Next Meeting DECEMBER 15TH

This month’s meeting will be at:

Armco Aquatics
700 Cornell DR.
Wilmington, De 19801

Monday Dec 15th at 7pm

Additional information on Armco Aquatics can be found on their web site
(Please Note: the address on the web site is different then where the meeting will take place)

I have a small reactor laying around you can have Jon. I’ll bring it to the next meeting for ya. It is pretty simple, but it works fairly well and costs about 10$ to build.

The carbon was pulled monthly and the sponge makes it easy. I only had it about 1/3 full of carbon and the water has plenty of contact time.

Thanks Icy, but I’d rather build it myself for the experience with Shawn’s instruction.

Anyone want any calcium hydroxide?

Armco wanted a head count if you can make it please post it here

Me and Keleigh will both be there.

can’t make it … out of town :frowning:

I will be there for sure… possibly with the GF too.

I’ll be there. Any excuse to get out of the house and talk about fish.

I’ll be there. I asked the gf is she wanted to go and she gave me that look and said are you just going to talk the whole time like you do at the fish store…Yup. So that would be just me, no gf coming.

uhhh she gave ya the LOOK LOL THE I DONT THINK SO LOOK… YA MY EX WIFE HAD THAT LOOK 24/7 LOL glad thats over :BEER

I am planning on attending as long as nothing comes up between now and Monday.

ill be there, i have an interview at 6 in wilmington, so i should be there right at 7 or a little after.

im comming and with icys candy cane too.

[quote=“IanH, post:5, topic:897”]
Anyone want any calcium hydroxide?[/quote]

Hey Ian, if you wouldn’t mind I’d like to try some.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:16, topic:897”]

[quote=“IanH, post:5, topic:897”]
Anyone want any calcium hydroxide?[/quote]

Hey Ian, if you wouldn’t mind I’d like to try some.[/quote]

Sure no prob

I am late on the vote but I will be there- my first meeting. Looking forward to it


Can’t make this one, it’s my berfday and we’re going to dinner. Have fun, guys!

I’ll be there. Need to shore up the ebay group buy list. If anyone else is interested, see here: