New Member - initial setup 75 gal Reef Tank

Muggers be carful listening to dunk… ::hitsthefan:: ::rofl::

Such abuse don’t make me post that pic of you in my sump ha ha. You know like the one that john posts about me all the time.

Lmao you’ve got a lot of “friends” on here huh Dunk


with friends like these who needs enemies

It’s when they start using up all your ro/di water you have to worry

Na Tim and I swap crap all the time.its nice living 6 doors away! JuMp ThIs

Update! 6/25/13

Just a few notes… I currently have the following in my tank:

1 - Clownfish
2 - Pajama Cardinal
1 - Engineer Goby
1 - Bicolor Blenny

4 - Mexican Turbo Snails
2 - Emerald Crabs
10 - Small Hermit Crabs

1 - Goniopora
1 - Duncan
1 - Green Star Polyp
1 - Green Zoanthids
1 - Green Mushroom
1 - Green Acan?

I finally got my temp down to between 78-80 consistently by adjusting my air conditioning settings and running my ceiling fan during the day. Before that, it stayed around 81-82.

Ph: 8.0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Temp: 80.2
Salinity: 1.025

All of the fish appear very healthy and have been doing great. The CuC appear happy / healthy also. The corals seem to be doing well. I’ve been watching them like a hawk since they’re the first corals ive ever had. Had some snails knock off my zoanthid a few times, its recovering from having laid in the sand bed for 8 hours upside down. We’ve repositioned them all since then. I’ve also been directly feeding several of the corlas some Marine Coral Snow a few times per week. I’m trying “purple tech”, and was using Kent Coral Accel for color/growth on the smaller grags.

Tank is looking better, still a little bare for my tastes but it will get there slowly. Maybe I should order some more base rock??

few more pics of the coral…

Lookin good. Just remember corals can fill in those bare spots when they grow out. Then you can have colo everywhere

Yea right… patience patience lol…

lol patience I have none either so you can always remove rock like i did :BB)

Remove rock? I’m thinking of adding more rock, and probably even more LPS and softies lol

How much do you have left downstairs? I’ll take it all! Lmao

I removed a bunch from upstairs before you saw it. It’s downstairs now. Just had to make room for everything to grow

Ahh ok… Yea Im short so I’ll have to pick up some more. I only started with like 50lbs anyway. As it is 40 lbs of that was base rock. I could def use more.

Another update: 7/21/2013

Salinity 1.025
Ph 8.2
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 0ppm
Calcium 500ppm
Temp 81-82

Everything’s been going well. Corals and all look good. We’ve been direct feeding the duncan and goni, and while the goni has it’s moments the duncan is the one really growing. It started off as one decent sized head and one small head, now had 1 large, 1 decent sized and 4
Small heads!

Oh and I can’t say enough good things about this Tom’s Rapids Pro plus wet/dry all in one filter. This thing is amazing, and super simple. If anyone ever needs a solution for a small area this is the way to go. My water has looked crystal clear from day one and I can’t even hear the filter running. Easy to clean, takes about 5 minutes once a month. The built in protein skimmer seems to be working good too and we change out the water bottle once every 2 weeks. The surface skimmer and overflow also work perfect. I regularly shut off the power to the filter pumps when I direct feed the corals, and no water on the floor… Built in siphon is perfect.

Do you have a fts? More pics!!!

Yup! Will post later tonight. I can’t seem to take good pics with our canon dslr camera using either lens. I’ll get the wife to try. She’s better than I am.

Here’s a new pic. I had just cleaned the sand for the first time since I got the tank, glass and water pretty much stay crystal clear. Everybody looks happy… Goni is closed because I moved it while cleaning.

Man this is addicting lol

Update! Added a new coral (Long tentacle plate coral) and about 10 astrea snails. Everything is still doing great. All corals appear healthy and fish are doing well.