Matt provided the basic details for the event below. Essentially, you buy a ticket for the event for $15 which will be given to you as store credit. Free wine and cheese, big discount, door prizes, and a chance to pick up some really trick pieces of coral(president has first dibs of course >LOL<).
Oh, and if thats not enough to make you want to come then maybe the raffle/door prize will.
18" X 18" X 18" rimless nano cube
The way this will work is that everyone(DRC member or not) will receive one ticket as a door prize. Additional tickets can be purchased for $1 each to increase your odds of winning. It is also VERY likely that their will be at least one really nice accessory to go along with the tank but i dont want to mention it until im 100% sure.
I was going to customize the tank ahead of time(black vinyl, bulkheads, overflow) but there is a chance that someone might want it for a FW tank. If a premium member wins the tank and wants the modifications done i will do so for free and provide all materials except for the two bulkheads.
Just to clarify one thing for everyone. This is not simply an ECA sale that we are advertising for them. This is a DRC/ECA event being held in lieu of the regular meeting. It is important for everyone to try to make this event as well as the TFB event if you can. This is the time to support our sponsors and show them how much they are appreciated. Without our sponsors and all of their generous donations we wouldnt have a raffle. Without the raffle we wouldnt have food for the meetings, a PAR meter, an all expense paid trip to Atlantis, or the rimless cubes that we are raffling off at the events. Please keep this in mind and show your support. I know it might be a little tough with having two events on adjacent weekends but who are we kidding? Most of you are in and out of an LFS at least 2 of 3 times a week anyways! ;D
Lastly, would someone like to volunteer to to man the DRC table for the club that day? We want to capitalize on the extra traffic and hopefully draw in a few new members. PM me if interested.
The way we did it last time all participants had to come in and pay for their golden tickets. (this money was a deposit on their purchases) I will make 35 golden tickets available for this event, each one cost $15.00 of which we will donate $5.00 towards raffle tickets for the aquarium and hopefully we will sell more tickets at the event. you are encouraged to set up a DRC table to attract possible new members. (you may do that all day if you want) the event will start at 5:30 pm. wine and cheese is the preferred table fair. all attendees receive 25% off all their live stock purchases, and we will have special cherry picked corals unveiled that were not available to the general public prior to the event. I will also provide a few door prizes. (each person will still have their full $15.00 store credit, we are donating the $5.00 per ticket for the raffle).
Here we go Saturday May 1st 5:30 PM. this is an exclusive event open to the first 35 people to show up at our store and purchase their golden ticket each ticket is valid for the purchaser and one guest. that ticket will cost $15.00 which is a deposit on the first $15.00 worth of their purchases for the evening, and east coast aquatics will pay for your first five $1.00 raffle tickets, towards a 18" x 18" x 18" rimless nano, on display will be the premier showing of the finest corals on the east coast, and it gets better ALL OF YOUR LIVESTOCK PURCHASES are going to be 25% off. There will be some door prizes, as well as wine and cheese. The last golden ticket event was a huge success, everyone that came had a good time and walked away with some great deals on the prettiest stuff. so don’t delay only 35 tickets available.
Tickets to the event must be purchased before the event? So it is not the first 35 people at the door, im a little confused. Where do we purchase the tickets then?
you just walk right in and say I would like a golden ticket to the may 1st event, pay $15.00 (it is a deposit on your purchases that night) you will also receive 5 of the $1.00 raffle tickets, when you arrive on may 1st. each ticket is valid for one person and a guest. there are only 35 available so.
so i’m confused. we’d have to be there at 5:30 to get the tickets or go there in advance to buy a ticket? what about before 530 ? I just want to get there at least somewhere in the middle of you Vultures… last time you guys tore up Dr. Mac’s before we made it there hahahaaha ( the day the big tank cracked)
Edit: i see this is in May not April opps, got plenty of time to get there maybe even this Sat.
to make this easier, i can collect the money for everyone going before hand. im renovating one of my properties in Prospect Park literally about 1000 feet from ECA all this week and some of next week. if you want a ticket pm me. i will go to ECA next tuesday and buy tickets for everyone that can give me the money before then.
what about before 530 ? I just want to get there at least somewhere in the middle of you Vultures...
you can get there whenever you want but wont have access to any of the nicer stuff until after 5:30 so there really isnt an advantage.
Can anyone get there around 12-1ish and man our table for me? I will try to get there the night before and set everything up so you will not need to do anything other than sell tickets, talk about the club, and hopefully recruit some new members! You would only need to cover the table until the event starts at 5:30.
what about before 530 ? I just want to get there at least somewhere in the middle of you Vultures...
you can get there whenever you want but wont have access to any of the nicer stuff until after 5:30 so there really isnt an advantage.[/quote]
i dont want to Cherry Pick. We hit the Baltimore Aquarium the day everyone went to Dr Mac’s and got stuck in traffic, by the time we made it there one or two people still we’re finishing buying things. But you guys did a number on what he had and that came from them , had to pick from the leftovers (which was still sweet).
Clarification for those that are still unclear about the event.
The $15 ticket will need to be purchased ahead of time from Matt at ECA. There is a limit of only 35 spots and these are open to everyone, not just club members, so i wouldnt wait!
The $15 ticket will get you 1)access to the event 2)cheese and wine courtesy of Matt 3) $15 store credit to be used at the event 4) 5 tickets for the 25g rimless nano tank raffle
If you can not make it to ECA get in touch with me and i will get your ticket for you.