Rosti's Coral Reef Ecosystem

Oh yea, and this is what happens when angel decides to eat all Zoanthus in tank, note clean plug in video on right side, lower area. It only took him 3 weeks to wipe it out.

Have you research as to why it does that? and for the specific specie what is its diet? I’m sure no more zoa for you for a while huh.

Baby mysis shrimp under “adult supervision”

refugium life, sand bed critters

looks like you have lotsa life down there. i need something like that.

love taking pics

OW!!! Those look nice!

[quote=“Rosti, post:185, topic:2892”]
love taking pics[/quote]

Ditto, hard drives filling up, but my tank isn’t looking at nice as yours is so I’m not sharing, lol. Seriously looking real good Rosti. Hard to believe a little over a year ago that tank was pretty barren and empty.

Going to start running out of space even if you don’t buy any more corals. Healthy animals won’t stop growing. Have plans to add a frag rack or a frag tank? My stony display system still has frag racks in them because I don’t yet have the space for a separate tank. Just curious if you’ve thought that far ahead yet.

Keep up the good work, keep sharing.

small clip of live in upper layer of sand bed, don’t worry ::thinking:: i am working on my movie shooting skills.

I posted this clips on Ron Shimeks forum hoping for ID

That female anthias is looking good.

Good video of you’re shrimp at work. Have you found out what kind it is yet?

[quote=“JustSumGuy, post:190, topic:2892”]
That female anthias is looking good.

Good video of you’re shrimp at work. Have you found out what kind it is yet?[/quote]
Thx, I posted on Ron Shimeks forum for ID, possibly baby mantis??? ::thinking:: >LOCO<

Last one for today, I was doing WC and wife asked what is that in refugium. I grabbed camera and here it is, I never seeing it before. Shrimp of some sort?

it’s over 1.5 inch long! big one.

Note how this shrimp actively searches through sand bed in refugium (miracle mud), it’s a bad sign for sand bed creatures. So I removed him into display, Angel is VERY interested.

That is cool looking critter in that sand bed. It does look like baby mantis shrimp to me too.

[quote=“reefman66, post:193, topic:2892”]
That is cool looking critter in that sand bed. It does look like baby mantis shrimp to me too.[/quote]
Thats crazy, hope to know tomorrow

Now, will you ever see anything like this in BB tank, NEVER!!!

WOAH, isolate, identify, and then decide if it gets flushed or back into the tank. Most animals like this can survive in a dixi cup of water for a long time. Honestly that doesn’t look good to me Rosti and I’ve seen a lot of different animals. It remotely looks like a parasitic isopod, most I’ve come into contact with are round and more flat. It is not a mysid shrimp and don’t really think it is a shrimp at all.

Took a look at the last video you posted, much better image it does now look more like a shrimp. Could perhaps be a shore shrimp or what many my call grass shrimp or glass shrimp. Purchase anything recently?

Often a good idea to catch it until you get a good ID, which isn’t always easy to do. Probably best to take pics and video as you did then isolate and identify. Good luck with the ID.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:195, topic:2892”]
WOAH, isolate, identify, and then decide if it gets flushed or back into the tank. Most animals like this can survive in a dixi cup of water for a long time. Honestly that doesn’t look good to me Rosti and I’ve seen a lot of different animals. It remotely looks like a parasitic isopod, most I’ve come into contact with are round and more flat. It is not a mysid shrimp and don’t really think it is a shrimp at all.

Try to catch it until you get a good ID. [/quote]

It’s 1-2 mm in length, I can’t even find it again in sand bed. I am NOT worried at all, probably because I don’t know much about it. LOL

Wait I’m confused are those two different animals?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:197, topic:2892”]
Wait I’m confused are those two different animals? [/quote]

Ok certainly two different animals. The one is a common shore shrimp. Likely came into a LFS in the area and was sold to you. Many hobbyist feed predators glass shrimp and locals sell these guys to stores as a poor cheap replacement. If you haven’t bought anything in months… well it very easily could have been in the larval stage hiding inside a coral and matured in your aquarium. This would likely be testament to a well rounded healthy, bio-diverse aquarium. Most shrimp that are born in captivity don’t make it to maturity or near that large.

The other I really don’t know on. Almost looks as if it has raptorial appendages like some mantis, but I can’t tell. Could be a mini mantis, but would be a stabber not a smasher.(two groups of mantis one pokes prey with a spear one smashes them to death) A mini pistol that lost it’s pistol? Hopefully isn’t a bad type of isopod, but that is one diverse group of animals with many genus.(some host in fish, some in shrimp, others in other stuff)

Did you post in Ron’s forum on Marine Depot?

Best of luck with the ID with the experts. Some people do nothing but sort threw sand for a living stairing at critters like this.