Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Red Montipora Setosa
(montipora setosa)


Finally, I think I solved my auto top off and cal/alk dosing system for now. It should be ok until need for Ca reactor.
I am using Bubble Magus BM-T01 Dosing Pump from Cal/Alk dosed 60ml/day each and top off using limewater. I will try to use limewater without reactor and see. I have a feeling from what I have red that limewater need to be kept away from CO2 as much as possible.
“If the pH value from the Kalkwasser decreases from 12.4 to 12.2, the calcium content drops from 900 to 300 ppm. The entrance of carbon dioxide into the solution has to be avoided as far as possible.”
Since ph in my tank stays low, I feel need to get as much as possible from Kalkwasser solution.




Green Apple Cap Coral - Aquacultured
(Montipora capricornis)


Thin Branch Birds Nest - Aquacultured
(Seriatopora hystrix)


looking good Rosti! yup, you should keep a lid on the limewater storage bucket or tub or whaterver. the CO2 in the air will reactwith water to make corbonic acid which will react with lime water and make a flaky insoluable scum on the surface, and consumes some of the lime water. I use one of those 6 gallon IO buckets to make my lime water. I have been occasionally using vinegar with my kalwasser to make it more potent, and the vinegar provides carbon for bacteria, like vodka dosing, to consume phostphates and nitrates. its a two-fer. but the important thing is to keep the lid on the bucket to minimize CO2 exposure from the air.

In case you are interested, the vinegar/kalwasser recipe i use came from a Randy Farley Chemistry article on lime water on RC. I use 1 level Tablespoon of kalwasser(Calcium Hydroxide) and 3 Tablespoons of Vinegar per gallon of RO water, stir and cover and let settle. The vinegar allows more kalwasser to disolve and thus more calcium and carbonate ions to form in the solution. you can dose less of it that way.

Thank you Ken, I just red that article. Good info.

Rosti I wanted to ask if you had moved the one unknown coral or its’ surrounding tank mates. I’m not positive it is galaxia, but on gut feeling I would say to be careful with it. Here are a couple shots of my Galaxia.(Note on these images: This particular specimen has been in far from ideal conditions. I really don’t have a spot in my tank I am willing to allow an almost square foot area of nothing but a single small coral, due to its sweepers, so it sets in the bottom corner of the tank.)

Well, it’s waiting for you when you ready Jon, free of charge.(Galaxia).
I have two more heads, anybody welcome to have.

Added frag of Zoanthus sp. from EastCoast aquatics. Plan is to build/grow different colors at base of rock. First colony doing great, it’s starting to spread over to rock.

Since everyone seems to be doing giant clams, I thought I would try one too.
Tridacna maxima
It’s very small, 1in. So I hope I’ll be able to keep it since I feed tank phytoplankton daily.

I have two Flame Scallops (Lima scabra), one is little over year old and one 6mo. I just noticed that one of them moves around the tank every night, so I grabbed my camera to capture it on the move.

At this rate I will never go to sleep, every time I am ready to go up, something else captures me.
Ok, I am going past the tank and not looking at it.

Solving PH problem.
Problem, Ph during day 8.0, night 7.8, alk 12-14, cal 460

First, Kalkwasser reactor(stirrer) is added to address contact with air. Also my dosing pump couldn’t handle evaporation rate, so separate 50ml/h dosing pump is added to add Kalkwasser for 4 min every hour. Now sump level is perfect all day long.

Second, The CO2 Scrubber Kit from BRS was added and results are amazing. Within 2 hours PH rose .1 What a great product, thanks BRS.

Problem solved! PH during day 8.15, night 8.0, alk dropped slightly to 11, cal 460
I just hope cartridge last more than 1 month.

Now I can proceed to fully stocking tank with SPS.

Update. All doing great, no coral loses

Red Planet Table Coral Frag
Red Montipora Setosa
Hyacinth Bird’s Nest Frag
Thin Branch Birds Nest

Juvenile Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) still fat and healthy.

Looking great rosti!

Thanks Tim, one of this days you need to come in and see it for yourself.

Updated tank pics

Looking good.

I’m certainly going to purchase a CO2 scrubber once I get a second skimmer hooked up to one of my systems. The type of skimmer I use can’t utilize one.

Any noticeable change in ORP with the change in pH?

Are their particular corals you are looking for or just waiting until something catches the eye. Many American hobbyist take a look at 1" frags and decide if they like the coral or not when a grown out colony can look completely different. Could look at it as an adventure to see what you’ll end up with. Many of the corals from ORA you can find images of full colonies or local hobbyist, like Houndsbay John, often have images of full colonies. Some of Dr. Mac’s collector stock on his site feature images of full grown and small frags.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:39, topic:2892”]
Any noticeable change in ORP with the change in pH?
Are their particular corals you are looking for or just waiting until something catches the eye. [/quote]

ORP now hangs in low 300s, it was at 350 range before. This morning at 7 am PH 8.06 ORP 318

I am going with or frags from DPA and ECA