My 180 redue

Looking good. Looking good.

Newest addition still in quarentine

Nice tank. Hey , does that big green carpet eat many fish? They have that habit.

You may want to move that colt coral down a bit. Mine is nearly a foot tall, takes up almost a 1/4 of my 75 and spreads out along the water surface. they can get fairly large, and wide.

It’s never ate a single fish, but just the oposite, the large maroon clown female keeps biting pieces off it >::: she’ll be coming out soon!!

The colt coral has welded itself on that rock ??? Luckily there easy to frag if it gets to tall. ;D

do u still have the rose?

[quote=“addicted2reefin, post:45, topic:1927”]
do u still have the rose?[/quote]

Sure do it’s doing great

Got some some updated pics

Pic updates

nice trachy, bill. hint hint!
great clam cliff!!!

[quote=“moliken, post:49, topic:1927”]
nice trachy, bill. hint hint!
great clam cliff!!![/quote]

LOL yeah the tachy is doing very well :stuck_out_tongue:

Picture up-dates

Nice looking tank. you have been growing some of those corals for a long time. they look big and happy.

OK… Lets play, count the clams! one…two… three… four …five…six…seven … eight… nine… ten~~~~

oh oh , i lost count, start again

Nice! Looking real nice Bill. Still want to make it over to see this in person someday.

What is the redish looking coral on the far left just to the right of the bubble coral?

[quote=“kaptken, post:52, topic:1927”]
Nice looking tank. you have been growing some of those corals for a long time. they look big and happy.

OK… Lets play, count the clams! one…two… three… four …five…six…seven … eight… nine… ten~~~~

oh oh , i lost count, start again[/quote]

LOL Thanks Ken

My clam count so far is up to 22, im still up for more but I’m running out of room, got plans for 2 more tanks to handle a few more. I still want a 7 inch maxi or bigger but they don’t seem to handle shipping very well. I’d say 3rd time is a charm but that theory went down in a big goo mess. All the corals are growing pretty nice and the big pocillopora in the center spits out babies, cause I have them popping up in alot of places even on one of my bigger clams. The xenia is taking over again after I chopped it all off the rocks and the big colt that was in the center that I chopped all up is starting to grow again it’s up to about 2 inches in one of the spots

[quote=“Gordonious, post:53, topic:1927”]
Nice! Looking real nice Bill. Still want to make it over to see this in person someday.

What is the redish looking coral on the far left just to the right of the bubble coral? [/quote]

Thanks Jon

Your welcome to come over when you want. I need to move some stuff around not happy with the way the sand bed looks.

The coral next to the bubble is a orangish/pinkish digitata. At least thats what the guy called it and it looks kinda like it to me as well so will og with that.

[quote=“billrob71, post:55, topic:1927”]
The coral next to the bubble is a orangish/pinkish digitata. At least thats what the guy called it and it looks kinda like it to me as well so will og with that.[/quote]

Any chance you have a close up shot of it? I have a REALLY orange digi that just starting growing for me in the last three months. I’m on the lookout for bright colors. Perhaps if you accidently break off a piece(I know you don’t often frag) we could swap.

Accidentally breakage huh  :-)lol

Jeeze…22 calms ???



Ah never said i was or wasn’t ;D BoNg

Very nice Bill.