Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

We are going on vacation for a week , so I make sure everything is set with reef. Last minuet I decided to setup my wife’s I-phone for I-reef app. Well it took only 3 hours but I got it. PBJ! I think I can work as IT tech now.
Any way it works!


Can you change settings with that?! Can’t imagine accidentally “pocket dialing” the temp up to 90.

Pretty cool, have a good vacation.

Can’t change any programming and unless he’s running a very unstable betta firmware he can’t turn things on or off. If there is a mistake in the programming and he see’s the temp has gotten up to 92*f and his fans haven’t turned on, his heaters haven’t turned off, and his lights are still running… hopefully he’s good friends with the neighbor and left a key. One major disadvantage of the Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper equipment.

I did switch back to older version of RKL 1.3 because I and seems everybody else on message board had problems, I just didn’t trust it. Old version worked great, it’s nice to be able to pick at your tanks parameters while waiting to be seated at restaurant. As for heater, I don’t use one. Temp during night is 79-80, will see what it’s going to be in winter. I have 3 or 4 (150-200W)if I need it.
BTW temperature did reach 85.2 during vacation, because I turned A/C off, no problems.

I got this beautiful Thorny Oyster (Spondyllus sp.) from ECA, thank you Matt.
Also update with some new SPS.

updated tank pictures
Also I purchased Kelp on Rock, Grape (Botryocladia sp.) from TFP and it’s being growing great, tangs are happy. They get small branch every day.

Looking good , Rosti! you are making a nice collection of corals and fish. and they look like they are all about to take off. They should fill in some of the open space and start to look really good in the next year or so. Hey, red grape macro is one of my favorites. i used to have it growing in several tanks. looks really nice when about a foot tall and swaying in the current. I had this one big strange bristle worm that lived in a 15 tall with some rock and a big red grape that nearly filled the tank. in the evening it would slink out and swallow, one by one, a bunch of the red grape balls. pretty cool. Just munch its way along a stem.

That’s need Ken, I would love to see that. I hope it grows faster than I trim it for feedings. Probably not.

Pics won’t load

I see the pics, jon, perhaps you have a puter issue, or settings?

Well, I am having a major snail spawning event, water is cloudy, filter feeders happy. Most of the Astraea Conehead Snail (Astraea tecta) moved to the top of the tank and having o_gy. PBJ!

Great shots! it pays to keep the camera close to the tank.

You might try leaving the skimmer off for a little bit. I could be wrong, but they could be skimmed out of the water before having a chance to settle down. Odds are still slim anything will happen for it, but odds are also slim leaving your skimmer off for a bit would hurt anything.

Did you do a water change before the event? Many snails especially those that breed by broad cast spawning like that will be triggered to breed based on a chemical change in the water. Often times a water change induces such an event.

I just performed 3gal daily WC, walked away and 1/2 hour later noticed cloudy water.

Great shots of the spawn! right place at the right time!!

New additions from DD.
ORA® Red Goniopora
(Goniopora sp.)
DFS Purple Caribbean True Sea Fan
(Gorgonia ventalina)

What happened to SPS only? :wink:

Cool additions. My purple gorgonian is one of my favorites in my tank.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:57, topic:2892”]
What happened to SPS only? :wink:

Cool additions. My purple gorgonian is one of my favorites in my tank. [/quote]
LOL, couldn’t resist

Update time. Heard a bit at the meeting, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

Just curious … did you get any documentation with the sea fan about its lineage? The reason I ask it is Illegal to collect Carribean sea fans. Most gogonians are free game, but sea fans are protected. It would be legal if it was taken off of a naturally settled sea fan that was harvested on aquacultured live rock and then aquacultured, but you need some sort of documentation to prove that. I would at least save a copy of the reciept for that coral just in case you get a visit.