need to seal a 10 gallon that leaks

what should i use? does anyone have some that i could use. in case u guys were wondering it was my frag tank and all the fish are doing well after the change. thanks brett

buy a tube of GE sillican I from lowes and caulk away…

You can buy a tube of aquarium silicone at HD for about 5-7$ that should do the job.

ok joe but ya need to change up atleast monthly… same girl pic every month gets old. :BEER lOl

I have about a half a tube of aquarium sealant left if you want to use it.

This is what I have:


Buy a new 10 gallon it will end up being cheaper.

Silicone applied improperly could and usually will leak when you are not home. If you are not prepared to scrape out the bad area, use acetone to clean then apply a fresh bead of silicone; toss it.

[quote=“a1amap, post:6, topic:934”]
Buy a new 10 gallon it will end up being cheaper.

Silicone applied improperly could and usually will leak when you are not home. If you are not prepared to scrape out the bad area, use acetone to clean then apply a fresh bead of silicone; toss it.[/quote]

+1 New ten gallon= $10

On behalf of all of the male members. I would like to formally issue a THANK YOU and express our great appreciation to Logans_Daddy for adjusting the size of Joe’s avatar.

sillicone 6 dollars
10 gallon 12 dollars
coming home to a half empty tank water all over…priceless

Hmmm… lets see if my avatar is working.

i know where the part is other wise i would get a new one. it at the very top where that balck strip thing is. i have seen it leak myself but i put some super glue on it instead of fixing it the right way.

[quote=“bz350, post:11, topic:934”]
i know where the part is other wise i would get a new one. it at the very top where that balck strip thing is. i have seen it leak myself but i put some super glue on it instead of fixing it the right way.[/quote]

Can I just say “trust me”? I have had more then my fair share of water on the floor problems. Usually because I was too cheap to do something right. You are probably looking at a 2 hour job, and when you’re talking about resealing a tank you’re not trying to prevent a leak. you’re trying to prevent the whole pane f glass from separating from the rest of the tank and immediately spilling 10 gallons of water on the floor. 10 gallons of water will travel about 30 feet in carpeting.


[quote=“Cdangel0, post:12, topic:934”]
10 gallons of water will travel about 30 feet in carpeting.
Just my :TWOCENTS[/quote]

He has tested this on many occasions and it cost more then .02 cents to clean up.
To be fair I doubt at the top it will cause a total failure. If you wish to reseal use Ge silicone from the depot/lowes that is for doors and windows that does not say bio-seal or mold inhibitor. Should cost about $3.99

Or just get a new 10g and save yourself the work. Only about 10$ and your all done.

So this explains all the new avatars I’m seeing

I haven’t changed mine in ~6 years…

I was also curious who keeps xenia or has kept xenia. How well did it do? How long did you have it or how long have you had it? What salinity and temps did you keep your tank at while you had it?


i have pulsing xenia it split 2 now i have 3 stalks. temp 80-82 depending on themomator. salt .30+ the reason why it’s high is that i have neglected to make a new batch of water and havn’t toped off in 3-4 days.

It grows like a weed in my tank. Temp 79-81, salinity 35ppt.

I tried onve before without success. I started again a few months ago and they look like they were about to die and then now they comming back. Looks like they got a little bigger now and I hope this time they will be fine.