DRC BBQ 2009/Eating meat

[quote=“ronert, post:120, topic:1913”]

[quote=“moliken, post:119, topic:1913”]
and you didn’t “vomit in your mouth,” to quote a lovely opinion.[/quote]
opinion? opinion would be “i don’t like that” …

that was pure reaction based on the one and only time i’ve had the pleasure of tasting them … not opinion[/quote]
nicely put. funny too. your fact would even agree with most people’s first experience with soy. mine too, for sure.

but just like the first awkward time you/we drive a car and almost killed yrself/ourselves, it takes time to get to and time to understand the difference between pig scraps [“we use everything but the squeal”] mixed with insect pieces and vegetable protein that comes from a bean. slap-stick

[quote=“moliken, post:121, topic:1913”]
but just like the first awkward time you/we drive a car and almost killed yrself/ourselves, it takes time to get to and time to understand the difference between pig scraps [“we use everything but the squeal”] mixed with insect pieces and vegetable protein that comes from a bean. slap-stick[/quote]

not everything takes time or is an “acquired taste” … i took to women and booze right off

and before you get on your high horse about insect pieces and pig scrap, you should “take time” to investigate the ENTIRE process of bringing veggies to market … that’s not exactly the cleanest of processes either

btw … i’m NOT a hot dog fan, either … just wanted to clear that up

well, high horse, it’s not. it’s just reasoning and careful thinking. despite the “costs” involved in bringing veggies to market, it’s less destructive to the environment, cleaner and cheaper than feeding a massive animal population so people can eat cheaply and poorly at mcdonalds. when i was a kid and younger adult, i ate meat gladly, yum. a good steak was terrific. nowadays, the amount of land and feed and anti bacteria and pesticides used to maintain the beef, chicken, pig population is just disgusting and unhealthy. some veggie production is almost as bad. but just because you can’t have perfection doesn’t mean you should settle for the worst solution. if factory farms didn’t exist, i probably would still eat meat. but i really want a healthy planet for my grandkids.


again thanks for having us, I was very jealous of you xenia tank 4 sure!!! I cant wait to get a tank just for them!!! It was also wonderful meeting everyone and putting a face to the name…

Cant wait to do it again

[quote=“moliken, post:124, topic:1913”]
well, high horse, it’s not. it’s just reasoning and careful thinking. despite the “costs” involved in bringing veggies to market, it’s less destructive to the environment, cleaner and cheaper than feeding a massive animal population so people can eat cheaply and poorly at mcdonalds. when i was a kid and younger adult, i ate meat gladly, yum. a good steak was terrific. nowadays, the amount of land and feed and anti bacteria and pesticides used to maintain the beef, chicken, pig population is just disgusting and unhealthy. some veggie production is almost as bad. but just because you can’t have perfection doesn’t mean you should settle for the worst solution. if factory farms didn’t exist, i probably would still eat meat. but i really want a healthy planet for my grandkids.[/quote]

sure sounds like a high horse … my mistake … must be a soapbox … :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I think Paul is on the right track health wise. I just can’t seem to pass up a good steak once in a while, but I will pass on the pork. I have always thought pigs were disgusting.

I think different opinions are great it makes things much more interesting.

[quote=“ronert, post:126, topic:1913”]

[quote=“moliken, post:124, topic:1913”]
well, high horse, it’s not. it’s just reasoning and careful thinking. despite the “costs” involved in bringing veggies to market, it’s less destructive to the environment, cleaner and cheaper than feeding a massive animal population so people can eat cheaply and poorly at mcdonalds. when i was a kid and younger adult, i ate meat gladly, yum. a good steak was terrific. nowadays, the amount of land and feed and anti bacteria and pesticides used to maintain the beef, chicken, pig population is just disgusting and unhealthy. some veggie production is almost as bad. but just because you can’t have perfection doesn’t mean you should settle for the worst solution. if factory farms didn’t exist, i probably would still eat meat. but i really want a healthy planet for my grandkids.[/quote]

sure sounds like a high horse … my mistake … must be a soapbox … :P[/quote]
just an explanation of a position. just b/c it disagrees with your view of the universe, or anyone else’s, doesn’t make it soapboxy.
sure i’d like it if the world were healthier, but i just began by saying i’d bring non meat hot dogs. someone else, might it have been you?, i believe, mentioned vomiting, which sure sounds inflammatory and mightily opinionated. but if you use a sump and i use a fuge, what’s the need for a soapbox

[quote=“moliken, post:124, topic:1913”]
well, high horse, it’s not. it’s just reasoning and careful thinking. despite the “costs” involved in bringing veggies to market, it’s less destructive to the environment, cleaner and cheaper than feeding a massive animal population so people can eat cheaply and poorly at mcdonalds.[/quote]

Wait a minute, are you saying McDonald’s has hotdogs? Awesome!

[quote=“ronert, post:122, topic:1913”]
not everything takes time or is an “acquired taste” … i took to women and booze right off[/quote]

HA! Almost fell out of my chair!

More power to ya Paul.

You got more gumpshun than me to make a diet change to change the world. It is very true, it takes 5 pounds of vegetable/grain protein, passed through the bowels of a cow, pig, chicken, to make one pound of animal protein. our process of grain fed meat is very resource expensive. Feed, water, energy. when push comes to shove we will all be eating more grain. Meat production produces about as much green house gasses or more, than driving our cars. Oil, resources and energy for tractors, fertilizer, pesticides, harvest, transport, refrigeration, cooking, and waste disposal. plus all the CO2 and methane from the animal waste and end product decomposition.

Video included:
Chicks Being Ground Up Alive Video | HuffPost Impact

And then there is the factory treatment of the farmed animals. Of course the chick meal goes back for farm animal feed, or cat or dog food. or extracted for oils and minerals for cosmetics, soap and pharmaceuticals. That’s our system.

But you know, Nothing burps quite as good as bacon for breakfast on a cold morning! EeeeYurp!!

What can we do? We are hungry animals too.

At least we cook our meat first, except for sushi.

thanks for the humor also. lOl i really was aching for one of those delicious-looking ribs, ken, for sure. it was difficult not to jump on one and scarff it down. and that’s serious. it’s always that way when there’s meat around. it does taste wonderful! and we’re designed to eat all types of food.
i have no objections to meat-eaters and meat-growers. it’s the massive scale that bothers me. like over-fishing so high priced restaurants can serve chilean seabass and destroying shark populations for shark fin soup at $100 a bowl.

[quote=“Jocephus, post:129, topic:1913”]

[quote=“ronert, post:122, topic:1913”]
not everything takes time or is an “acquired taste” … i took to women and booze right off[/quote]

HA! Almost fell out of my chair![/quote]

at least someone get’s my humor … sheesh …

i just ate almost an entire london broil for lunch

ps our overfed livestock crap the food your veggies eat

[quote=“TimH07, post:133, topic:1913”]
i just ate almost an entire london broil for lunch

ps our overfed livestock crap the food your veggies eat[/quote]
now,THAT"S funny


[quote=“moliken, post:131, topic:1913”]
it’s the massive scale that bothers me.[/quote]

i agree. most things done on a massive scale tend to be bothersome.

you can point to the meat market easily. makes for an easy target.

but when you consider that MOST of the pollutants in the chesapeake are from run-off ag fertilizer, you start to realize that the soy-dog and veggie production chain is just as bad.

so point away at the meat products as being the only “bad” thing if you’d like … but the truth is we’re just plain over-harvesting everything

Good point, Ted. But if we are talking environmental awareness, you also have to look at the water consumption for growing beef to market. That is a scary number. I say if God didn’t want us to eat cows, he wouldn’t have made them out of steak.


Sorry i missed your party, I was out of town. I was thinkin about u guy when i had a BEER on Saturday. Lookin forward to the next one.




I say if God didn’t want us to eat cows, he wouldn’t have made them out of steak. BoNg
well, it seems as that solves it. just have God remake cows so they look like carrots and peas and lima beans.
we are over-harvesting, but just b/c you can’t have perfection shouldn’t mean you need to ignore a better solution. some vegetarians advocate that carnivores have one meatless day a week. man would that make a huge difference! imagine just 1 day outta 7. PoM

and u will enjoy the ribs and sirloin at the roadhouse with me? just 1 day out of 7?