DRC BBQ 2009/Eating meat

Thanks, hope next weekend works out. Though it is really early to tell the forecast for next weekend looks 100X better.

this date might work out better for me. at the very least ill should be able to swingby on my lunchbreak for a few laughs and some free grub ;D no +1 though, unless you count my appetite.

Jon, I think I can make it, I don’t think there is anything on my schedule for that Sat. and Eden might be able to come as well.

Yup - I think next weekend will work better for me as well.

me and the veggie dogs will be there too. is that +1?

[quote=“moliken, post:85, topic:1913”]
me and the veggie dogs will be there too. is that +1?[/quote]

Not unless the veggie dogs are eating burgers and hot dogs, which would make them non veggie dogs anyways…

I was thinking we would have a smaller turn out next week end. Might not be the case.

As I said earlier, September 5th is fine. See you then.

Go figure, today turned out to be a pretty nice day, minus the humidity. I guess that is why weather man can be wrong 90% of the time and still keep their jobs!

beautiful day for a BBQ wanna have one?

Sure why not!

what a gorgeous day tohave a bbq


Magic 8 ball let us down.

Well I don’t know what happened down south, but up here there were massive scary clouds all over. It only rained cats and dogs for a half hour though, so it might now have been too bad. Who knew, as I said my stupid crystal ball was broke yesterday, lol.

Now if you guys could help me out pull out your crystal balls, wigi boards, and magic 8balls and look into next Saturday. Also pull out those old rabbits feet, your lucky pair of socks, and hunt for four leave cloves and concentrate on Sept. 5th. Just wear clean socks to the event itself. :wink:

Trying to keep track of everyone, but I have a ton of PMs to sort through. Let me know if I missed anyone. It’s not too late for anyone else to jump in. If anyone would be willing to pick up some potato chips and some additional drinks like fruit juice, Gatorade, or something similar that would be helpful.

We need someone to bring potato chips and if anyone has a spare grill it would be helpful to have an additional one.

Count me and the family in and we will bring an assortment of potato chips.

Hey guys, just found out we have to be in DC on Saturday, we will not be coming.

Good to hear Craig, sorry to hear Jocephus.

Win some you lose some.

Only a couple of days…

I’ll try to get there a little early to start the fires.