Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Tanks looking real good Rosti. Very nice.

I like your mixture fish. What type of coral is that on top of your rocks near the Vortex? Is it a Goniopora?

How long have you had the butterfly?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:81, topic:2892”]

I like your mixture fish. What type of coral is that on top of your rocks near the Vortex? Is it a Goniopora?

How long have you had the butterfly? [/quote]
Yes it’s goniopora, butterfly is 2.5 mo, i didn’t see him eat for week, now his is first in line. Yellow tang will whip him at times, but best part is no apteisia in site YahoO, some are hiding under rocks though.

7 month tank update

You say you’d like to get more room for kalkwasser additions. Very few tanks established reef tanks can rely on kalk addition alone to replace calcium. Not only that, but unless you are carefully dosing other elements at the right ratio you can end up with an in balance. Is it that your pH isn’t as high as you would like? Perhaps it is time to consider a calcium reactor vs dosing.

Nice video, btw, still watching. What kind of camera do you have, if you don’t mind me asking?

Have you considered keeping a viewing window open of coraline on the front of the fuge? In a function fuge you want at least three of the sides to be left natural, in my opinion, however it’s fun to look in and see the critters. Kent Marine’s red acrylic pro scrapper will make it fairly easy to remove with out scratching the viewing pain and if you use one of the handles you won’t even have to put your hands in.

Rosti could you post what your levels at now and what sort of things are you dosing when. Is it all based on top off levels?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:84, topic:2892”]
You say you’d like to get more room for kalkwasser additions.[/quote]
Rite now I get 1gal evaporation a day(wet skimming included), it’s replaced by Kalkwasser from reactor and I dose Alk/Cal/Mag 80g/80g/40g a day it keeps tank at 8.4/410/1280 and it’s ok for now. Look like I will need Calcium reactor in 6mo or so.
I love to watch fuge and will clean front panel soon

[quote=“Gordonious, post:84, topic:2892”]
. What kind of camera do you have, if you don’t mind me asking? [/quote]
I-Phone 4, I need to find a way(app) to control white balance

Have you looked at Brightwell’s Kalk+2? You’d need to consider dosing carefully with it as it will throw off your balance a bit if you don’t do your calculations carefully. Perhaps you could eliminate dosing some of the items you are not and dose occasional live plankton with some carefully programming. Just an idea I have never dosed plankton before, but considered it for a while.

What size quietone pump is that you using?.. and incredible pod activity in the fuge!

[quote=“saltcreep, post:90, topic:2892”]
What size quietone pump is that you using?.. and incredible pod activity in the fuge![/quote]
I use QueitOne 5000

what algae’s do you have in there? how often do you prune?

do you ever have to clean those bio balls in thought i saw in between baffles?

[quote=“longballz84, post:92, topic:2892”]
what algae’s do you have in there? how often do you prune?

do you ever have to clean those bio balls in thought i saw in between baffles?[/quote]
Red grape and caulerpa(scientific names are in video), weekly pruning.
I have not cleaned bioballs yet.

Most of what I saw in his fuge from the video was Mysis shrimp. Pretty sweet when you get them growing like that in your system.

Yeah very sweet, what do you attribute the mysis success to? is that normal, or luck, or did you set out to do that??? i have them in my fuge, but not at all like those numbers that i can see in yours. I noticed theres no chaeto in your system either rosti? thats the only macro i have, and have been thinking about switching. It grow’s great, but is messy, especially when pruning, and collects a lot of crud. are you happy with your current fuge setup,it sure looks like it? why did you use the macro’s you did? ( bet you researched it a lot?) and what lighting/ schedule is on the fuge are? and again… it looks great!

Hi saltcreep, i didn’t see your post till today. Regular phytoplankton addition is why mysis population is so large because they eat copods that eat phyto. Earlier in this thread I listed all algae that grows in fuge, and chaeto is being outcompeted, there is no trace of it now. Lights are on 24/7
Btw, Red grape algae is fed to tangs weekly, so far it’s being sustaining itself for 3-4 mo.
I took advice of John(Gordonious) and cleaned front panel of fuge, now I can see my Dragonface Pipefish (Corythoichthys sp.), I see it eats mostly small mysis, here is the video:

Thats real cool looking Rosti!!!!

Where do you get live mysis that size?

That’s an awsom Dragonface Pipefish. He looks very content in your fuge, with all the food he can eat. Have you ever consider getting a partner for him or her? to do some breeding? I think that would be cool.

nice video

[quote=“reefman66, post:98, topic:2892”]
That’s an awsom Dragonface Pipefish. He looks very content in your fuge, with all the food he can eat. Have you ever consider getting a partner for him or her? to do some breeding? I think that would be cool.[/quote]
Thx, i think at some point I will get one more, and I will put him in display tank if I will get acro. redbugs.