Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Thank you Jeff.

9 month old skimmer-less update

parameters on 2/16/2011
Nitrate 1-2 ppm
phosphate 0.12 ppm
alkalinity 10.5 or 3.76 meg/l
calcium 416 ppm
magnesium 1410 ppm
iodine .09 ppm
potassium 458 ppm
iron .10 ppm
strontium 9 mg/l
Temp 71.5-73 f
PH 8.17-8.25

2 gal daily WC using TM reefpro, TM bioactiv on weekends
Feeding 6 standard frozen cubes daily, 8-10 on week ends
DT live phytoplankton 40-50 ml twice a week
Cal/Alk/Mag addition 60/60/20 ml daily
Red Sea Reef Energy A & B 10 ml twice a week

wow! and all that feeding doesn’t upset things??? beautiful amazing

[quote=“moliken, post:143, topic:2892”]
wow! and all that feeding doesn’t upset things??? beautiful amazing[/quote]
looks like system is handling it, i don’t feed anything besides frozen mysis/spirulina brine/saltwater multipack, alternating all of them
i found that this combination works because copper-band will not touch anything else.

Rosti, your tank and corals and fish all look fantastic. nice job.

Thank you moliken and houndsbayman, one of this days you need to make trip north of DE and visit

would love to.

Rosti, your tank looks great!! love the growth on those acros.

amazing…would love to see this in person oneday. love the tower look and the naso.

Thanks for the udate and data Rosti. Your tank and corals are looking wonderful! A good fuge and nutrient management with your regular water changes see to be working just fine. Thats real nice to know. it must allow for a bit extra zooplankton which will be a benefit to the corals and fish.

I was wondering. Which brand of test kits are you using for the Potassium and the Strontium levels? and how do you like them? Are they fairly accurate and easy to use?


[quote=“kaptken, post:150, topic:2892”]
I was wondering. Which brand of test kits are you using for the Potassium and the Strontium levels? and how do you like them? Are they fairly accurate and easy to use? [/quote]

Thank you kaptken, I am using RedSea Reef Care Program kits and supplements, I like that it all works together, easy to understand-test-supplement. (check out videos on right to see it in action)
I found this test kits more accurate and have better resolution, I really like glass vials and lab style shaker. So easy to use, TFP have it all in stock.
There are many ways to use Reef Color supplements, directions included. I tested before using it and everything was low, even with my WC schedule. I add 10 ml of Reef Colors A, B, C & D alternating. Keep doing until parameters show good and adjust dosage. Basically each supplement effects different colors.
Read more on their website.

I also use Red Sea’s Nitrate & Phosphate Pro Test Kits, same idea. But you have to know that nitrate range is only 0-4 ppm and phosphate 0-0.64, so it perfect for algae management in reef tank.
I don’t use RedSea NO3:PO4-X for algae control because you need a good skimmer to remove bacteria.

For Strontium testing i use Salifert (this test kit tests calcium and strontium), and supplement with brightwell strontion, this system requires 50-100ml weekly. Otherwise it drops to 0-3 ppm. I am planning to switch to RedSea Reef Foundation A, B & C for my 3 part doing when BRS stuff runs out.

Great meeting tonight. Thank you saltcreep for photo lessons. Got home, did WC, feed fish and took few shots with actinics on. Now time for bed!




and more

Pics look great Rosti !!!

Very nice shots :BEER your tank is looking great!

Oh its easy to take great pictures when you have beautiful, Healthy corals! Great shots Rosti, they are looking good!

I envy your dedication to regular water changes, testing and dosing. I often fall down and stumble. but the proof is in the results of your tank. It really pays off.

Thanks for the review of yout test kits. I have been looking for a Potassium test kit. they have slowly been coming on to the market, with the advent of the Balling Method of dosing. I know my salt is very low in potassium, and i dose by eyeball. but i would like to be sure. I will get one of the test kits soon. It seems the Red Sea kit you use has a clear titration color change to indicate the K level. that is good. others are more sublte and harder to judge. Potassium helps the blue colors, i hear.

Thanks! Yours are looking good!.

[quote=“Rosti, post:152, topic:2892”]
Great meeting tonight. Thank you saltcreep for photo lessons. Got home, did WC, feed fish and took few shots with actinics on. Now time for bed![/quote]

Rosti, in your group of pic, is the first one an a Purple Bonzai?

Thank you gentlemen for nice comments, very appreciated.

[quote=“reefman66, post:157, topic:2892”]
Rosti, in your group of pic, is the first one an a Purple Bonzai?[/quote]

I think it’s tri color acro. Here is better shot under halides.


I really would love to have this one some day, but i am going to wait until tank is 1 yo before i spend $200 for 1 in frag.
Purple Monster Acropora
(Acropora sp.) from

product_image pm.gif

[quote=“Rosti, post:158, topic:2892”]
Thank you gentlemen for nice comments, very appreciated.

[quote=“reefman66, post:157, topic:2892”]
Rosti, in your group of pic, is the first one an a Purple Bonzai?[/quote]

I think it’s tri color acro. Here is better shot under halides.[/quote]

Thanks for the updated pic, Rosti. I guess it was under the actinic, that’s why it look so purple. Even under the halides it looks beautiful as well.

I know what you mean about that purple monster acros, one of my favorite as well. One of these days I can maybe get one. Right now still on a quest for GARF purple Bonzai!