DRC BBQ 2009/Eating meat

I can’t show until 4 at the earliest, helping a friend move and I may or may not have to leave at 6.

ill cya @ 3!!

Ive got a case of gatorade i can bring.

Jon - i can also get ice from work if needed. lmk

[quote=“michaelangelo, post:102, topic:1913”]
ill cya @ 3!! [/quote]

Your welcome at three, but I thought I had posted it would start at 4, lol. Doesn’t matter much to me though.

Shawn Steph and I just put ice on the last minute shopping list, if you could bring some that would be great. If you can for sure we’ll just pick up a small bag.

We just picked up a new charcoal grill today we’ll break in tomorrow.

I was hoping to borrow some chairs, but don’t have transportation to go get them. We have a good bit, but if people could bring some that would be great. BYOC if you can.

For those who have not yet paid your dues Marty will be present to sign people up. It’s not required at all to be a paid member especially since this is not a regular meeting.

Hope everyone has a good time tomorrow.

lol cya @4… i didnt know … Saint:)

I’ll be bringing some veggie pizza and a few extra chairs

Oh, Al dropped off a couple of boxes of misc. reef parts and supplies he doesn’t need anymore to pass out to anyone that would like them. and a couple things reserved for Glen?
see you then.

Most up to date list:

Currently attending on Sept 5th:
Gordonious + 1 - condiments, cup cakes, and baked beans
Ben + 1
Ento_Reefer - home made mac & cheese
billrob71 + ? some sodas
reefzig + 1
Moliken - veggie dogs
kaptken - grills
Cdangel0 + 3 - assortment of potato chips
xwhatmeworryx - garlic pretzels
Jcling + 1


Waiting to hear from:
bz350 + 1
RBTA + 1 - something

(club will be purchasing paper plates, and utensils as well as burgers, hot dogs, rolls, and buns)
(Not sure if they have received directions, please respond to PM)

[quote=“Gordonious, post:104, topic:1913”]
For those who have not yet paid your dues Marty will be present to sign people up. It’s not required at all to be a paid member especially since this is not a regular meeting. [/quote]

Not to be picky, but DRC invites everyone to regular meetings, anyway. Members or not.

Thought I’d post that in case anyone misunderstood what Jon meant.

looks like sun. maybe we should cancel. or postpone.

Good idea then I can stop cleaning. :wink: jk

Well play Jon…I almost thought I was going to come over to some ugly looking tanks, but I was quite wrong. Very gorgeous looking tanks.

Thank you guys for having us over, great time had by all I think :slight_smile:

I agree nothing like blowin smoke there Jon  :P  Thanks for having all of us over!! It was fun!

next time lets get together at the “farmhouse” BoNg :BEER >LOL< >LOL<

had a great time, great tanks jon, and nice meeting all of you

What a nice Day! It was good to see you all there. I got to meet some that were just names on the forum, but now i know you have lots of funny stories too! It was good to see lots of new people and old friends. a fine warm day, some sizzling food from the barbie and hey, we got to see how nice Jon’s tanks actually look! all the corals and frags looked super. And Thanks Steph for being such a good host, and putting up with all us reef nerds. Your hospitality and preparations where wonderful. You made us all feel at home for a really nice day!

I had a really nice time! The food was good but the company was better!

I hope we didn’t scare the cat too much.

All the kids were funny too!

It’s good to remember how to be a Kid!

That was always the Best time of my life.

Let’s do it again.

those tanks that we stole from, ooops i mean that we did NOT steal from, were just beautiful. like someone who collects tons of tiny jewels, or seeds, or inscribed manuscripts. whatever the comparison, we geeks know that the corals are prettier. i just felt that even with the racks of eggcrate, it looked almost natural. amazing!
great barbie too, fine people, fantastic day. ken’s comments are highly accurate! next one is when??

A big thanks to Steph and Jon for hosting such a wonderful event. Your tanks are amazing Jon. I was drooling all over the floor…LOL… Those were some great ribs kapten. It was nice talking to everyone and I hope we do this again next year.

It was a great time.

Thanks everyone for the kind posts. Steph and I were both really happy to have everyone. I appreciate the kind words about my tanks. I think as with everyone in the hobby I am self conscious about them because I am always thinking about things I can do better next time. Of course time and money are the biggest limiting factors definitely not imagination.(Ian, Ken, and I got talking about our dream tanks later in the night including cuttlefish and sharks and so on)

Oh and Paul, I meant to tell you by the time I was halfway through the veggie dog I forgot it was a veggie dog as it tasted just like a hot dog.

I am shocked I am the first one to comment on the boards about Ellen’s Mac and Cheese. The compliments last night did not stop coming. It was great and the best part… it still is great! I was so happy to see she left some behind.

Thanks to everyone who brought things. It was good to see everyone and I can’t wait for the next reef club event.

Keep posted to the forums we’ll be announcing this month’s regular meeting agenda shortly. It will be Monday the 21st at 7pm. We’ll be announcing the location hopefully before next weekend.(just have to make sure that William Penn High school is not already booked)

Oh and Paul, I meant to tell you by the time I was halfway through the veggie dog I forgot it was a veggie dog as it tasted just like a hot dog.

and you didn’t “vomit in your mouth,” to quote a lovely opinion.

[quote=“moliken, post:119, topic:1913”]
and you didn’t “vomit in your mouth,” to quote a lovely opinion.[/quote]
opinion? opinion would be “i don’t like that” …

that was pure reaction based on the one and only time i’ve had the pleasure of tasting them … not opinion