Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Interesting. I visited several stores near the Baltimore aquarium that had a great deal of Floridian critters, some of which seemed to almost be hidden in obscure parts of the stores. There were several gorgonians I had never seen in an LFS before and was told they were collect from Florida.

Not to get Rosti’s thread off track too much, but what about large angelfish collection?(Can PM me the answer to that if it’s more then just a sentence)

[quote=“Gordonious, post:59, topic:2892”]
Update time. Heard a bit at the meeting, but a picture is worth a thousand words. [/quote]
Will do one this weekend for sure with detailed updates

[quote=“icy1155, post:60, topic:2892”]
I would at least save a copy of the reciept for that coral just in case you get a visit.[/quote]
Liveaquaria send me certificate with serial number.

Ok, I will start with changes to refuge area. First, skimmer was removed all together. I had it running few hours a day finally, so time came to remove it. Idea behind it is to have more “food” avail for corals. Between DSB, refuge and daily (3%)WC I think it should be enough to compensate for waste removal by skimmer. Second, I changed (modified) plumbing to make daily WC as easy as possible, also I took Kaptkens advice and rebuild all plumbing to be easy serviceable. So to change water pump, all it takes is to turn quick release coupling. Third, 2 weeks before skimmer removal I stopped using carbon and GFO.
After clubs meeting on Monday I questioned amount of Ca/Alk I am dosing(300ml) each daily. So after reviewing few books in my “reef library and paying close attention to surroundings in reef I am certain that
I am overdosing. Big clue is in few spots on back wall I can see small spots of coralline algae bleaching, it is indications of Cal/Alk overdosing. So I have been adjusting dosing everyday, all it takes is push few buttons on dosing controller. This overdosing is not causing any other problems as far as I can tell, maybe because WC schedule served as buffer and problem was caught in time. I tested it today, Cal 500, Alk 12, Mag 1200(low). It’s little out of whack, hoping to bring it to norm by next week.
Within last month I did noticed explosion of life in fudge.
Btw, Clubs meeting was great and informative, looking fwd to next one.

Tanks looking real nice Rosti

Nice little fuge. you got my favorite botrycladia red grape. thats a good sign when it grows nice and clean. its a little tricky to maintain sometimes.

I was playing around with custom white balance to take reef photos. Most cameras will only do 10k WB, so you have to set your own. I think it came out good.
Some corals, etc

Some fish, etc

Over all looking good Rosti.

Most of the really healthy aquariums I have seen have not only had skimmers, but large ones. It can be done either way, but you’ll just have to get a feel for your system in time. The gas exchange that occurs in a skimmer can also be significantly beneficial besides just the nutrient export. Just keep an eye on things and use your best judgment.

Bleaching of coralline algae could be a symptom of a lot of different things, so I wouldn’t use it as the only identifier. That being said I do think having 500ppm Ca and 12dKH is a bit high.

Keep us up to date. Things are still looking nice.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:69, topic:2892”]
Just keep an eye on things and use your best judgment. [/quote]
Skimmer got thoroughly cleaned in vinegar and is on stand by just in case, when I redid plumbing I saved a port just incase I need to hook skimmer back on. So far it’s working, I did doubled WC on weekends only, just in case. Bleaching of coralline algae stopped and most is re grown, but some sort of brown algae appeared on sanded. Angels, tangs and foxface are very interested in it, constantly grassing on it.

Well Rosti I have to say I think are you doing an excellent job of taking care of this aquarium and I enjoy following along in this thread.

Nice pics Rost, tank looking good…what kind of camera/lens are you using?

[quote=“saltcreep, post:72, topic:2892”]
what kind of camera/lens are you using?[/quote]
8 yo Canon 20d, 18-200mm

Skimmerless updates (6 weeks)

and some fish



Fun feeding my tank, sorry no WB on phone camera:(


Thx Tim, btw I like your wave video also GolfC