Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Here is little mysis teaser

it should be up on youtube in HD in few min

Very nice fuge, packed with life!! cool video,

Looking good rosti. Love the new addition. I hope to one day get some sea horses, but not ready for them just yet. Really like your pipe fish though.

[quote=“billrob71, post:97, topic:2892”]
Where do you get live mysis that size?[/quote]

Not following along Bill? They grew in his tank. Came in off LR, macros or whatever. He purchased some “bugs” at some point, but I think the mysis probably came from the macro or rocks.

I finally found the reason why my Derasa clam will not open up all the way, Koran angel nips it all the time. ???

Did you issue an eviction notice? lOl

[quote=“saltcreep, post:105, topic:2892”]
Did you issue an eviction notice? lOl[/quote]
No, I really like him “<” and I’ll never catch him anyway.


Things are looking good Rosti. I really like the gorgonian. What do you call the coral in the last shot or did they have a name associated with it when you purchased it?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:108, topic:2892”]
What do you call the coral in the last shot or did they have a name associated with it when you purchased it? [/quote]
I got it from liveaquaria it’s called: Montipora Capricornis, Purple - Aquacultured, ORAâ„¢ (Montipora capricornis)

It incrusts great but doesn’t look too purple with MH and actinics on. Maybe I don’t have enough light power to bring purple color up and nutrients higher.

Ah. That is one odd little coral. I have it as well. Rarely ever looked purple and I had it in a lot of different conditions. Looks orange in your tank. Mostly brown in mine.

Any one knows what are those mysterious white dots appearing everywhere?




I don’t know, but i’m curios… did they appear overnight?

[quote=“saltcreep, post:112, topic:2892”]
I don’t know, but i’m curios… did they appear overnight?[/quote]
I started to notice them week ago, about 20-30 i can see

It might snail eggs. I get those from my cerith snails.

[quote=“reefman66, post:114, topic:2892”]
It might snail eggs. I get those from my cerith snails.[/quote]
Ok, I’ll keep an eye on them

[quote=“reefman66, post:114, topic:2892”]
It might snail eggs. I get those from my cerith snails.[/quote]

I don’t know if thats the case, maybe another snail, but here is a cerith in the act of laying its eggs and they look different.

i had them in my old tank, and for some reason i thought they were limpet eggs, ever have limpets in your tank?

[quote=“longballz84, post:117, topic:2892”]
i had them in my old tank, and for some reason i thought they were limpet eggs, ever have limpets in your tank?[/quote]
I don’t know

had the exact same eggs. positively id’d as cerith. no probs.
