DRC BBQ 2009/Eating meat

Looks like i probably wont be able to make it. I hope things might change last minute but right now it seems unlikely.

List updated above.

That stinks Shawn. I hope things change and you can come.


i cant come as i will be at a family reunion. but i do have a small moonbounce w/ a slide for the kids that i could donate for a nice frag or too ;-). lol. just lemme know

jon replied too your message about b b q items. i will be coming to this and i also need to know what to bring.

My retarded brother just scheduled my neice’s birthday party for the 29th at 4 up in Pa.!!! Unfortunately I blew off the same brother’s other kid’s party to play softball earlier in the summer so I have to go to this one.

Sorry I will not be able to attend afterall.

He’s such a douche bag!!!

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:45, topic:1913”]
My retarded brother just scheduled my neice’s birthday party for the 29th at 4 up in Pa.!!! Unfortunately I blew off the same brother’s other kid’s party to play softball earlier in the summer so I have to go to this one.

Sorry I will not be able to attend afterall.

He’s such a douche bag!!![/quote]

Wtf Craig!

[quote=“IanH, post:46, topic:1913”]
Wtf Craig![/quote]

Yeah No sh!t - that’s the way I feel abouot it too!

Bummer…we’ll call you up and tell you how much fun we’re having to make you feel bad, don’t worry.

wow, a retarded douchebag brother, who gets blown off. sounds like a huge family resemblance? lOl

Hey now!! That’s not nice.

just spoze i know yr tard db blown bro and think he’s swell. i don’t, but i might.

List moved to last page.

moliken’s bringing veggie dogs for all the non-meat eaters

[quote=“moliken, post:53, topic:1913”]
moliken’s bringing veggie dogs for all the non-meat eaters[/quote]

i just vomited in my mouth

[quote=“ronert, post:54, topic:1913”]

[quote=“moliken, post:53, topic:1913”]
moliken’s bringing veggie dogs for all the non-meat eaters[/quote]

i just vomited in my mouth[/quote]
better than on yr shoes

Hum, I’ll have to try a veggie dog. Like several types of veggie burgers, but never tried a veggie dog.

Seems like there will be a lot of taste stuff to sample.

[quote=“martinfaimly, post:44, topic:1913”]
jon replied too your message about b b q items. i will be coming to this and i also need to know what to bring. [/quote]

Am I the only one bringing a couple El Cheapo charcoal barbeques? the big one is just 18 inch diameter, and the kettle 15 inch , might need a third for the assortment of burnt offerings afoot.

Put us down for tater salad! PBJ!

I’ll make something to take to the bbq, just not sure what that is yet :stuck_out_tongue: