New Member - initial setup 75 gal Reef Tank

The tank is progressing very nicely. I love the long tentacle plate! Its hard to tell with the small screen i’m on but are you starting to get a cyano outbreak? I am starting to get one in salt tank #'s 2 & 3 right now. Chemiclean usually knocks it out with a good w/c to follow.

Yea I am getting a little one. I found over feeding was causing a lot of it, and it’s started to go away. How fast does that chemiclean work?

[quote=“muggers, post:102, topic:6364”]
Yea I am getting a little one. I found over feeding was causing a lot of it, and it’s started to go away. How fast does that chemiclean work?[/quote]
Usually within a couple days. BE CAREFUL TO ADJUST SKIMMER!!! Upon adding chemiclean it will overflow immediately if you don’t lower the water level in the skimmer WAY down or just turn it off.
If you still have a problem come september and come to the meeting, i might have some you can try.

I would take a more holistic approach to dealing with this problem. There are a number of conditions that will cause this problem, individually/collectively, and although one may be the overriding factor, I’d approach each one as a primary, or contributing factor. Starting with using good RO/DI water, if you’re not using it, you’ll be adding the needed nutrients every time you top off, and/or do a WC.
Here is a good article worth reading:

The use of “Red Slime Removers”, can work in the short term, but if the issues that generated it are not resolved, it will simply keep reoccurring. Personally, I wouldn’t use it.

[quote=“Downbeach, post:104, topic:6364”]
I would take a more holistic approach to dealing with this problem. There are a number of conditions that will cause this problem, individually/collectively, and although one may be the overriding factor, I’d approach each one as a primary, or contributing factor. Starting with using good RO/DI water, if you’re not using it, you’ll be adding the needed nutrients every time you top off, and/or do a WC.
Here is a good article worth reading:

The use of “Red Slime Removers”, can work in the short term, but if the issues that generated it are not resolved, it will simply keep reoccurring. Personally, I wouldn’t use it.[/quote]
Very good point about RODI. I often take it for granted everyone uses it.
You do want to watch what is in a red slime remover, anti- bacterial ones can cause big problems down the road. (had a bad experience) Chemiclean is an oxidizer, it uses the skimmer to remove dissolved organics and then a large water change further does. You should find the source of the problem, like downbeach says it is not a cure but kind of masks the real issue. Slowing down on food going in will help.

Looking good! I wouldn’t make too many hasty changes that’s small and can clean easy. Maybe a few nassarious snails or a safe cucumber. They clean and stir the top layer of sand and are cool to watch.