New Guy to DRC


Just wanted to introduce myself. Jon at PA told me about the site and I am looking forward to my first meeting on Monday.

I have a 90 corner FO and am starting Reef. The problem with my tank is very limited space underneath and hang on space.

I am still using bio balls and am in the market for a Refugium. I can modify the bottom to hold a 30x14 sump. I saw an ADHI on line and liked the design.

I am ok with spending some money but dont want to make a mistake.


[quote=“Rich_17, post:1, topic:923”]
I am ok with spending some money but dont want to make a mistake.
Welcome Rich! Look forward to seeing you Monday.


Odd-ball size tanks tend to make things difficult, but there is always a solution. I know one of our members bought a 92g corner and had the same problem, if i recall correctly i think he ended up using rubbermaid totes. Im sure he will chime in when he sees this thread.

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:3, topic:923”]
I know one of our members bought a 92g corner and had the same problem, if i recall correctly i think he ended up using rubbermaid totes. Im sure he will chime in when he sees this thread.[/quote]

Was that jfisher182?


I managed to barely hang on a Skimmer and bought 3 sets of T5 HO lights
24" then
36" then
24" in order to fit them on the top


I am going nuts trying to make it work

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:3, topic:923”]
I know one of our members bought a 92g corner and had the same problem, if i recall correctly i think he ended up using rubbermaid totes. Im sure he will chime in when he sees this thread.[/quote]

Well it was RawDawg that bought the 92 corner, but fortunately for you I was the one that sold it >LOL<

I am quite familiar with the space limitations underneath, makes it a pain in the butt to fit anything underneath. There are really only 2 viable options without having a custom acrylic sump made. 1. A 20g high fits perfectly, gives plenty of room for a small but functional refugium, but does not leave a lot of space for the return section so you end up topping off fairly regularly. Option 2 is to make the sump/fuge external, either next to the stand or on the opposite side of the wall it feasible.

We can discuss which options would be best, and I can give you a hand building it if necessary.

BTW - Welcome to the boards and the club.


[quote=“Rich_17, post:5, topic:923”]


I managed to barely hang on a Skimmer and bought 3 sets of T5 HO lights
24" then
36" then
24" in order to fit them on the top


I am going nuts trying to make it work[/quote]

36" should do the trick, that’s what I used. Just have to be a little creative with the leg adjustments.

Thank you very much I will galdly except the offer of help with this deal. I was ready to give up on reef and just go FO with this tank because I kept spending money on stuff that just wasnt right for the tank.

can always susspend over top of tank by hanging fixture from cieling

can always susspend over top of tank by hanging fixture from cieling


This method seems to intimidate people for some reason, but its very easy and makes maintanence very simple. This is the only way i will use light fixtures. You can even do a simply wallfish so that you dont see the wires, VERY easy.

for about10 doolars and a holes and wahla…best thing is to make a templet of peremiter of light and hold over tank to view footprint then move templet to cieling to make marks for hanging. if in attic use 2x4 between roof joist for support.


Glad you made it on! Seems you’re already reaking the benifits from posting the forums. Glad you’re getting some help. You’d be surprised how many people have gone through the same stuff in the past. Great to hear from people who went through the same troubles. Don’t give up on reef just yet!


you're already reaking the benifits from posting the forums

:-)lol LMFAO

I have a 54g corner bowfront and I had a difficult time finding a suitable tank to use as a fuge/sump in the 54g stand. I ended up getting a 19g (I think that was the volume) regular bowfront that fit under there like a glove and it works great. This allowed me to maximize the amount of water in my sump/fuge as this was the biggest tank I could get that would fit under there. The only problem was that the bowfront tank cost around $60, pricey for just a glass aquarium.

I dont think I can get away with hanging anything. My wife already thinks that I am crazy and the corner tank is in the living room. If i can get this corner tank on autopilot then I am going for the 6ft tank in another room.

I dont mind spending some money on the fuge considering I still get occasional red algae even with frequent water changes. I have a skimmer and UV but I think I need to dump the bioballs and get on the fuge program.

I appreciate all the good input keep it coming

… I have been known to be generous when buying beer for good ideas and helping out


I have been known to be generous when buying beer for good ideas and helping out :BEER

Then you have found the right club!

Coincidentally, i have been known to graciously accept beer when providing good ideas and helping out!

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:16, topic:923”]

I have been known to be generous when buying beer for good ideas and helping out :BEER

Then you have found the right club!

Coincidentally, i have been known to graciously accept beer when providing good ideas and helping out![/quote]

And I graciously accept beer for other people’s ideas and/or help!

[quote=“Jocephus, post:17, topic:923”]

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:16, topic:923”]

I have been known to be generous when buying beer for good ideas and helping out :BEER

Then you have found the right club!

Coincidentally, i have been known to graciously accept beer when providing good ideas and helping out![/quote]

And I graciously accept beer for other people’s ideas and/or help![/quote]

I just drink

I am getting the impression that even if I had a normal tank the thing to do is to build your own Fuge?

Absolutely. Its the only way to go. Very cheap, and very easy DIY project.