John's little tank

[quote=“TimH07, post:60, topic:5824”]
You need more patience my friend[/quote]

I dunno how i’m being impatient, they just didn’t like your anenome tim ::rofl::

They will, they just need to wash the stank out from the previous tenants.

[quote=“saltcreep, post:54, topic:5824”]
i can’t do anything else cept put the anenome right in the pot ::rofl::[/quote]

The sabae anenome must have been reading my mind. its moved around to the back of the pot, 3/4 shaded under the overflow and its sticking tentacles into the pot through the bottom drain hole…
the nem finally “really” ate some mysis today via spot feeding, and the clowns keep going to it and hovering around a bit… then right back to the pot, the anenome must just smell good, because its not giving up any mysis to them…

That is funny. That’s good that the nem is eating maybe the clowns will go there and try to eat while the food is in the nem and decide to stay.

Man John that is a serious lens neat shot!!

almost looks like it ate a clown larvae.

[quote=“reefman66, post:64, topic:5824”]
That is funny. That’s good that the nem is eating maybe the clowns will go there and try to eat while the food is in the nem and decide to stay.[/quote]

I’m gonna keep trying to spot feed their food right into the nem and keep them interested.

[quote=“billrob71, post:65, topic:5824”]
Man John that is a serious lens neat shot!![/quote]

thanks Bill, but the nice thing about this tank is that everything is only about 6 - 8’’ from the front glass… its deceiving from the pics… its so easy to photograph this compared to bigger tanks… that was my regular kit lens

Here’s a pic i just got before “lights on time” so i had to use the flash…

i wanted to show you guys how hard this nem is trying to make friends!

Great shots John, it looks like the nem wants inside the pot. LOL :Welcome)

Thanks again John ::thumbsup::
The tank is doing ok. Before I re-did the tank (cleaned, aquascaped and added the clown pair) the tank had zero nitrates. After a week or so after the redo the nitrates rose to 10-20…
So i cleaned the sump out, this was after i grabbed a piece of rock from the fuge only to realize it caused a shit storm in the display… i guess an inch of crud under the blanket of macro shoulda been cleaned FIRST!
Well the next day when i tested the nitrates the results said “instant fruit punch” verdict_in
I did a large w/c immediately with 20g of sw that I had on stand-by.
They dropped to 60, and have been steady dropping for the past two weeks. All the livestock is doing well, and i actually resuced a dying frag of blastos from the big tank, and they’ve doubled in size in 10 days.
The tank pretty much went through a cycle again, i have hair algae (A’s favorite), brown, and the bright green stuff. I had the small “lice” pods all over the glass today in the DT, and i saw several mysid shrimp crawling around in the fuge as well… so life is happening… good signs
its just about time to put some more frags in, maybe in a week or so i’ll put some sps in there.
as long as i’m still seeing those nitrates dropping more.

“i have hair algae (A’s favorite)” ::rofl:: ::rofl::

Keep up the good work. Hope it’ll turn around for you soon. please keep us posted.

Sorry, no new pics in awhile… the algae phases are just tooo yuck to even crack out the camera verdict_in
nothing crazy, just some normal unsightly brown, and HA… but its diminishing more as the nitrates drop… (they’re at 20ppm now) .
the emerald crab just shed for the 2nd time and it looks pretty big from the peek i just got… like a fifty cent piece size…
the two lps coral i have in there are doing great (bubble and blasto’s) and the hippo clam and a few softies are looking happy as well… Lots of life (pods) in the fuge… and the sabae anenome is sloooowly looking better and the clowns still seem very interested, although its 75% hidden from view behind their flower pot…
The GBTA i got from Tim was doing just fine for awhile, but it didn’t look so hot yesterday, and this morning when the lights came on it was definitely apparent he sold me a defective anenome… :-(" the damn thing just broke in half ::rofl::
seriously, now i have two gbta’s already

I’ve been stuck in the house lately (alternator went in the van, not getting fixed til the weekend) :-("
…so I figured i’d do a video update also… HB inspired me, although i have more algae than sps right now ::rofl::

Cool!!! Great home for those clownies.

I have to get me one of those cameras with the music built in it. ::rofl::

Looking great John!

hahaha thanks John, and Bill… it’s a good start i think, and i’m testing and babysitting it with full attention. I’m planning on having some nice sps, hopefully acro success with this setup… we’ll see how i do ::thinking::

i still haven’t seen the life i’d like in the sandbed, i think i should be seeing some worm trails at least. maybe i should get a couple spoonfuls of sand from a couple tanks with dsb’s to help seed me? If you guys think it would help any volunteers for a bit o’ sand brought to the meeting would be great.

And… i finally caught a pic of the emerald crab out in the open after his 2nd shedding… it’s at least doubled in size after each of its 2 molts.pretty much grown 500% in a month and 1/2…
It’s one hell of a hair algae consumer, but i gotta say it’s size is already pretty intimidating
at least the big old hippo clam is there for size reference. Is it normal for these to grow so fast? Or is my algae farm just fattening him up too quick?

Nitrates still dropping, some worms are visible in the sandbed now. Everything seems happy, and the female clown is spending half her time over the sebae anenome. She’s always rubbing up against it with a fin or her tail, but no full out “dive in and snuggle” … yet…

In the past couple days she’s been going up to it, quite a few times a day and “sucking” on a tentacle (the male has done it a couple of times as well)
I caught her in the act and rattled off 20 pics in a row. Here’s a series of pics that took about 2 secs in actual time

and some more random shots…

YahoO GolfC BoNg :BEER

Very cool pics!!!

Thanks guys ::thumbsup::