New Year, New Start!

Well I sure hope everyone had an amazing holiday with their families and their tanks, I sure did.

So what did you get for your tanks this christmas?
I wanted to start this thread for 2 reason. 1.) To see where everyone’s tanks left off in 2014. 2.) To start a time cap of how our tanks are starting 2015. Maybe every month we can all post new pics of our tanks and track the growth and progression of our tanks that we spend so much time working on and caring for.
At the end of 2015, with the permission of the members , I will pull everyone’s pictures and create a full length time capsule of everyone’s tank progression into 1 video. I think it will be a great way to track our efforts.


  • full tank shot
    -pics of your fav 3-5 corals
    -^^ same for fish
    -your "undercarriage "(sump,fuge,fishroom, basement etc)
    -keep updated pics of any new projects of your tank (upgrade, downgrade, reconstruction, etc)
    -new additions and their progressions through the year.
    -your loses (fish or corals) at the end I will incorporate a me moral for our loses this year.

Hope this thread really pops off.

Happy reefing and happy new years to everyone.

Looking forward to this, because it will be a great way to see your own progress and interaction among members to ask questions.
Even if you don’t add anything to your present tank or setup, but you maintain it all, so that by the end of the year it still shows coral growth, that is progress.
It is one thing to get a reef tank setup and running, but the objective is to be able to maintain your tank for the long term.

Indeed John I think this will be great. My photos are uploading now.

Stability is key for sure.

Nice pics Casey, your tank looks great!

What camera did you use?

Thanks john, used my note 4 cellphone lol. I’ll have more coming soon.

Great video J.

Nobody else? Why don’t we make it a call out to get people involved? You post your pics and then call someone out and the have to post?

Frank is there a way to incorporate a tag or hash tag on the new page where it will notify the member they are tagged in a post?

Nice looking tanks guys. WOW. Great plunge camera shots , Jason. Does your camera have digital picture stabilization? It seems nice and steady. Hey John, (HBM), you should check to see if your underwater camera has that feature too. your last underwater vid was a bit shakey. But Great.

Hey Jason, whats that big Red thing growing on the sand? Nice.

Thanks ken!Red/green lobo. Its pretty big,5-6" across

Here’s my 90 as of yesterday I think. It’s been majorly neglected since before Thanksgiving - depression’s a b!@#$. Have thought about starting over but when I look at the larger colonies, I know I can’t do it. I want to see them grow even larger.

My ATO crapped out right before Christmas, and I just ordered a new one today. Topping off the tank with the tolerances I have set on the tank right now is a royal pain. Hopefully I’ll get it within the week, we’ll see.

I lost my powder brown a week ago when I was down in VB for a day. I guess the ich finally took it’s toll after over 6 months. I’ve also lost a couple of other sps frags and some others aren’t looking too hot right now either. I need to some major equipment cleaning and an overall overhaul on what’s going on.


John looks great! Todd… looks good to me! If you need a home for that stuff i will be more then happy to hold it! ::bs:: :-)###

Haha! I hear you man. I am thinking of re-homing the purple wall hammer on the bottom that I got at the PA frag swap.

I think the tank looks great and does not look in any way distressed. ::thumbsup::

Jason, john, todd everything looks awesome, thanks so much for participating. AJ post up your tank pics also.

[quote=“CoralFarmerNY, post:15, topic:7781”]
I think the tank looks great and does not look in any way distressed. ::thumbsup::[/quote]

Thanks - that’s why I took the pic a little further back :slight_smile:

Thanks Jason and Casey, I really like the video Jason, your tank looks so good from the inside too.

Hang in there Todd, you have something really nice going on in your tank, your corals look fine.

This is a good start on this thread, let’s keep it going. Want to see more tank pics from all the members. If you need help on how to post pics, just ask and someone will walk you through it. It’s not that hard to do.

I agree john, great start with some activity and participation. I vote that every month the day you posted in January that you update with the same pictures just update every month so we can watch the growth of our reefs.

Hope more jump on this wagon.

Ok i have a question, how do you post the picture from photobucket and not the link