could get up there.

really nice bill. lookin good. whereā€™s the fts?

[quote=ā€œmoliken, post:31, topic:1927ā€]
really nice bill. lookin good. whereā€™s the fts?[/quote]

whereā€™s the fts ==== Not sure what fts is Paul Donā€™t laugh

full tank shot = fts

Ok so iā€™m a duh.

Iā€™ll get a up date little later with a full shot.

That poci is sweet looking! Huge too!

Im 99% sure that im going to make it up to FZ this saturday. I finally got a chance to make it to exotic aquatics last week but didnt get anything so im really itching to pick up something new!

 I call them and asked for clams and they had none so decided to go north. FZ had alot of corals cramed in a little area. He had a amazing aco there for sale but, left it there wanted it also but little more then i could spend.

exotic aquatics had clams, but VERY small. nothing worth mentioning. i have wanted to go for a long time and ive heard a lot of great things about them. the coral tanks were amazing, very clean and healthy. the corals themselves were amazing. a lot of uncommon stuff and good selection. however, their prices were insane. i couldnt find anything reasonably priced let alone a bargain. the could have had a 25% sale and still be more expensive that most LFS and almost all online sites. cant wait to head back to FZ this week. were going to hit ECA on the way home. hoping to pick up a couple of new additions.

bill- hows the valida doing for you?

The valida is doing fine. It fell down and went into the sand and a 1/4 tip bleached but other then that seems to have good color coming in.

Thanks for the heads up on exotic aquatics.

I thought about hitting ECA but was low on fundage and was getting late so I went home. I'll make that loop the next time.

Some updated pics ;D