Suggestion for new way for Over Flow

As subject states. I’m looking for suggestion for new over flow. I know the usual over flow box over the top, hole in the bottom for durso or stockman’s style standpipes in the corner or center, BeanAnimal. And as suggest by Downbeach from glass-holes, Thanks Downbeach for the link. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Take a look at the link on our home page for Living color. The tank is 650 gals with a hidden overflo in the middle of the rock work in the center of the tank. pretty cool. The problem is that the rock work is fake rock. I just like the look of no overflow boxes to be seen anywhere.

Thanks John. I saw that, but I’m not sure of one large mound look.

I think you will find that the bean animal is quite possibly the best way to go for a number of reasons. The emergency and silent aspects sold me, as well as the massive amounts of laminar flow, I dont think you can quite beat it, also you can “build the overflow box” outside of the tank to save even more space if you wish.

Thanks for the suggestion, but how do you “build the overflow box” outside of the tank? do you have a pic or website that show the build? Thanks

[quote=“reefman66, post:5, topic:4998”]
Thanks for the suggestion, but how do you “build the overflow box” outside of the tank? do you have a pic or website that show the build? Thanks[/quote]

Start by reading on page 2, I believe post #35 is the one guy who I read about doing it on the outside, I also know a member in DVRC that did his on the outside, he is the one who helped me the most with the one I installed on my 120G.

[quote=“hondacbr600rr, post:6, topic:4998”]

[quote=“reefman66, post:5, topic:4998”]
Thanks for the suggestion, but how do you “build the overflow box” outside of the tank? do you have a pic or website that show the build? Thanks[/quote]

Start by reading on page 2, I believe post #35 is the one guy who I read about doing it on the outside, I also know a member in DVRC that did his on the outside, he is the one who helped me the most with the one I installed on my 120G.[/quote]

Thanks. I can’t see pictures since I’m at work. Darn work keep interfering with my fun. Guess I’ll wait till I get home.

Are you planning on one box, or two A?

What ever works for 220g, John. Least is better, more room for more stuff.

Hi! Ehh? You could try building one of these prime saving continuous overflows out of PVC that require no drilling.

Works fine. I recall that Jon G. once bought out Home Depots entire stock of fittings and actually made one of these , way back when., Its a little tricky about getting the levels of the pipes just right. If you need advise, just call Jon. He mights till have it in the closet somewhere. I bet…

[quote=“kaptken, post:10, topic:4998”]
Hi! Ehh? You could try building one of these prime saving continuous overflows out of PVC that require no drilling.

Works fine. I recall that Jon G. once bought out Home Depots entire stock of fittings and actually made one of these , way back when., Its a little tricky about getting the levels of the pipes just right. If you need advise, just call Jon. He mights till have it in the closet somewhere. I bet…[/quote]

Thanks Ken for the suggestion. But I want to keep the tank as clean as posible and more room for other things.

Just joking a bit AI. But you know, Ian made a full back of tank overflow for one of his tanks a while back. he made it shallow and thin, and seems to have liked it. full surface skimming. drilled in the back for the overflow.

Ken, do you know where he got the idea from? or what does it look like? are you talking about this BeanAnimal style over flow? I don’t really see Ian on the post anymore to ask him.

A, i’m very happy with the “herbie” style… i think its that…

On my small system (30g dt / 20g sump) i have an overflow box its about 8’’ x 5’’ x 2 1/2’’ and its completely sealed (4 sides and a bottom) so no need to silicone to the glass. It has 2 3/4 inch bulkheads. one has a valve, i use it to reduce the flow until the lower bulkhead is completely submerged (full siphon) and the upper bulkhead) its about 2 1/2 ‘’ higher only gets a tiny amount of flow… so, theres two drain lines, and its whisper quiet at 500gph, and flawless re-starts everytime. with this style, the holes are drilled in the back of the glass…When the day comes that i finally drill my 125, i’ll use two of these, or one big center one.
I see the same design out there with 3 drains ( the third being an emergency one) but i saw it as an overkill, and glad i went with two holes. I did add a “T” on the inside of my bottom bulkhead to give it extra “anti snail” protection.

What about how the fish stores do it a hole drilled or two with a bulkhead and pipe sticking up move the pipe left or right or cut it to desired length to get the right water level. Only room loss is the pipe size.

Hey A did I miss somthing?did yoj get a new tank?

the store type set up with a bulkhead in a back lower corner and an elbow and tall stand pipe makes it easy for them to do water changes on the sytem. just swing the overflow pipe down and more water goes to the sump for draining. a downside is if the bulkhead springs a gasket leak you can drain the whole tank. but thats not unlike any bottom drilled tank for overflows. a vertical standpipe drain coming up through the bottom is the simplest overflow. but can be noisy. water falling straight down the pipe with air.

Noisy true. I’m sure if you play with the height and siphon break it could be quiet. I wouldn’t drill near the bottom I’d drill about 3-4" from the top then if it leaks it will only go down to that point and I think that would quiet it I’d drill a 1.5" in the tank then 2-2.5" pipe going to the sump that should be pretty quiet.

Thanks for the input fellas. My concerned with just the bulkhead overflow is surface skimming and noise. Yes, I can mess with the siphon break, but trying to keep it as simple as possible with out all the tinkering.

Like your herbie style over flow John, seems similar to the BeanAnimal style, but with out the emergency overflow. I would like to have surface skimming as much as possible. Looking into C2C with BeanAnimal style overflow. The only thing I have with C2C is the overflow skim box is inside the tank and from what I read it may block out light and shade below area. Maybe I can do half instead of full C2C. Wish I can do an out side skim box, but then I have to cut out the tank glass for it to skim over, which will never happened. By the way where did you get that black skim box?

Yes Jason, I got a used 220g for the price that I was willing to pay for. I was gonna wait till I’m ready to build to post, but it’s obvious that I have a new tank, since I’m asking everyone for ideas for a new build. It’s gonna be a project build and I’m gonna take my time to build it to how I want it.

Thanks again. I’m still looking for more inputs if anyone have any.

A why not just use the hang on style. I have one on my tank it takes an aqua lifter to start and hold the siphon it doesn’t take a lot of room and is quiet. Haven’t had a problem with it the aqua lifter needs cleaning like every 3 months or more. The only problem I have is the little baby snails slow the pumping of the aqua lifter and it makes noise but all I do is stick a toothpick in it.