New Member - initial setup 75 gal Reef Tank

My base rock still looks whitish tho, I mean it has some bacteria on it for sure but it doesn’t look like my other live rock at all? Guess it doesn’t have to…

So, recommendations going forward?

[quote=“muggers, post:61, topic:6364”]
My base rock still looks whitish tho, I mean it has some bacteria on it for sure but it doesn’t look like my other live rock at all? Guess it doesn’t have to…

So, recommendations going forward?[/quote]
Sell me ur tang :wink: hahaha

[quote=“muggers, post:61, topic:6364”]
My base rock still looks whitish tho, I mean it has some bacteria on it for sure but it doesn’t look like my other live rock at all? Guess it doesn’t have to…

So, recommendations going forward?[/quote]

Coloration has nothing to do with wether rock is alove or base. Color comes with age. Since your cycle is complete, the rock you have is now live rock. It will color-up over time, in fact in about 3 months you’ll forget it was ever white and this thread is going to sound funny.

[quote=“bnelson, post:62, topic:6364”]

[quote=“muggers, post:61, topic:6364”]
My base rock still looks whitish tho, I mean it has some bacteria on it for sure but it doesn’t look like my other live rock at all? Guess it doesn’t have to…

So, recommendations going forward?[/quote]
Sell me ur tang :wink: hahaha[/quote]

I hope he does ok he’s my wife’s favorite!

OMG my little tang died already :frowning: everyone told me the tank was ready it had cycled and the water was fine. I don’t understand??? What did I do wrong?

I acclimated all the fish to the tank, for exactly how long I was told. I fed the fish the amount I was supposed to. He kept going in this cave like under the rock… I couldn’t find him all afternoon so I figured he was under there. Well I finally lifted the rock up and there he was dead :frowning:

My wife is so upset. I don’t know if he got stuck or what happened. I thought everything was fine.

I am somewhat new to this hobby(been about 9 mos now). Tangs are harder to take care of and are more on the delicate side. I dont believe they are a good fish to start with a new tank with. They do better in an established tank. What kind of tang did you have? It also may have something to do with the amount of fish you put in at one time.

He was a yellow mimic tang, RIP.

I don’t believe it’s your tank that has killed the tang. Are other fish still alive or are they dead as well. As Nerak said Tangs are harder to take care of and are more on the delicate side. It may be in a lot of stress before you even got it to your home. But I believe it not your tank that killed the tang. It must be something else.

[quote=“muggers, post:64, topic:6364”]

[quote=“bnelson, post:62, topic:6364”]

[quote=“muggers, post:61, topic:6364”]
My base rock still looks whitish tho, I mean it has some bacteria on it for sure but it doesn’t look like my other live rock at all? Guess it doesn’t have to…

So, recommendations going forward?[/quote]
Sell me ur tang :wink: hahaha[/quote]

I hope he does ok he’s my wife’s favorite![/quote]
Here’s your problem. I almost wrote yesterday that you shouldn’t let your significant other fall in love with a fish bc the gods of the reef will smite that fish first.

I don’t think it’s your water at all, at least not yet. Probably acclimation stress if I had a guess. How did you acclimate it? Did you see the fish eat in the store? Did you thoroughly inspect every fin for spots or cloudiness?

If the other fish are still alive, chances are it’s not your tank.

Some of the things you have to keep in mind when buying fish:
Are they eating in the store?
How long have they been in the store?

Unlike teenage girls, fish will stop eating once they get stressed, and may never start again. Fish go through tremendous amounts of stress. They are plucked from the reef on Tuesday, stuffed in to a plastic bag on Wednesday, shipped to a wholesaler on Thursday, released from the bag for a day or 2, stuffed in to a bag again on Sunday, put on an airplane, driven from the airport to the store on Monday, released from the bag in to a 20g display tank Monday morning. You come in Monday afternoon and buy it, it’s crammed in to a bag again, driven to your house, acclimated in a 5g bucket for an hour, then poured in to your tank.

Sometimes they just don’t survive, through no fault of our own, it just happens. It sucks, but it happens. Give your tank a week or 2 to adjust to the new live stock that survived, then consider adding another mimic to appease the Mrs. just make sure it’s been in the store for a few days and is eating well for them first.

Thanks for all the replies. After reading the replies, talking to some people… I believe you guys are right. I do not think it is the tank as the (2) cardinals and (1) clown are all still alive and appear perfectly fine.

I acclimated them over an hour or so. Every 15-20 minutes adding small amounts of water from my tank to the bags, while they continued floating in my water with the tops open. I let them adjust to the temperature. He acted very skittish too, and was hiding in the rocks a lot.

welcome! I would recommend keeping a log of what fish you get and what fish die. Like most reefers you will find that one specie of fish that just wont live in your tank. I have a list mimic tang is one of them. good luck need any help I’m in Smyrna too. BTW whats up everyone long time ::thumbsup::

WOW, Dunk is alive! welcome back Tim.

[quote=“dunk, post:72, topic:6364”]
welcome! I would recommend keeping a log of what fish you get and what fish die. Like most reefers you will find that one specie of fish that just wont live in your tank. I have a list mimic tang is one of them. good luck need any help I’m in Smyrna too. BTW whats up everyone long time ::thumbsup::[/quote]

Thanks for the advice, year I think we will steer clear of mimic tangs for a while… he’s on the list. Update, all of the other fish (3) are doing fine. The (2) cardinals are doing really well and seem happy. The clown fish also appears happy and is doing well.

Question though, should the clown fish be sleeping ON the sand in one of the rock caves? He has done this several times now, but then in the morning swims around normally. We thought he was dying at first and of course freaked out… but after just giving it some time, he was swimming fine hours later??

On a side note, the purple and bright green algae are growing at a slow and steady pace… on sand and on the rock. It’s hard for me to determine if its coralline algae or something bad…

I’m thinking of waiting another week and starting to add a clean up crew of mostly snails.

Water parameters were all still perfect last we checked. I’ll check again tonight, and post some pics of the current algae situation.

Some fish will act weird so wouldn’t worry too much if they eat and physical appearance looks good. Poke the algae with your fish tongs if its hard its coralline if soft maybe slime algae or reg algae. Coralline usually doesn’t grow on the sand. At least it hasn’t for me


PH level = 8.0
Ammonia level = 0
Nitrite level = 0
Nitrate level = 0
Specific Gravity = 1.026

My understanding is the PH can be from 8.0 - 8.4 and be fine… same with specific gravity being from 1.024 - 1.028

another pic… with everything else appearing to be ok, i believe this is some regular ol’ nasty algae and i will be checking phosphates (ordering another kit) … also thinking about adding the CUC soon.

Update! 6/5/13


PH level = 7.8
Ammonia level = 0
Nitrite level = 0
Nitrate level = 0
Specific Gravity = 1.026

PH ranges between 7.8 - 8.0… not sure why, but the fish are doing great so I was told to let it be as long as it is stable. It’s been very stable for 2 months. All of the parameters have been.

I’m going to get the clean up crew, any recommendations? Also thinking about adding another fish.

Ph will fluctuate higher during lights on lower when lights off. Due to o2 and c02 levels. Looking good ::thumbsup::